[RG1]Niceto, Guardian Druid
Posted: 17 Feb 2017, 15:29
Who is your character?
My Character is Niceto, a Guardian druid mainspec(908 equiped) and offspec is Balance (900 equiped)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... eto/simple (note that the legendary trinket is 910 there for some reason while mine in-game is 940)
Who are you?
My name is Dvir, I am 19 years old from Israel.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I started playing around 8 years ago and started raiding at the end of Wrath. My character back then (and for the past 7 and a half years) was Disc priest which is also on the server as an alt atm (name is Nicetoo, orignated from Aggramar. I moved to Ravenholdt at the start of Legion when I also made a new main (my druid)).
For expirience, at wrath I was pretty new to the game still so didnt raid much, though I was, by the end of it, 11/12 Normal ICC with some attempts on the Lich King and with some kills on ToC.
When Cataclysm came I wasn't raiding for a while but I came back into it as soon as Firelands came, still was pretty young and didnt do much but had by the end of Fireland patch 6/7 Normal and by the end of the xpension 3/7 Hc Dragon Soul. Had a lot of guild changes probably due to me being young and not putting more time into my character and didnt understand that wipes are mandatory for progression.
When Pandaria I wasn't in a guild so for the first 3 raids I was still looking for a solid group to raid with, did get some Hc kills here and there 5/6 Hc Mogu'shan Vaults and 2 Hc kills on terrance of Endless Spring. Then I found a really nice guild and started doing ToT with them. we did pretty well, got 12/12 normal pretty quick and then started hc and struggled abit, some members werent consistant enough and we had to drop it by 1/12 hc kills. I had to leave the game for a while when SoO came which was pretty unfortunate but I did finish 10/13 normal before I left the game for a while.
When WoD came is where I really started raiding. although I started a bit late, which is at the end of BRF (when I came back into the game after I left it in MoP) I had pretty solid progress all around. I finished it on hc pretty quick although it was after HFC came and then did some mythic kills too. HFC started pretty good for me, 13/13 normal and 13/13 Hc and then we started struggling as a guild (I think it still exists on aggramar called Easily Distracted) to find aenough people for mythic, so the leader invited another struggling guild to raid with us but soon the amount of members that our guild took into progression got lower and lower and i was left out (was playing holy priest then since we had another disc and you know, back then disc priest could only shield so you cant take 2) so they took the one who does better, ofc that was the disc priest and the paladin. Although I did have 4/13 Mythic until I got left out.
Currecntly at WoD I am playing a pretty new class to me I guess. Been playing it for around 6 months now. Started as a healer in another guild called Etecc and we progressed from scratch though Emerald Nightmare (7/7 normal and 7/7 Hc and 3/3 normal ToT), then the guild disbanded due to lack of members progressing into mythic EN so I joined another guild called GrandTheftKodo who were childish af and I just left because I didnt like the management. And then came the guild I am currently on which is Degeneration X, with them I started progressing Mythic EN and got to 7/7 Mythic before the start of Nighthold (Got cutting Edge) did 3/3 Hc ToV with them and then NH came and now we finished normal and hc 10/10 and we are 1/10 Mythic currectly. I do like them as guild and people but I think our progression is pretty slow and I wanna try something new that should be faster and maybe a bit more fun.
Raid Role
My currect role in Degeneration X is main tanking aka, I need to know all the tacts I need to keep the second Tank updated about what I am going to do before it will happened to avoid unfortunate circustances. I am also the only shoutcaller on the team so I learn every fight before going into it by watching videos and calling everything that seems vital 2 seocnds before it happens so people can pay attention and notice that it about to happened, I'd say its kinda for those who tunnel vision. I judge my own performance in whether I could have done something better to not die or to make something clearer to the team to avoid the wipe. I am also looking a lot in MMO-champion and Icyveins to keep updated about my class and spec.
Your Spec
My main spec weapon (artifact level) is 54.
