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[Social] Shiqi - 110 Hunter

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 13:05
by Shiqi
Character: Shiqi, 110 Night Elf Hunter - basically, the only character I have played (on and off) since Vanilla!

Who am I: I am Darren, from the UK. Work at a University in London.

Activity in WoW: mostly casual dungeons/raids. Less PvP than I used to, as I just find it quite frustrating these days.

Guild history: I actually transferred to this server from Frostwhisper in order to play on a more balanced and mature server, but was once in the top raiding guild on the server I started on in Vanilla/TBC/WoTLK called Solid - back when I played FAR too much WoW than I should. Character was originally called "Shinigami", as at the time I loved the manga Death Note.

References: Actually, none at all! I just saw people from this guild posting on the official server forum, and the guild sounded both very unique and active (I originally joined a social guild when I transferred, that has unfortunately ended up dead). Wanting to join just to be part of a large, friendly guild, and experience that MMO feeling of WoW again.

About me: As I said above - I was once a very hardcore raider, raiding almost every day from Vanilla to WoTLK, and have various proud achievements and memories in WoW. Still loving my Rhok'delar, even if it's looking a little old these days!

One of our Main Tanks used to be a Gnome - so I am rather fond of them :)

Re: [Social] Shiqi - 110 Hunter

Posted: 11 Jul 2017, 13:28
by Jimmble
Thank you for your application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Shiqi - 110 Hunter

Posted: 12 Jul 2017, 15:43
by Cecîl
Your application has been accepted. Please poke an officer for guild invite.

Re: [Social] Shiqi - 110 Hunter

Posted: 12 Jul 2017, 18:05
by Cecîl