[RG1] Eowyn, Shadow Priest
Posted: 26 Sep 2017, 19:27
Who is your character?
Eðwyn, Shadow Priest
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... E%C3%B0wyn
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... e%C3%B0wyn
Who are you?
My name is Angelos. I'm 25 years old and I come from Greece.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I've been playing since 2005-06 and started raiding during TBC.
TBC as a Holy Priest: Kara, Magtheridon, Gruul, Tempest Keep (Void Reaver,Solarian), Zul'Aman
WotLK as a Holy Paladin: Naxx 10 & 25, Sartharion 10 & 25, Malygos 10 & 25, ICC 10 (Normal clear)
Cataclysm as a Holy Paladin: BWD (Normal clear, HC Atramedes & Chimaeron), BoT (Normal clear and HC except
Cho'gall, Sinestra),TotFW (Normal clear, HC first boss), Firelands (Normal clear)
Pandaria as a Holy Paladin: SoO (Normal clear, HC 9/14)
WoD as a Holy & Disc Priest: Highmaul (2/7M), Blackrock Foundry (10/10M), Hellfire Citadel (13/13M ,realm 2nd)
Legion as a Holy & Disc Priest: EN (7/7M), ToV (3/3M), NH (10/10M), ToS (5/9M)
Raid Role
I stay up to day through different forums like howtopriest.com or youtube when available. I also keep track of the top shadowpriests through armory and warcraft logs, checkin on their choices in different fights. I also use warcraft logs and compare my performance with top priests in order to improve.
Your Spec
The talent build is pretty standard for shadow priests at the moment,you can take a loot at it in my armory page. As for stat priority it's haste>>crit>mastery>=vers up to around 12k haste.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
A mentioned above I've been playing holy and disc to that point and changed to shadow pretty recently because I find it to be more fun. So I have gear and can play any of the three priest specs the only down side of the healer specs is that they are behind on artifact level.
As for alts, the only worth mentioning is my DK which I mostly do M+.
I do have a working microphone and can use it during encounters if needed.
Battletag : philby#2452
Combat Logs
As I've said I used to play a healer in my previous guild so I don't have some proper logs besides these from hc ToS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 2050957/13#
Your UI
Guild History
For 2 years I've been playing in Animosity. The guild decided to quit raiding so some of the members and officers moved to Ravencrest to reform the guild. I didn't really want to move server so I've been looking for a guild in Defias.
Raid availability
The only issue with the raid days is Tuesday. Because of other commitments I can be at least 1h late and cant change it for the time being.
As mentioned above I've been looking for a guild in Defias to keep raiding. To be honest I wasn't thinking of applying to you because of that Tuesday issue until I talked with Bowick who told me to apply anyway. I also know one little gnome that is currently in your guild, named Gombado, from the Animosity days .
About you
I am a chemistry student, soon to graduate and start my master's in atmospheric chemistry. Besides WoW I sometimes play League of Legends and CS:GO with friends.
Eðwyn, Shadow Priest
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... E%C3%B0wyn
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... e%C3%B0wyn
Who are you?
My name is Angelos. I'm 25 years old and I come from Greece.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I've been playing since 2005-06 and started raiding during TBC.
TBC as a Holy Priest: Kara, Magtheridon, Gruul, Tempest Keep (Void Reaver,Solarian), Zul'Aman
WotLK as a Holy Paladin: Naxx 10 & 25, Sartharion 10 & 25, Malygos 10 & 25, ICC 10 (Normal clear)
Cataclysm as a Holy Paladin: BWD (Normal clear, HC Atramedes & Chimaeron), BoT (Normal clear and HC except
Cho'gall, Sinestra),TotFW (Normal clear, HC first boss), Firelands (Normal clear)
Pandaria as a Holy Paladin: SoO (Normal clear, HC 9/14)
WoD as a Holy & Disc Priest: Highmaul (2/7M), Blackrock Foundry (10/10M), Hellfire Citadel (13/13M ,realm 2nd)
Legion as a Holy & Disc Priest: EN (7/7M), ToV (3/3M), NH (10/10M), ToS (5/9M)
Raid Role
I stay up to day through different forums like howtopriest.com or youtube when available. I also keep track of the top shadowpriests through armory and warcraft logs, checkin on their choices in different fights. I also use warcraft logs and compare my performance with top priests in order to improve.
Your Spec
The talent build is pretty standard for shadow priests at the moment,you can take a loot at it in my armory page. As for stat priority it's haste>>crit>mastery>=vers up to around 12k haste.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
A mentioned above I've been playing holy and disc to that point and changed to shadow pretty recently because I find it to be more fun. So I have gear and can play any of the three priest specs the only down side of the healer specs is that they are behind on artifact level.
As for alts, the only worth mentioning is my DK which I mostly do M+.
I do have a working microphone and can use it during encounters if needed.
Battletag : philby#2452
Combat Logs
As I've said I used to play a healer in my previous guild so I don't have some proper logs besides these from hc ToS: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 2050957/13#
Your UI
Guild History
For 2 years I've been playing in Animosity. The guild decided to quit raiding so some of the members and officers moved to Ravencrest to reform the guild. I didn't really want to move server so I've been looking for a guild in Defias.
Raid availability
The only issue with the raid days is Tuesday. Because of other commitments I can be at least 1h late and cant change it for the time being.
As mentioned above I've been looking for a guild in Defias to keep raiding. To be honest I wasn't thinking of applying to you because of that Tuesday issue until I talked with Bowick who told me to apply anyway. I also know one little gnome that is currently in your guild, named Gombado, from the Animosity days .
About you
I am a chemistry student, soon to graduate and start my master's in atmospheric chemistry. Besides WoW I sometimes play League of Legends and CS:GO with friends.