My rotation is a tank is pretty simple I'd say, basically its to keep Pulverize on at all time which reduce the dmg I take by 9%(reason behind taking that talent instead of Rend and Tear is becuase Rend and Tear gets me to 6% less dmg taken without the legendary legs which are not that good tbh so Pulverize is just better overall) I keep using mangle off cd (also when it procs) , keep using moonfire when it procs (galactic guardian) taunt whenever I need to change target or if its just single target I keep using it when I see that I am about to lose aggro(never really happened to me) and I use swipe whenever I cant use any other dmg spell. Using the weapon ability off cd.
For CDs it depends on expirience of the encounter, knowing how much dmg I would take from each ability, but generally you wanna use barskin when you need a quick cd since its not the best one but it has short CD, therefore its a useful cd if you know you wont take much dmg, then I am using my trinkets especially the legendary one which is pretty massive. When I see I am about to take a lot of dmg I am using Frenzied Regenaration to help healing myself quickly (also trying to cast it right after mangle for the big heal out of Gaurdian of Elune talent) And the last cd to use which is the most effective is survival insticts which is there only if I KNOW for sure that I am gonna take a huge amount of dmg or I really need to not take any dmg to help the healers by not healing me and just heal everyone else instead.
Also I'd like to talk about Ironfur and Mark of Ursol, both are really useful and I use them both depends on the fight, when there is physical dmg from boss which is all the time unless he cast something like Gul'dan's Harvest which is when I use mark of ursol (to take less magic dmg) But I am trying to keep up Ironfur at all time unless I am about to take great amount of magic dmg and then I use Ursol.
Lastly I would like to talk about 1 more talent choise on the 15 lvl row I am using Bristling Fur since its my personal favorite, other people use either brambles or Blood Frenzy but for me I think Brambles arent absording any amount of dmg to be worth and the dmg it deals back is not that high too (even if its to get aggro I dont need it, I never had aggro issues) and Blood Frenzy isnt that useful if you keep pulverize on, since it reduce the amount of stacks of thrash on the boss. I found Bristling to be the best talent when you about to take huge dmg and you need a fast ironfur, Frenzied Regenartion or Mark of Ursol.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am still pretty low on weapon artifact power on my balance spec which is 31 atm. But tbh I think I wont have any issues to switch to it as my dps is not bad at all imo.
As for alts, I have 3 110 alts. I have a resto shaman with BiS ring but I am not really using him atm. Dont really like the spec that much. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... lly/simple
I have a Hunter 873 ilvl which I played him on normal Nighthold and normal + hc EN, I dont feel like I am doing well with him as marksman and tbh switching to BM is poo without good legendaries so dont really play him either http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... cha/simple
And last I have a shadow priest that I really like playing but its only ilvl 865 atm so cannot really do Nighthold pug with him as of yet (just no one inv you) although I think I am doing really well for my ilvl and the shitty legendary I got http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... too/simple
I am always happy to think farther about tacts as I am doing it right now with the guild I am in atm. and I have no issue to use a microphone and to basically call anything.
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 90/latest/
I have no clue why I need to link it as a tank but there you go
Your UI
I am using normal UI and only have 2 addons, Skada and DBM not using anything more for raids since I think everything else is too distracting for me.
Guild History
I think I explained a lot about it in the expirience question but I will repeat only the Legion part here. I was first in a guild name Etecc and we did pretty nicely at the start but after it was time to progress into mythic we just couldnt do it due to lack of members therefore the guild disbanded. Then I was in Grandtheftkodo which were childish for example they said (loot is going only for officers first and if they dont need the loot then its for a roll). so I just left it quickly was there like 3 days. Now I am in Degenenarion X, pretty solid and nice guild but progress feels slow and its hard to feel you doing much when you raid 5:30 hours a week (on 2 seperate days).
Raid availability
Yep, I read all about the times and days and I can attend all of them unless ofc I have something urgent IRL that I have to deal with
I found out about looking at wowprogress mostly, dont really know anyone in the guild.
About you
Dont really have much to say but I will just note that I really like playing games and I play a variety of games (dont worry I put the most effort to WoW ) I play LoL (Diamond 4 is my rank which is pretty solid), played Wildstar for a while and raided there too, was really fun since its really hard (almost killed avatus if you know that is) but left since the game just lacks people so there's nothing really to do outside of raids and thats it atm.
