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[RG2] Lleonar, lvl 110 druid

Posted: 07 May 2017, 14:33
by Lleon
Who is your character?
[Lleonar, druid, resto/guardian, ... nar/simple, ... od/Lleonar ]

Who are you?
[I'm Nick, 24 years old, from The Netherlands, Tourism Student at NHTV, Breda]

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

[Ive raided last with RG2 in WoD (HFC HC), when Legion came out I took a break for personal reasons. Only start playing again a month ago]

Raid Role
[I'm checking out videos of bosses on YouTube and reading upon tactics on either wowhead/icy veins. The same goes for changes when it comes to resto druids.]

Your Spec
[Main spec's artifact level: 47,
Rotation priorities: keeping Lifebloom on tank, keeping rej up on tanks and raiders (goes well with the current legendary shoulders I have(for now) apply wildgrowth when more than 3-4 people fall below 60-70%, Tranquility for inc heavy dmg. Maintaining Efflorescence under the targets at all times.
Stat priorities: Ofcourse intellect, besides that I'm aiming for haste/master and crit depending on the fight and whether I'm raid healing or tank/mythic healing. For raid healing haste/crit is more desirable for faster heals and crits. For 5 man haste/mastery is the better option.
Talent choices: I have chosen my talents in a way it fits my playing style. However for raiding it may change a little but still depending on which role to take as healer: tank/raid healing. My first talent is Prosperity which grands 2 charges of Swiftmend. Swiftmend is a strong heal therefore I have chosen this talent. I have picked Guardian Affinity in order to heal myself up quickly after taking heavy dmg by using Frenzied Regeneration. It also reduces dmg taken by 6%. I went for Cultivation and Germination (strong for tank healing) since I'm mainly doing 5 man dungeons for now and cus Cultivation is simply the best Talent for resto druids in all situations. When Im more raid healing, then Spring Blossoms/Inner Peace (for regular bursts of damage that come at 2-minute intervals) and Flourish would be ideal.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[ My off-spec is Guardian. I am somewhat comfortable playing this spec however some gear is needed to feel most comfortable. No alternative characters yet. I may go lvl up another char when I feel my druid is up-to-date since I'm only playing for a month now;)]

[I do have a microphone and I'm not afraid to use it! I already check out the forums regularly eventhough I'm not raiding at the moment and will keep doing so. Battle Tag: Leon#2304 ]

Combat Logs
[No Logs of Legion. There are Logs of WoD though haha;) I'm used to the Logs back in WoD. Guess I will have to prove myself to you guys again;)]

Your UI
[Will add this today, when I'm running a LFR]

Guild History
[Been with you guys for a long time now;)]

Raid availability
[I'm all yours!]

Re: [RG2] Lleonar, lvl 110 druid

Posted: 07 May 2017, 15:37
by Cecîl

Re: [RG2] Lleonar, lvl 110 druid

Posted: 07 May 2017, 17:37
by Jimmble
But... it's a tree! You don't like trees?

Re: [RG2] Lleonar, lvl 110 druid

Posted: 08 May 2017, 10:48
by Fahranya
No I don't. You can't eat trees. Gnomes are better than trees.

Re: [RG2] Lleonar, lvl 110 druid

Posted: 08 May 2017, 12:59
by Cecîl
Accepted for trial

Re: [RG2] Lleonar, lvl 110 druid

Posted: 07 Jun 2017, 19:13
by Cecîl
Trial passed