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Application: Liliân Holy Priest RG1

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 21:57
by Liliân
Who is your character?
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
Liliân-DefiasBrotherhood, Priest, Holy and ... n/advanced

Who are you?
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]
I am Faruk, 25 Years old, from Germany with turkish roots, I am a student and Gamer.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
[Our raid groups are "RG1" (3 days a week, Mythic progress priority) & "RG2" (2 days a week, Heroic progress, Mythic when possible). Each raid group has its own requirements and expectations, and you should have a preference on which one you join.]

[What is your prior raiding experience? Which tiers? LFR/Flex/Normal/Heroic/Mythic? And importantly: Did you clear these raids when they were current content (the most recent tier added), or come back in the next patch? If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
Burning Crusade: Holy Paladin- Karazhan Serpentshrine Gruul and beginning of Hyjal and BT. Holy Paladin
Wrath of the Lich King: Naxxramas and Ulduar and Trial. Holy Paladin
Cataclysm: High Progression on Blackwing Decent Bastion of Twilight and Firelands Heroic with a Frost DK
Mist Of Pandaria: Casual Raiding. Elemental Shaman
Warlords of Draenor: Beginning of Mythic Highmaul then casual raiding. Elemental Shaman
Legion: EN Mythic Cutting Edge / ToV Heroic / NH Mythic 2/10. Holy Priest

Raid Role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
I am a Holy Priest, with that comes Strong and High AOE Burst Healing what is very favourable in Mythic Nighthold or by changing talents very good Spothealing (for example for Aluriel Mythic).
I prepare by looking several guides for the Bosses also from several classmates and conversations about the Bosses.
I judge my Performance from logs and compare myself with other Priests to increase my output for the fights as much as possible. I keep myself Upgraded from logs of High ranked Holy Priests if there is a question I whisper the best of the best ingame for a nice short conversations about how to improve.

Your Spec
[Tell us about your main spec's artifact level, rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities and important talent choices. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
Weapon 54, Currently as a Holy Priest you dont want to Overdo any of the Stats a nice Balance is really good. The harder the Encounters and the more Healing required the more Mastery you want to stack to Increase Echo of Light healing without Overhealing to much. Statweights are close together at Holy Priest with Versatility being Last to go High 20th Crits and around and for some bosses Above 40% on Mastery with about 15-22% Haste is very good.
Spothealing with Trail of Light and Surge of Light talents + Serenity or Burst AOE Healing with Prayer of Healing and Sanctify.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
Disciplin 35, barely played mostly in PVP no Legendaries, Shadow 35 no Legendaries and missing some gear to be effective.

[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
I have a microphone and am really comfortable using it if needed. I love to have discussions and to improve myself or the raid if possible.

Combat Logs
[If possible please link a log showing your character raiding current content. If you have no logs, please explain why (eg, logs expired) and/or aim to log your performance from an LFR/Normal/PUG run, to add to your application. TRC raiders are expected to review their own performance on Warcraft Logs in order to improve, so you should be/get used to doing this. ;) It's especially important for dps-players, and applicants who would need to transfer before we can trial them (eg Horde).] ... ili%C3%A2n

Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices. A screenshot during raid combat is most desirable.]

Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?]
In a few. I raided a long time with Resentful and we finished EN Mythic with Cutting Edge, the guildleader didnt wanted to Raid NH Mythic so we disbanded, i joined with a friend to his old guild Gourmetwalrus, in this guild I was forced to Heal the Raid with some players that arent Ready for the bosses after Trilliax Heroic and basicly Carry them through the whole of NH Heroic. There were plans to downsize the Raid but after weeks it never happend. I didnt like the situation at all and decided to leave. I am not someone who likes to leave a guild as in every Guild you make Friends and leaving them is not easy but after all this is a game and a game should be fun and not exhausting and annoying so I went to pursue my aim and have fun which is basicly to Start and Continue in Mythic NH and to keep this up in the next upcoming patches.
I am ready to Raid NH Mythic and I am sure I have the skill and disciplin to clear it. I want a nice guild with a good Social and Raid Atmospähre because like alot others, I Spend alot of time being Online with my Priest and I want this time to be Joyful for all of us.

Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]
I can make all Raid days and times.

[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
From Friends on the Realm. People that can vouch for me Henners-Ravenholdt, Warand-DefiasBrotherhood, Wutougui-DefiasBrotherhood, Agonyflame-Defiasbrotherhood, Carcia-TheVentureCo, Scotts-Defiasbrotherhood and some more ^^

About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. :)]
I am living in Germany and studying Biology. My Parents are from Turkey but ive been born in Germany. I enjoy working out, fotography cooking and now it feels like im filling out my profil on a dating site so thats it so far ^^.

[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]

Re: Application: Liliân Holy Priest RG1

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 11:44
by Bowick
Hi there, thanks for your app!
Please give us a little time to discuss and we'll get back to you asap. :)

Re: Application: Liliân Holy Priest RG1

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 13:44
by Liliân
Realized i linked wowprogress instead of Warcraftlogs. Here are my Logs: ... 08/latest/

Re: Application: Liliân Holy Priest RG1

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 16:24
by Netzach
Thanks a lot ^^

Re: Application: Liliân Holy Priest RG1

Posted: 05 Mar 2017, 15:02
by Netzach
I'm happy to accept your application. See you in TRC!

Re: Application: Liliân Holy Priest RG1

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 20:12
by Bowick
Trial passed, woohoo! :D