[RG2} Xavios - 110 Frost Mage
Posted: 18 Apr 2018, 23:18
Who is your character?
Xavios, Mage, Frost/Arcane, https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... ood/xavios , https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... ood/Xavios
Who are you?
Poseidon, 23 , Greece
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Raid Group 2
I've been playing since TBC when my feet didnt touch the ground while I sat infront of a PC. Mained PvP back then and started raiding when Ulduar was released in WotLK. Have been playing a mage ever since. Tanked a bit with a Tankadin in MoP and as a Prot Warr in WoD. Was always a very casual raider up until Legion where I cleared ToS and Antorus on NM and HC while they were current content.
Raid Role
I am a DPS but I can't hold myself from making call-outs even when I'm not the RL (working on it), I prep by reading guides etc before entering a new raid/boss/tier etc and I judge my performance through guildie feedback and logs. I learn new things from the Internets or w/e young people call it these days (MMO Champion, WoWHead mostly).
Your Spec
I think its 77 or 78 but don't quote me on that cause I stopped keeping track after 75, IV and FO together + icelance after every flurry (I play frost to not think duh) , Versa+Haste and there are no important talent choices tbh as long as you take splitting ice and thermal void.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
My offspec is Arcane but I haven't played it much, I would like to play on my DH from time to time as a DPS cause I find the mobility entertaining
I have a mic and I am completely ok with using Discord/Teamspeak/Vent(oh the good old days) etc. I will check forums when prompted to but not much on my own tbh. Drakor#2158
Combat Logs
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... ood/Xavios
Your UI
I use the default UI loadout + Skada on the bottom right corner (making this on my phone so I can't really take a screenshot you know )
Guild History
TBC - No Hope No Glory ( Either Killrogg or Doomhammer not sure)
WotLK - Can't Remember
Cata/MoP - Elysium Gaming (Twisting Nether/Horde)
WoD - Execution (Frostmane/Alliance) and Elysium Gaming (Twisting Nether/Horde)
Legion - Daydream, SNEK
Raid availability
I can make the Monday raid and 4/5 Wednesdays (depends on work)
Your new recruit Xeero told me about this guild since we both left Daydream after "The Incident". If you need referrals I can ask several players to send you ingame mail.
About you
I like to quote songs and movies when someone says a line from them, I never get angry or keep a grudge, looking for an organized group that is going to push Mythic at some point and I love random trivia.
If I don't make the cut for the raiders I'd like to join for the social part of it anyway.
Xavios, Mage, Frost/Arcane, https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... ood/xavios , https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... ood/Xavios
Who are you?
Poseidon, 23 , Greece
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Raid Group 2
I've been playing since TBC when my feet didnt touch the ground while I sat infront of a PC. Mained PvP back then and started raiding when Ulduar was released in WotLK. Have been playing a mage ever since. Tanked a bit with a Tankadin in MoP and as a Prot Warr in WoD. Was always a very casual raider up until Legion where I cleared ToS and Antorus on NM and HC while they were current content.
Raid Role
I am a DPS but I can't hold myself from making call-outs even when I'm not the RL (working on it), I prep by reading guides etc before entering a new raid/boss/tier etc and I judge my performance through guildie feedback and logs. I learn new things from the Internets or w/e young people call it these days (MMO Champion, WoWHead mostly).
Your Spec
I think its 77 or 78 but don't quote me on that cause I stopped keeping track after 75, IV and FO together + icelance after every flurry (I play frost to not think duh) , Versa+Haste and there are no important talent choices tbh as long as you take splitting ice and thermal void.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
My offspec is Arcane but I haven't played it much, I would like to play on my DH from time to time as a DPS cause I find the mobility entertaining
I have a mic and I am completely ok with using Discord/Teamspeak/Vent(oh the good old days) etc. I will check forums when prompted to but not much on my own tbh. Drakor#2158
Combat Logs
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... ood/Xavios
Your UI
I use the default UI loadout + Skada on the bottom right corner (making this on my phone so I can't really take a screenshot you know )
Guild History
TBC - No Hope No Glory ( Either Killrogg or Doomhammer not sure)
WotLK - Can't Remember
Cata/MoP - Elysium Gaming (Twisting Nether/Horde)
WoD - Execution (Frostmane/Alliance) and Elysium Gaming (Twisting Nether/Horde)
Legion - Daydream, SNEK
Raid availability
I can make the Monday raid and 4/5 Wednesdays (depends on work)
Your new recruit Xeero told me about this guild since we both left Daydream after "The Incident". If you need referrals I can ask several players to send you ingame mail.
About you
I like to quote songs and movies when someone says a line from them, I never get angry or keep a grudge, looking for an organized group that is going to push Mythic at some point and I love random trivia.
If I don't make the cut for the raiders I'd like to join for the social part of it anyway.