Dont think I have anything else to add
My Character is Niceto, a Guardian druid mainspec(908 equiped) and offspec is Balance (900 equiped)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... eto/simple (note that the legendary trinket is 910 there for some reason while mine in-game is 940)
Who are you?
My name is Dvir, I am 19 years old from Israel.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I started playing around 8 years ago and started raiding at the end of Wrath. My character back then (and for the past 7 and a half years) was Disc priest which is also on the server as an alt atm (name is Nicetoo, orignated from Aggramar. I moved to Ravenholdt at the start of Legion when I also made a new main (my druid)).
For expirience, at wrath I was pretty new to the game still so didnt raid much, though I was, by the end of it, 11/12 Normal ICC with some attempts on the Lich King and with some kills on ToC.
When Cataclysm came I wasn't raiding for a while but I came back into it as soon as Firelands came, still was pretty young and didnt do much but had by the end of Fireland patch 6/7 Normal and by the end of the xpension 3/7 Hc Dragon Soul. Had a lot of guild changes probably due to me being young and not putting more time into my character and didnt understand that wipes are mandatory for progression.
When Pandaria I wasn't in a guild so for the first 3 raids I was still looking for a solid group to raid with, did get some Hc kills here and there 5/6 Hc Mogu'shan Vaults and 2 Hc kills on terrance of Endless Spring. Then I found a really nice guild and started doing ToT with them. we did pretty well, got 12/12 normal pretty quick and then started hc and struggled abit, some members werent consistant enough and we had to drop it by 1/12 hc kills. I had to leave the game for a while when SoO came which was pretty unfortunate but I did finish 10/13 normal before I left the game for a while.
When WoD came is where I really started raiding. although I started a bit late, which is at the end of BRF (when I came back into the game after I left it in MoP) I had pretty solid progress all around. I finished it on hc pretty quick although it was after HFC came and then did some mythic kills too. HFC started pretty good for me, 13/13 normal and 13/13 Hc and then we started struggling as a guild (I think it still exists on aggramar called Easily Distracted) to find aenough people for mythic, so the leader invited another struggling guild to raid with us but soon the amount of members that our guild took into progression got lower and lower and i was left out (was playing holy priest then since we had another disc and you know, back then disc priest could only shield so you cant take 2) so they took the one who does better, ofc that was the disc priest and the paladin. Although I did have 4/13 Mythic until I got left out.
Currecntly at WoD I am playing a pretty new class to me I guess. Been playing it for around 6 months now. Started as a healer in another guild called Etecc and we progressed from scratch though Emerald Nightmare (7/7 normal and 7/7 Hc and 3/3 normal ToT), then the guild disbanded due to lack of members progressing into mythic EN so I joined another guild called GrandTheftKodo who were childish af and I just left because I didnt like the management. And then came the guild I am currently on which is Degeneration X, with them I started progressing Mythic EN and got to 7/7 Mythic before the start of Nighthold (Got cutting Edge) did 3/3 Hc ToV with them and then NH came and now we finished normal and hc 10/10 and we are 1/10 Mythic currectly. I do like them as guild and people but I think our progression is pretty slow and I wanna try something new that should be faster and maybe a bit more fun.
Raid Role
My currect role in Degeneration X is main tanking aka, I need to know all the tacts I need to keep the second Tank updated about what I am going to do before it will happened to avoid unfortunate circustances. I am also the only shoutcaller on the team so I learn every fight before going into it by watching videos and calling everything that seems vital 2 seocnds before it happens so people can pay attention and notice that it about to happened, I'd say its kinda for those who tunnel vision. I judge my own performance in whether I could have done something better to not die or to make something clearer to the team to avoid the wipe. I am also looking a lot in MMO-champion and Icyveins to keep updated about my class and spec.
Your Spec
My main spec weapon (artifact level) is 54.
