[RG2] Kateon, Fury warrior
Posted: 13 May 2018, 21:44
Who is your character?
Kateon. Fury warrior.
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... ood/kateon
WoWprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... ood/Kateon
Who are you?
My name is Henrik. I'm 22 years old and I live in Sweden.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Short version at end of section!
I started raiding casually in TBC, but it was during Cataclysm Firelands I started doing heroic content and strive for progress. At that time I played mostly resto druid but also boomkin when the guild needed more dps and less heals. We sadly never managed to kill Ragnaros on Heroic, but got the rest at least.
When Dragon Soul came the guild had gone from small to smaller, and The Venture Co (server) was low and we didn't recruit many new people. This led to that I played resto/balance 50% each during the first half of progress through Dragon Soul, and balance/feral cat-tank during the rest and eventually the Deathing Heroic kill. We did it before MoP launch, but not pre-nerf.
When MoP launched I took a short break, and came back when Throne of Thunder was current content. I eventually started doing Throne of Thunder Heroic and managed to kill 11/13 heroic, when the guild I was in at the time disbanded because of internal drama. My ''main'' specc during this period was fury, but because of similar issues as previous expansion, I went tanking most of the time.
When the guild disbanded and Siege of Orgimmar launched, I applied to The Raven Council RG1 and got accepted. I raided with RG1 until Garrosh Mythic when personal problems of which I rather not discuss here, made me disappear kind of suddenly. I returned briefly when Dreanor was launched but stopped before doing any major progress in Highmaul. During all of this time in The Raven Council I have played fury warrior full time.
Short version, kills made when it was current content.
Played as a Mage:
Naxxramas 10 man, 15/15.
The Eye of Eternity 10 man, 1/1.
Ulduar 10 man, 13/14. 25 man, 8/14.
Onyxia 10+25 man, 1/1.
Trail of the Crusader normal 10 man, 5/5. 25 man 5/5.
Trail of the Grand Crusader (heroic) 10 man, 2/5.
Icecrown Citadel normal 10+25 man, 11/12.
Played as druid, healer/dps/tank:
Firelands Heroic 10 man, 6/7.
Dragon Soul Heroic 10 man, 8/8.
Played as warrior, tank/dps:
Throne of Thunder Heroic 10 man, 11/13.
Siege of Orgrimmar Mythic, 13/14.
Highmaul Mythic, 2/7.
Raid Role
I do damage, and everything else that is required of me, minor and major tasks. I have no real experience in raid leading, only from leading pugs and casual raids.
My raid preparation is pretty standard, learn the tactics by watching videos and reading about the encounters and/or single mechanics. Bring potion/flask/food and anything else that might be needed for specific situations.
Warcraftlogs is a good tool to examine performance, and comparing with others. Mmo-champion are quick regarding game updates and patch changes. Their discussion forum is also great for reading up and finding new ways to do/think about things. Icy-veins is the go to choice in situations like I am now, needing a quick update with broad rules just to get back in the game. It also has good encounter information.
Your Spec
Fury warrior ''rotation'' is all about keeping Enrage up while minimising the time with a 100 Rage and keeping Frothering Bersker up. The moment Enrage expires or you are at a 100 Rage, use Rampage. If you can use Rampage (cost 85 Rage), but still have enough time left on Enrage, use Bloodthirst if not on CD, otherwise use Raging Blow and use Rampage when you reach a 100 Rage.
If you do not have enough Rage to use Rampage, use Bloodthirst and pray for a Critical Hit. If you didn't Crit, and still doesn't have enough Rage for Rampage, use Furious Slash and try not to embarrass yourself too much.
I have left out many abilities on purpose to make this a bit shorter.
To have a reliable flow of Rage to maximise Enrage and Frothering Berserker uptime, you need enough Haste to get an extra GCD between the Bloodthirst CD.
When you have reached that amount of Haste you should try to maximise Mastery in order to increase damage done while Enraged.
Critical Strike and Versatility are both non priority stats.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm very comfortable playing all roles on my warrior, but the gear is not up to date. The priority is to improve my fury gear and when I feel like it's good enough I'll put some effort into protection gear.
I really enjoy healing on my druid and would love to gear it up, but it's not even 110 so that will be a later project.
I'm much more relaxed when talking in a mic then writing. Speaking with voice chat is generally better in my opinion.
I am not much of a writer on forums, but I do read anything that might be useful/required.
My battle tag is: Lusse#1717
Combat Logs
After a chat with Cheyenneh we decided that logs can be examined during an eventual trial.
Your UI
Note that I forgot to use the party window, but it's supposed to be in the left set corner, over the chatbox.
Otherwise trying to keep it simple both for myself and for my poor computer.
Guild History
I joined Veneficus Ex on The Venture Co early Firelands and had my place there til 1 month in Throne of Thunders in MoP. I left because of wiping on Horridon for 3 weeks straight on normal, and no wish to improve or change anything within the guild/raid.
At that point me, Katie and Keon (Katie=Anyana/Katrixia, Keon=Youshi) made The Yawning Dragon on Defias Brotherhood and it eventually disbanded because of internal drama. All 3 of us applied to The Raven Council and raided with RG1.
I am already a guild member but would like to join RG2.
Raid availability
Normally I can make all the raiding days, during holidays there are of course exceptions.
Jimmble, help me.
About you
Normal guy, I live with my dog in Stockholm. Studying stuff at university but getting boring so don't know what to do next semester. I like discussions about anything, and drama is very juicy.
