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[RG1/RG2] Haimi - Guardian Druid

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 21:49
by Haimi
Who is your character?
Haimi, Guardian Druid

Who are you?
My name is Sasha, im 36 years old from Serbia.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

7/7M [Cutting Edge: Xavius], 3/3HC cleared before 7.1.5 and 9/10HC

Raid Role
My role is a tank. I prepare for raids mostly by watching best guilds on YouTube. I read forums and i use guardian druid Discord channel to keep myself up to date in case i missed something important about my class.

Your Spec
Level 53 Artifact Level. Druid DPS rotation is simple. Use Thrash and Mangle on cooldown and Moonfire and Magle procs. Swipe when you have noyhing better to do. For defensive cooldowns is like any tank, learn bosses and use defensive skills before big hits.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Sometimes i play Resto in Battlegrounds but not that often. Also i have an alt Retribution/Protection Paladin. ... aku/simple
I play this Paladin sometimes, but not much.

I have a microphone and i dont mind using it. Same with forums.

Combat Logs ... 80/latest/

Your UI
I am left handed so my bindings can look strange :D

Guild History
I didnt play WoW for a long time because i was working a lot and i didnt have time to play back then but now i have more time and i decided to come back before Legion. I made a new character and joined guild Resentful few weeks before Legion launched. When we started raiding Emerald Nightmare there was trial for tank, and i passed it. I was happy there but there was a lot of drama in guild, every week of two someone from raid team leaves. Last week i got home from work i logged in and 9 people from raid team left including all my friends so i decided to leave too.

I asked a friend who is most stable guild on server and he told me its TRC so i decided to try my luck.

Raid availability
In my old guild i didnt miss a single raid for 5 months, so yeah im available 100%

I dont know many old players on this server since i joined guild before Legion launched. I play here with few of my real life friends.

Re: [RG1/RG2] Haimi - Guardian Druid

Posted: 01 Mar 2017, 21:58
by Haimi

Re: [RG1/RG2] Haimi - Guardian Druid

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 11:50
by Netzach
Thanks for your application, please give us some time to talk about it. Cheers!

Re: [RG1/RG2] Haimi - Guardian Druid

Posted: 02 Mar 2017, 11:53
by Jimmble
Smelly bear?

Re: [RG1/RG2] Haimi - Guardian Druid

Posted: 04 Mar 2017, 14:18
by Netzach
Jimmble i heard he only smell lavender!

You have been accepted for trial in RG1, when you are ready poke any officer to get invite to guild. Congratulations!

Re: [RG1/RG2] Haimi - Guardian Druid

Posted: 28 Mar 2017, 14:05
by Netzach
Trial passed. Congratulations!