My rotation is a tank is pretty simple I'd say, basically its to keep Pulverize on at all time which reduce the dmg I take by 9%(reason behind taking that talent instead of Rend and Tear is becuase Rend and Tear gets me to 6% less dmg taken without the legendary legs which are not that good tbh so Pulverize is just better overall) I keep using mangle off cd (also when it procs) , keep using moonfire when it procs (galactic guardian) taunt whenever I need to change target or if its just single target I keep using it when I see that I am about to lose aggro(never really happened to me) and I use swipe whenever I cant use any other dmg spell. Using the weapon ability off cd.
For CDs it depends on expirience of the encounter, knowing how much dmg I would take from each ability, but generally you wanna use barskin when you need a quick cd since its not the best one but it has short CD, therefore its a useful cd if you know you wont take much dmg, then I am using my trinkets especially the legendary one which is pretty massive. When I see I am about to take a lot of dmg I am using Frenzied Regenaration to help healing myself quickly (also trying to cast it right after mangle for the big heal out of Gaurdian of Elune talent) And the last cd to use which is the most effective is survival insticts which is there only if I KNOW for sure that I am gonna take a huge amount of dmg or I really need to not take any dmg to help the healers by not healing me and just heal everyone else instead.
Also I'd like to talk about Ironfur and Mark of Ursol, both are really useful and I use them both depends on the fight, when there is physical dmg from boss which is all the time unless he cast something like Gul'dan's Harvest which is when I use mark of ursol (to take less magic dmg) But I am trying to keep up Ironfur at all time unless I am about to take great amount of magic dmg and then I use Ursol.
Lastly I would like to talk about 1 more talent choise on the 15 lvl row I am using Bristling Fur since its my personal favorite, other people use either brambles or Blood Frenzy but for me I think Brambles arent absording any amount of dmg to be worth and the dmg it deals back is not that high too (even if its to get aggro I dont need it, I never had aggro issues) and Blood Frenzy isnt that useful if you keep pulverize on, since it reduce the amount of stacks of thrash on the boss. I found Bristling to be the best talent when you about to take huge dmg and you need a fast ironfur, Frenzied Regenartion or Mark of Ursol.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am still pretty low on weapon artifact power on my balance spec which is 31 atm. But tbh I think I wont have any issues to switch to it as my dps is not bad at all imo.
As for alts, I have 3 110 alts. I have a resto shaman with BiS ring but I am not really using him atm. Dont really like the spec that much. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... lly/simple
I have a Hunter 873 ilvl which I played him on normal Nighthold and normal + hc EN, I dont feel like I am doing well with him as marksman and tbh switching to BM is poo without good legendaries so dont really play him either http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... cha/simple
And last I have a shadow priest that I really like playing but its only ilvl 865 atm so cannot really do Nighthold pug with him as of yet (just no one inv you) although I think I am doing really well for my ilvl and the shitty legendary I got http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... too/simple
I am always happy to think farther about tacts as I am doing it right now with the guild I am in atm. and I have no issue to use a microphone and to basically call anything.
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 90/latest/
I have no clue why I need to link it as a tank but there you go
Your UI
I am using normal UI and only have 2 addons, Skada and DBM not using anything more for raids since I think everything else is too distracting for me.
Guild History
I think I explained a lot about it in the expirience question but I will repeat only the Legion part here. I was first in a guild name Etecc and we did pretty nicely at the start but after it was time to progress into mythic we just couldnt do it due to lack of members therefore the guild disbanded. Then I was in Grandtheftkodo which were childish for example they said (loot is going only for officers first and if they dont need the loot then its for a roll). so I just left it quickly was there like 3 days. Now I am in Degenenarion X, pretty solid and nice guild but progress feels slow and its hard to feel you doing much when you raid 5:30 hours a week (on 2 seperate days).
Raid availability
Yep, I read all about the times and days and I can attend all of them unless ofc I have something urgent IRL that I have to deal with
I found out about looking at wowprogress mostly, dont really know anyone in the guild.
About you
Dont really have much to say but I will just note that I really like playing games and I play a variety of games (dont worry I put the most effort to WoW ) I play LoL (Diamond 4 is my rank which is pretty solid), played Wildstar for a while and raided there too, was really fun since its really hard (almost killed avatus if you know that is) but left since the game just lacks people so there's nothing really to do outside of raids and thats it atm.
Dont think I have anything else to add