WotLK - no need for 25-mans anymore...YAY!

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Posts: 4056
Character name: Zarhan

WotLK - no need for 25-mans anymore...YAY!

Post by Zarhan » 09 May 2008, 17:23

Already made known in Officer's forum (thanks Pyx), but this is such great news that it should be shared for all.
All for Ten and Ten for All!

The major announcement is one that should please anyone who doesn't have the means to be a part of an organized raiding guild, but still wants to experience endgame content. All raid dungeons in Wrath of the Lich King will have both 10-person and 25-person versions. So at level 80, every major encounter and every big boss fight can be experienced with a group of 10.
So, come WotLK, it's 10-mans all the way to Lich King! Means we can go and say hail to the king, babies!

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Posts: 4910
Character name: Jaera
Location: UK

Post by Jaera » 09 May 2008, 19:05

nice one indeed

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