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shaks application

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 22:06
by shakspear
Who is your character?
Shakspear - ... /Shakspear

Who are you?
names Nathan, 27 from England but live in Scotland. profession - British royal marine.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
whatever one I'm needed in. ill leave that up to lilian and the guys.

Played since vanilla and raided mythic the last 3/4 expansions. more recently I was raiding with a lot of your guild inc lilian and maymay and haimi ect. in hc nh and mythic nh. now I'm currently just starting mythic tos but have been convinced to come here.

Raid Role
DPS Specc mainly destroy/affi. I use Warcraft logs to keep me up to date with any mistakes I make and improvements I can make. I see my self as the hard edge in the team I like to keep things straight and simple. but I also like bringing people in together and getting stuff done. I run a lot of m+ in my spare time to gear new people and test people. e.g boosting agonyflame hey buddy :)

Your Spec
main specc destroy 59 traits. affi 55 traits. 945 destroy - 940 affi

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I currently raid as both destroy and affi and am capable of +19 as both speccs. I also have a 930 ilvl resto shammy ive started mythic raiding on also. and I do abit of tanking on the dk on the side.

I have comms and don't mind talking as the boys will vouch for me

Combat Logs ... /shakspear

Your UI
rather not

Guild History
Haze. not enough people for a solid mythic team, so joining u guys with a few old friends.

Raid availability
I'm fine with raid days, I'm in the military so time isn't an issue, but if I'm deployed I wont make it but I can inform u if that happens and when.

I know a lot of your guild

About you
lilian likes my teeth and wants my babies. so does maymay I suspect also.

I'm coming with my mates as discussed so if u accept me its also on the basis of them.

Re: shaks application

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 22:15
by Maymays
About you
lilian likes my teeth and wants my babies. so does maymay I suspect also.
Can confirm the second bit.

Re: shaks application

Posted: 23 Aug 2017, 22:20
by Brelyna

Cheers for your application, give us some time to review it and we'll give you the news as soon as possible.

P.S: I'd stay away from those two if I were you.

Re: shaks application

Posted: 22 Sep 2017, 17:46
by Bowick
Forum cleanup Panda activated.