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[Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 23 Dec 2017, 23:29
by Darmoore
Who is your character?

Darmoore, Protection/Holy Paladin [iLvl 920-930]

Who are you?

Mark, 21, Great Britain

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

No necessarily applying to join any raid group in particular, I'm looking for an active guild that does raid, so that the opportunity might be available. I will most likely be available on raid days, but I would not like to take up a permanent raid spot during my last year of studies.


I started raiding back in WotLK, However, my gear was disgusting, and I never finished ICC in current content. ToC though, Every week on reset, I loved that raid! In Cata, I briefly took on the role of raid leader through BWD and BoT. We managed to finish BoT in current content and BWD the next patch as we only raided as a guild once a week. Continued to raid all raids in Cata apart from FL. One of my most impressive feats was during heroic Ultraxxion, posing 4th with 40k dps, as a Fury Warrior without weapons... who knew that's what it would take to finally take him down, the attempt before I had fallen, got stuck on the side of the temple and so spent the rest of the encounter using Heroic Throw whenever it was available. A lot of changes happened to the raid team just before MoP, and as a team we flopped, only making 3/6 normal Mogu'shan in current content. As my community stopped playing the game I also quit and came back in Legion. HC Curve in EN, but still yet to find a community I'd like to raid with. I have been a flexible raider running all roles and multiple different classes to fit the team, Protection/ Fury Warrior, Blood/Unholy DK, Holy/Disc Priest, Affli Lock, Protection/Holy Paladin, Resto Shaman and Brewmaster/Mistweaver Monk. However, nowadays I prefer to stay on my Paladin, simply because it feels right.

Raid Role

Not currently in a raid team. Prepare for encounters with research, First, Raid Journal, get an idea of the important poo, then either talk to experienced players or YouTube the encounter by players in top raid guilds like Method. Judging your own performance is easier the more you know about the fight, so if there is ever something I'm not understanding I will ask others, as for methodology, What, When, Where and Why is typically the approach I will take in both a micro and macro perspective, What happens and what do I do when it does happen, when does it happen, where should I be positioned, and why all of this. The why is probably the most important because the analysis element will allow you to look at both efficiency and develop understanding. Reading the patch notes is normally as far as I go aside from talking other players about my class, understanding the class and how it works as well as what stats mean for each spec and their break points should all be anyone needs, the rest is preference and adapting.

Your Spec
[Tell us about your main spec's artifact level, rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities and important talent choices. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
My main spec is Protection, however, my gear is almost abysmal stat wise, so I have swapped to Holy as the stats are actually good for that. (RIP Legendary and beautiful Trinkets). My stat priorities are as follows:
Protection: Haste>Mastery>Crit>Versa
Holy: Mastery>Crit-Versa>Haste

In Protection Talents, I take Blessed Hammer, Crusader's Judgement, Fist of Justice, Cavalier, Hand of the Protector, Aegis of Light and Righteous Protector/Seraphim. Crusader's Judgement a lot of paladins have scoffed at me for, however my reasoning for this talent is my severe lack of haste. Having the 2 stacks of Judgement allows me to further reduce the CD of SOTR, giving me more uptime on that defensive to almost 60% with 16% haste. I lose out on the extra damage of AS and the synergy that has with BoO, but due to my high amounts of mastery SOTR gives me almost 50% Damage reduction and is way more worth while. Aegis of Light I'm flexible with, raiding RaidFinder to find 7 paladins all with JoL, I just took it because it gave a cool looking extra defensive. I swap RP and Sera depending on content. Sera doubles my haste, and I use this typically for questing, but I often take RP for dungeons and raids because of the synergy with my legendary Sauran's Resolve.

In Holy Talents, I take Crusader's Might, Cavalier, Blinding Light, Devotion Aura, Divine Purpose, Judgement of Light and Beacon of the Lightbringer/ Beacon of Virtue. I play a Melee Holy Paladin, using CS to reduce the CD of HS and LoD while constantly applying JoL. Divine Purpose has great synergy with my instant casts and well as those instant casts reducing the cast time or increasing potency on my cast time heals. I do adapt my play style though and swap that out for Bestow Faith in some encounters. BotL and BoV are changeable depending on the encounter. Typically I go with BotL if I cant stand in with the melee and BoV if I can or running dungeons.

