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[Social] Ithiliwen, Lvl 110 Druid

Posted: 22 Jun 2017, 19:51
by Ithiliwen
Who is your character?
My character is Ithiliwen, Night elf Druid.

Who are you?
Geir, 26, Norway.

In wow im doing mostly what im feeling. Collecting whatever i can get my hands on, and doing everything from PvE to PvP or from PvP to PvE ;). Not much of raiding, because my timeschedule doesnt fit, and i dont feel like "binding" hours on a spesific day atm, but im mostly online afternoon/evenings.

Guild history
Last years, after i had a little break, i've been in:
- Bloodwind: Joined because my friend was there, left because i mostly played everything with my IRL friend in TTS
- The Typhoon Struggle: Joined to play with my IRL friend, currently here, and like the people. However people have taken breaks, quit, or joined other guilds, so we are not to many onliners on a daily basis now.

I've been on Defias Brotherhood my whole WoW life, that started in BC, and the council has always been around. So i've known about you for a good time. Knowledge of a couple that has been around for a while, but so i dont forget anyone i might played with before, that playes under a new name, i'll say i dont know anyone really in the guild. ( I boosted Lomil around a couple months back in the days, im sure he still appreciates it )

About you
Just turned 26 in reallife levels. Working in kindergarten. Spend most of my time on the computer, watching tv-series, and hanging with people.
Having fun playing wow, might not be the most social person alive, but i'd like to be part of a guild that has a fair share of people online, and more people to do stuff with, seeing as im not raiding, i'm trying to fill my time with a little bit of everything, and its more fun to do a littlebit of everything with people, either in group or in chat. :)

Anything else that would be good to know, or i might've forgotten, feel free to catch me in-game, or here :)

I used to have a Gnome, my first character was actually one of these small good looking ones, with frostbolts. I played this for a good time, until i was forced, YES forced, to play horde. This was before we were allowed to be enemies on the same server, so it had to be sacrificed. It wasnt nice, but it had to be done, i was forced.
It was later revived, but the sacrifice was so horrible, and i was banished from beeing gnome, because i did something that wasnt ok, so it became an Undead frostbolter. Which it still is, and will be, as a reminder what i did.
I couldn't be a frostbolter anymore, so i had to change, and that's why im roaring, mauling and mangling nowadays. Unfortunately when this Tauren decided to join the good side again, it came to my biggest surprise, that we cant be small, so i had only one chance, and it was to be reborn as a Night Elf. If i could be a gnome, i would!

I've done my unforgiveable sacrifice once, which is why i dont have any gnomes. But it was my first, and you never forget your first. They are nice, quick and good with technology! We have to approve.

Re: [Social] Ithiliwen, Lvl 110 Druid

Posted: 22 Jun 2017, 23:59
by dajpara
JIMMBLE! This one likes gnomes! He killed a lot of you but he is sorry, really sorry. We need him in TRC!

Re: [Social] Ithiliwen, Lvl 110 Druid

Posted: 23 Jun 2017, 19:42
by Jimmble

Re: [Social] Ithiliwen, Lvl 110 Druid

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 16:43
by Cecîl
Your application has been accepted. Please poke an officer for guild invite.

Re: [Social] Ithiliwen, Lvl 110 Druid

Posted: 24 Jun 2017, 23:59
by Jimmble