Out of Order?

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Posts: 1240
Character name: Rhaena
Location: London

Out of Order?

Post by Rhaena » 23 Nov 2006, 13:38

The other day I was happily grinding the pirates along the coast of Tanaris, and in front of me surrounded by pirates I saw a chest. "Woo!" thought I, but then I noticed an orcish warrior also heading his way through the pirates towards the chest! A race was on. He was most of the way through his pirate, and there was one between me and the chest! Oh noes!

I hit stealth, fearful that the orc would kill me while I was preoccupied by the last pirate, and I waited for the orc to kill his pirate and the one I had left. The orc then started to open the chest which was when I slid out of the shadows and butchered him, I then looted the chest for myself and went on my way.

Would you consider this behaviour out of order? It was a split second decision and I decided that IC Azyrae would not allow an enemy to take the loot and would kill him and take it for herself. But OOC I felt a little guilty - he got to the chest first and I not only stole it, but murdered him for it as well.

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Post by Alikh » 23 Nov 2006, 17:04

Not considering the fact that hardly anything useful is contained within those chests anyway, I'd say it's completely justifiable IC.
I'd say it would even be justifiable IC if the other person was of the same faction and you play an evil greedy rogue, but sadly you can't kill the same faction. :P


Post by Tseng » 24 Nov 2006, 00:10

Hey, if it's something Azyrae would've done IC, then it's perfectly fine by me. No-one has an ultimate claim to a chest, and as the Alliance and the Horde are warring factions, your killing him stands for two reasons. Nothing wrong with what you did whatsoever :)

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Post by Grim » 24 Nov 2006, 00:39

Would your orc let a flappy take a chest? :wink:
Tryxie Togglesprocket - Grimbol Gruffbeard - Leomir of Eastvale - Zizzle Zingbolt - Elura Starfall

Posts: 1240
Character name: Rhaena
Location: London

Post by Rhaena » 24 Nov 2006, 11:14

My orc would not but I as my orc would have the same dilemna.

If the other player was the same faction as me then I would have probably allowed him to grab the chest, or as we arrived at the same time at least asked him to /roll for it (even though this usually ends up with them ignoring me and taking it anyway).

Maybe I just worry too much about where that line between the 'fun for all' policy that I have and Azyrae's IC reasoning is.


Post by Tseng » 24 Nov 2006, 19:31

You do worry too much, now stop worrying and just be hot! :D

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