Kateon. Fury warrior.
Armory: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... ood/kateon
WoWprogress: https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... ood/Kateon
Who are you?
My name is Henrik. I'm 22 years old and I live in Sweden.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Short version at end of section!
I started raiding casually in TBC, but it was during Cataclysm Firelands I started doing heroic content and strive for progress. At that time I played mostly resto druid but also boomkin when the guild needed more dps and less heals. We sadly never managed to kill Ragnaros on Heroic, but got the rest at least.
When Dragon Soul came the guild had gone from small to smaller, and The Venture Co (server) was low and we didn't recruit many new people. This led to that I played resto/balance 50% each during the first half of progress through Dragon Soul, and balance/feral cat-tank during the rest and eventually the Deathing Heroic kill. We did it before MoP launch, but not pre-nerf.
When MoP launched I took a short break, and came back when Throne of Thunder was current content. I eventually started doing Throne of Thunder Heroic and managed to kill 11/13 heroic, when the guild I was in at the time disbanded because of internal drama. My ''main'' specc during this period was fury, but because of similar issues as previous expansion, I went tanking most of the time.
When the guild disbanded and Siege of Orgimmar launched, I applied to The Raven Council RG1 and got accepted. I raided with RG1 until Garrosh Mythic when personal problems of which I rather not discuss here, made me disappear kind of suddenly. I returned briefly when Dreanor was launched but stopped before doing any major progress in Highmaul. During all of this time in The Raven Council I have played fury warrior full time.
Short version, kills made when it was current content.
Played as a Mage:
Naxxramas 10 man, 15/15.
The Eye of Eternity 10 man, 1/1.
Ulduar 10 man, 13/14. 25 man, 8/14.
Onyxia 10+25 man, 1/1.
Trail of the Crusader normal 10 man, 5/5. 25 man 5/5.
Trail of the Grand Crusader (heroic) 10 man, 2/5.
Icecrown Citadel normal 10+25 man, 11/12.
Played as druid, healer/dps/tank:
Firelands Heroic 10 man, 6/7.
Dragon Soul Heroic 10 man, 8/8.
Played as warrior, tank/dps:
Throne of Thunder Heroic 10 man, 11/13.
Siege of Orgrimmar Mythic, 13/14.
Highmaul Mythic, 2/7.
Raid Role
I do damage, and everything else that is required of me, minor and major tasks. I have no real experience in raid leading, only from leading pugs and casual raids.
My raid preparation is pretty standard, learn the tactics by watching videos and reading about the encounters and/or single mechanics. Bring potion/flask/food and anything else that might be needed for specific situations.
Warcraftlogs is a good tool to examine performance, and comparing with others. Mmo-champion are quick regarding game updates and patch changes. Their discussion forum is also great for reading up and finding new ways to do/think about things. Icy-veins is the go to choice in situations like I am now, needing a quick update with broad rules just to get back in the game. It also has good encounter information.
Your Spec
Fury warrior ''rotation'' is all about keeping Enrage up while minimising the time with a 100 Rage and keeping Frothering Bersker up. The moment Enrage expires or you are at a 100 Rage, use Rampage. If you can use Rampage (cost 85 Rage), but still have enough time left on Enrage, use Bloodthirst if not on CD, otherwise use Raging Blow and use Rampage when you reach a 100 Rage.
If you do not have enough Rage to use Rampage, use Bloodthirst and pray for a Critical Hit. If you didn't Crit, and still doesn't have enough Rage for Rampage, use Furious Slash and try not to embarrass yourself too much.
I have left out many abilities on purpose to make this a bit shorter.
To have a reliable flow of Rage to maximise Enrage and Frothering Berserker uptime, you need enough Haste to get an extra GCD between the Bloodthirst CD.
When you have reached that amount of Haste you should try to maximise Mastery in order to increase damage done while Enraged.
Critical Strike and Versatility are both non priority stats.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm very comfortable playing all roles on my warrior, but the gear is not up to date. The priority is to improve my fury gear and when I feel like it's good enough I'll put some effort into protection gear.
I really enjoy healing on my druid and would love to gear it up, but it's not even 110 so that will be a later project.
I'm much more relaxed when talking in a mic then writing. Speaking with voice chat is generally better in my opinion.
I am not much of a writer on forums, but I do read anything that might be useful/required.
My battle tag is: Lusse#1717
Combat Logs
After a chat with Cheyenneh we decided that logs can be examined during an eventual trial.
Your UI
Note that I forgot to use the party window, but it's supposed to be in the left set corner, over the chatbox.
Otherwise trying to keep it simple both for myself and for my poor computer.
Guild History
I joined Veneficus Ex on The Venture Co early Firelands and had my place there til 1 month in Throne of Thunders in MoP. I left because of wiping on Horridon for 3 weeks straight on normal, and no wish to improve or change anything within the guild/raid.
At that point me, Katie and Keon (Katie=Anyana/Katrixia, Keon=Youshi) made The Yawning Dragon on Defias Brotherhood and it eventually disbanded because of internal drama. All 3 of us applied to The Raven Council and raided with RG1.
I am already a guild member but would like to join RG2.
Raid availability
Normally I can make all the raiding days, during holidays there are of course exceptions.
Jimmble, help me.
About you
Normal guy, I live with my dog in Stockholm. Studying stuff at university but getting boring so don't know what to do next semester. I like discussions about anything, and drama is very juicy.