Who is your character?
My charachter name is Tudum, class Paladin, spec Holy main and Tank off spec.
https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-gb/chara ... hood/tudum
https://www.wowprogress.com/character/e ... hood/Tudum
Who are you?
My name is Davor, comming from Croatia, 34 years old, and work as Senior System Engineer.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I am applying RG2, it is suited better for my work scheudle and mainly because of lack of raiding XP in last 3 expansions.
Vanilla :
I am an old DB-er, played in Destined for Glory first then the we made a new guild Elysium.
With Elysium we did all the content server first, was a part of the core raid group, class officer for some time, we raided 6 days a week, played resto druid named Kifla.
Was tired of HC raiding as it is quite demanding and wanted to play with my RL friends, I have quit Elysium and joined my friends in Keepers of Mrakness in hope that we make a solid raiding group. This did not work out as expected, core group left Keepers of Mrakness and with another small guild we formed Animosity, I see they are one of the top guild on the server at the moment.
Cleared all TBC contect with Animosity, with flying colors, played Feral Druid Kifla at that time.
Lich King :
My RL friends and me decided to reroll horde on Korgall. Firstly was in Suza u oku guild, we did okay, and then we again made new guild with another small one, called Warpath and we cleared whole Lich King content with flying colors. I have played hunter named Shiksa back then.
Cataclysm :
Again we rerolled horde on Maelstorm, made a small guild and was doing quite well, played Resto shaman named Chotan.
Pandaria :
Had a big break from wow, joined late in the expansion, played only PVP, spent my days on the wall queing for BG-s and arenas, that was the most boring wow time, for me, ever. Played Mistweaver monk named Shufla.
Draenor :
After big break, joined late in explansion, played a bit of Alliance and a bit of Horde, mostly PVP.
Legion :
Started form the begining of expansion, playing paladin named Tudum. In the start I searched for a good guild which we can join as social, my friends and me, since we did not have proper raiding XP from last 3 expansions and as social we could work our way up. Found you guys, was very happy you are still alive, since I know you from vanilla days. My friends, Inenamm, Sesmis, Smigl and Nisamja joined you after I joined. We played mostily pug, have managed to pug the Curve on Xavius in early days of exp, then was frustrated of playing pug WoW and had a break, starting when Trial of Valor came out, week before maybe. Came back some 2 weeks ago and have build up my ilvl from 871 to 906 and working on it still. My raid xp in legion is playing with pug, which get quite frustrating and kills the will to play the game, hence the apply for RG team.
Raid Role
As Holy pala my primary raid role is healing Holy pala excel at single target healing, as tank healers, with help on raid when needed, something which I have not experienced in playing with pug. My primary source of information is Icy veins, wow class forums and armory of skilled players.
Your Spec
As I just came back to wow 2 weeks ago, as you imagine I lacked AP and the new skills, managed to work this out as best as I can and got to lvl 52, first concordance lvl. Stats priorty for Holy pala are Intellect > Crit > Mastery > Versatility > Haste. Managed to get to 48% crit and 38% mastery unbuffed. I completley follow the Icy veins guide in regards to the talents for Raid healing and Mythic + content and so far it is working preety good.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have a tank off spec, but are only using it for questing and normal dungeons, so for now it is not relevant, in the future the plan is to develop it more.
At the moment I do not have a working mic, will get one in the next couple of days. Have have no problem communicating during the encounters but I am not the most talkative person. I use the forums regulary.
Combat Logs
Now in this apartment I completley lack XP, my last proper raiding XP was in Lich King and somewhat in Cataclysm and this is a new feature since then. I would not even pretend to know what im talking about on this matter, so any insight would be much appreciated.
Your UI
I use regular addons, for healing I use Vuhdo and ofc have Deadly Boss mode, I can attach a screenshoot if needed but it is really simple
Guild History
Since my comeback to DB in legion, Raven Council is the only guild I have been in. As for my old guilds, I have mentioned them in Raid XP section.
Raid availability
I would be avaialble for all raids, except when I am working second shift, which is 1 week in 2-3 months, or something unplanned occured, which is not the case often.
I know Ravens from old vanilla days. Played with alot of Raven members thru Legion content. One person I could point out is Nisamja, who is my dear friend, we go a long way back, passed thru alot together.
About you
I amd 34 years old and work in an IT firm as a Senior System engineer for 11 years now. In my free time I enjoy gaming, sports, mainly basketball and football and nature, love to hike.
Well I have talked with alot of you guys about raiding with guild. Since I lack proper raiding XP from 3 expansions now and have only done pug raids which is 80% horrible XP, not to mention I lack a bit in the gear and ap department, it would be best for you and me, to apply to a less demanding raiding group, which is a bit more casual .... just a side note for all the people I have talked to, to see my point of view after reviewing all the facts.
Tudum RG2 application
Re: Tudum RG2 application
Ok, as I Know this guy personally, he is great in any role he plays so yup +++
Re: Tudum RG2 application
He was very friendly and helpful during our interactions. Good luck!
- Cecîl
- (Cellyca)
- Dark Raven
- recruitment, guild bank
- Posts: 778
- Character name: Cellyca
- WoW character class: Druid
- Specialization: recruitment, guild bank
Re: Tudum RG2 application
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.
Re: Tudum RG2 application
Good guy and a great healer ++!
- Cecîl
- (Cellyca)
- Dark Raven
- recruitment, guild bank
- Posts: 778
- Character name: Cellyca
- WoW character class: Druid
- Specialization: recruitment, guild bank
Re: Tudum RG2 application
<Accepted for trial>
- Cecîl
- (Cellyca)
- Dark Raven
- recruitment, guild bank
- Posts: 778
- Character name: Cellyca
- WoW character class: Druid
- Specialization: recruitment, guild bank
Re: Tudum RG2 application
<Trial passed>