Sushibite - Holy Paladin (Open application)

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Character name: sushibite
Location: Norway

Sushibite - Holy Paladin (Open application)

Post by Ovski » 01 Feb 2017, 14:38

Who is your character?
My character is Sushibite @ Tarren Mill. She was born early MoP but I've been playing paladin since late classic.

Who are you?
My name is Vegard, 27 years old. Born and raised in the cold lands of Norway. In real life I'm currently working as a home care nurse and studying to become a Paramedic. I grew up playing WoW and been playing since classic. I guess all the good memories once have makes it difficult to quit. However these days its more about connecting with the right people and enjoy a slow phased raid environment.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I wanted to write an open application since I don't know the guild that well. Perhaps you can guide me to whichever team you think might suit me the most. I'm a mythic raider and been raiding most expansions clearing content cutting edge. However these days I want to find a balance in a guild that is not too hardcore and elitist. I'm working rotation so I might not be able to join every raid but will keep a high attendance for sure.

I've played and raided since classic WoW. Started off in Molten Core where a mature guild took me under their wing and taught me the great sides of raiding. Further progressed into BWL, AQ40 and Naxx (2 wings only). Had a lot more time back then.

In TBC I took a smaller break because of school. Still raided casually mostly karazhan in a small casual guild.

In WOTLK I went more core again and spent time raiding in Inner Sanctum on Silvermoon as holy paladin. We killed LK 25 heroic pre-nerf and ranked world 25. After that we farmed that place for months and it got pretty boring. I ended up leaving IS at the end of WOTLK joining a smaller guild with nicer people.

Cataclysm: In Cataclysm I played in Aurora on Stormrage. Here we did realm first nefarian heroic (while I still was trial). Aurora ranked world 46. While I still made member my girlfriend at that time wasn't accepted so we decided to find another guild and ended up going a bit more casual for expansion.

In MoP: In MoP I've been raiding in several high end guilds, including Pwnanza, Alterac Deviants, Catalyst (former Pavo Ludo on TM). Was probably my highlight in my WoW career. With Alterac Deviants I experienced my siegecrafter kill pre-nerf after 376 attempts.

Video: (my PoV)[/youtube]

I ended up leaving TAD because of guild drama.

WoD: Had a break here but came back for HFC and killed Archimonde mythic (prior to nerfs).

Legion: So far been playing as a WW monk but re-rolled back to hpala some weeks ago. I dinged 110 04.01.2017 and is already rank 37 on my artifact and ilvl 890+. I've spent a lot of time gearing him and making him ready for mythic raiding My experience in Legion is 7/7 mythic, 3/3 HC ToV and 10/10 Hc Nighthold.

Raid Role
As a healer there's more of a priority system on spells in what to use and when. For example before a huge raid damage spike I would save my Light of Dawn knowing when to pop it exactly after the damage spike hits. Or use externals to prevent tank from taking dying to hard hitting abilities. As a paladin we bring a bit more utility to raids with shields. At times we can soak and clear debuffs on ourselfs.

Your Spec
My holy build is pretty common. 90% of paladins use the same talents as me. I might switch around on lvl60, lvl90 and lvl100 talents depending on the encounter, healer roster and needs.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Right now my retribution specc is not up to par since I dinged less than a month ago. But working on it :)

I have a microphone and is usually quite active on discord/TS whenever. Also outside of raids if friends want to chill.

Combat Logs ... pe=healing

Your UI

Guild History

Wrote it in previous answer. The question to why I'm currently leaving my guild is because the GM wanted to roll back to his holy paladin. Leaving me as the second holy paladin in our team. Its not optimal for our mythic roster.

Raid availability


No sadly. I used to play in Deathsworn Verdict on DB but that was back in Cataclysm. However they transferred to Ravencrest now the last time I saw them.

About you

Honest, kind, hard working and dedicated in my work. As a player I love a challenge. Addicted to "move of the fire" kind of fights like Siegecrafter, Elisande and Krosus for example. Keeps me alert. 8) Sertified Night Owl that tends to play at odd times.


What addons do I use?

For raiding:
- Clique
- Grid2
- Weakauras 2
- Quartz
- Shadow Unit Frames

Youtube channel for PoV vids:
Openraid feedback:

Movies I've created recently if you want to see my playstyle:[/youtube][/youtube]

Battletag: thelastovski#2557

Thanks for your time.

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Re: Sushibite - Holy Paladin (Open application)

Post by Bowick » 01 Feb 2017, 15:39

Hello! Thank you for your application.

RG1 sounds like the best choice for you, if you're looking for Mythic raiding, and you'd be comfortable with a 3 day a week schedule. If that sounds good to you, we'll go ahead and review your app with a view to trial soon, and get back to you asap. :)

Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai

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Posts: 3252
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Re: Sushibite - Holy Paladin (Open application)

Post by Bowick » 01 Feb 2017, 19:25

I've added your btag, FYI.
<- Banth
Alts: Lacky, Cadwick, Bordello, Filch, Asmo, Tchai
