Some fun rp on startegy game

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Some fun rp on startegy game

Post by Rezag » 14 Jul 2008, 09:52

Dont know if anyone else here plays or has played Europa universalis serie here some fun rp stuff on eu3&new expansion link just something I picked up again while trying to find the spark for wow again :).

And yes it is rezag there too if someone wonders.

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Post by Pyx » 14 Jul 2008, 10:14

Cool! First I thought you were Spacehamster - oh dear - but then I noticed your name in the list :lol:

I have dabbled a bit with Europe Universalis in the past, but this great game never got the time from me that it justly deserved. Who knows, maybe you sparkled my attention as well :wink:

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Post by Alikh » 14 Jul 2008, 11:59

EU is a nice game, have played it in the past as well. That RP bit is also nice, makes me think of the game some friends play now and then where they make a map and a campaign and then you are supposed to make alliances and war with other nations on the map, where you have hidden objectives to make. The only tool you have is the map and your own wits to try to make deals with countries and backstabbing where necessary.
It's like tabletop rpg a la diplomacy.

At the moment however, the gametime I spend is dedicated to GRID (racegame), fable (tlc), evil genius, soon mass effect, a bit of rainbow six vegas 2. I play about as much wow as AoC currently.

About fable, I tried it since I heard about fable 2 coming up. I must say it is a great game that reminds me of zelda (but better than zelda) and the graphics is very reminiscent to the way lionhead made black&white e.g.
It's also meant for mature people, contrary to how it looks. It's only slightly less cartoony than zelda, so you'd think it's a game for kids which it's not. It has an 18+ rating M for mature.
Some of the stuff you can do is e.g. marry and have a house and stuff. In fable 2 you can probably even have kids (originally planned for fable: tlc). A bit odd for a game like that to be supported, but the level of freedom is nice.
I'd advise you to check fable out. You might like it.

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Post by Jaera » 14 Jul 2008, 15:23

fable is sweet. so is grid. mass effect i haven't managed to get into yet.

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Post by Rhaena » 14 Jul 2008, 15:56

I couldn't get in to Fable, but I'm going to try again with Fable 2 as it's sounding pretty good.

GRID is that good?? I'm going to buy it on my way home.
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Post by Alikh » 14 Jul 2008, 16:01

I like Grid, it has great graphics and drives well. You can even drive Le Mans 24 hour (every hour is one minute, so 24 minutes race).

Oh, and you can get a bonus car by browsing to the game page on They inadvertently put the code in plain view even if you don't buy it with them :P.

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Post by Jaera » 14 Jul 2008, 16:06

Kolos wrote:I like Grid, it has great graphics and drives well. You can even drive Le Mans 24 hour (every hour is one minute, so 24 minutes race).

Oh, and you can get a bonus car by browsing to the game page on They inadvertently put the code in plain view even if you don't buy it with them :P.
you can make it last the whole 24 hours too.

oh and destruction derby rocks :)

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Post by Rhaena » 18 Jul 2008, 12:51

GRID is sweet.

That is all.
You no take candle!

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