[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information? Please also leave your Battle Tag here so that officers can get in touch with you faster if needed.]
I have a microphone and can be vocal if needed. I have never really used forums before but if I get into the habbit I don't see why not. Puddleduck(hashtag)21622

Combat Logs

I have no idea what this is ...

Your UI ... 7XWJ8e43K3
I use Bigwigs instead of DBM, Just preference. I have enlarged Buffs and Debuffs at the top-center of my screen, my preferred way of tracking them, although I do also use WeakAuras. I use Skada and upgraded Blizz UI with standard Raid frames.

Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?] Chronologically: The Dawn Crusaders, Pineapple Pirates, EzPz, Homeland, Immortality. I haven't liked moving around guilds much. The Dawn Crusaders was my first guild, I was promoted to PvP Officer in the guild however the guild was small and on a low population server it unfortunately died near the end of WotLK, I joing Pineapple Pirates straight after, No-one talked and everyone thought they were the best player in the world so I left after a week. EzPz was also a small guild, I was promoted to officer in this guild too and just before Cata hit, EzPz merged with Homeland. I was demoted from officer position in the merge, however was promoted again after I lead the raid team through the first 3 bosses of the expansion. Later stepping down as raid leader I was promoted to PvP leader where I lead a huge 80 man raid on all the horde cities, and lead a few PvP guildies and some Pugs to 1.6k rating RBG in 2 days running much to a raid type schedule. we also had a 3v3 team which reached 1.7k. In MoP a lot of our members left either the guild or the game, the new raid leader was too difficult to work with and interest in PvP had disappeared in the guild. so I quit and rejoined in Legion, joining a friend in Immortality, however the guild does nothing at them moment, it just exists, and that's why I'm looking to move, to find a community and active people to at least talk to and befriend, and possibly join them on their raiding adventures.

[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
I'll looked in the who tab in Dalaran, and saw 5 or 6 people from TRC, and max 2 from other guild, so then I spoke to Fahranya and asked a few questions about the guild as well as scouting some others to see which I thought I'd prefer to join.

About you

I'm a nice guy, I'm sure we'll get along!


One of my favourite things I've done in WoW is play PvP Disc Priest on the Tournament Realms, Where I reached 1.9k as Disc/Sub in 2s and Disc/Sub/MM in 3s. But I enjoy all of WoW except repeating leveling content.


Gnomes are misunderstood, I used to run Gnome Warrior, Gnome Warlock and Gnome DK. The only reason we play PvP as Gnome is because its really hard for clumsy Horde to click target you as your much too small and nimble. In PvE though, it's just so you can make that cocky humans smile fall from their face as someone a third of their size destroys them on the damage meter.

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 23 Dec 2017, 23:31
by Darmoore
Also my reference is on another realm, if you message me I can provide her ID but its her ID so I wont post on a forum, sorry!

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 00:18
by loshmi
Hey, you forgot to add link to your armory and also you dont need to give ID just name of charr.

Cheers and gl with apply

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 00:40
by Darmoore
Oops. Thanks. I have not yet been raiding this expansion on this character other than LFR. ... n/darmoore

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 00:41
by Darmoore
Reference: Tegaela

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 06:15
by Cecîl
Thank you for your application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 12:54
by Nikki
Hi :)
Could you clear something up, are you applying as social, hoping to be able to come along on raids sometimes, or are you applying as raider, who cant commit 100% to all raids, who is looking for a socially active guild?

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 24 Dec 2017, 18:19
by Darmoore
Hi, I would say probably the second. I would class myself as a Social Raider. Sorry if that wasn't clear I hope this helped

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 26 Dec 2017, 18:30
by Xanthi
Your application for social has been approved, we will try to see about the raiding part in future, you can whisper an officer for a ginvite.

Re: [Application] Darmoore, Lvl 110 Paladin

Posted: 27 Dec 2017, 23:37
by Cecîl