[RG2] 110 Ele Shaman, Sromdir

A safe place for closed application.
Posts: 6
Character name: Sromdir
Location: israel

[RG2] 110 Ele Shaman, Sromdir

Post by Sromdir » 21 Jan 2017, 15:52

Who is your character?
My character name is Sromdir http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... dir/simple

neck enchant is missing, it has been taking care of.

Who are you?
my name is yossi, 29 y/r from israel. i both work and study on the side for my first degree and gaming has always been a passion of mine.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

im interested in joining RG2.


My main raiding experience actually started with the start of this expansion. i have initially played a ww monk on magtheridon named zelgan http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/m ... gan/simple
, and joined a mythic raiding guild in september approx. i have cleared EN mythic with the guild up to cenarius before i had to quit playing for approx a month. I have yet to check out nighthold.

When i returned, i have played Sromdir occasionally from time to time and have recently decided to main this character and start raiding with it, hence writing this application. i'm used to raiding 3 night a week and fine trying raiding only two nights. my main goal is to be as competitive as possible while also having fun and enjoying the content at hand.

im aware that i'm behind on AP but i'm doing my best to catch up.

Raid Role

My main focus is being as efficient to the raid as possible. if i'm dps, which i am, that means being able to squize as much damage on the encounter as potentially my character is capable of. i always study encounters, learn the mechanics beforehand, and search for other players clips of of tips and tricks that can help me. understanding the spec and rotations takes time and some dedication. i have always been following my character respected discord channels and fan sites that dish out the necessary info to bring the best out of any player. and understanding fundamentals ofcourse.

i'm far from being as good as i would like to be, but i do strive to be the best at what i do, and always look for ways to improve my game. in mythic raiding or high mythic+ dungeons it is very comes to life how important that is to know rotations and encounters by heart in order to perform well, or simply to stay alive. i guess that's one of the reasons why i keep playing wow. there's a challenge, there's a learning curve, and it keeps the game interesting.

Your Spec

alright so i have decided to play at the moment the ascendance spec which is roughly more forgiving in terms of rotations and high burst. the rotation which i follow and general guidelines can be found here: http://www.stormearthandlava.com/elemen ... ild-guide/

i guess it's worth noting that this is not necessarily a rotation per se, but more of a priority list like most characters have. though, movement and cooldowns usage plays a big part of playing an ele spec and can decide how well one will do in a fight. i'm often simming my character using simulationcraft and update regularly given scales using the addon known as pawn. this helps a lot with min-max my character dps as much as possible.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
my off spec is not developed as of yet. i currently have no other characters on the server to play.

have a microphone and happy to chat about encounters and provide any feedback i find necessary.

Combat Logs
i actually havn't recorded lately. for the sake of this app i recorded one of my recent 5man's.

Your UI

pretty ordinary ui, nothing special

Guild History

as mentioned before i used to play on the server magtheridon and have recently decided to play this toon instead. reasoning behind it was mainly because i was away for too long to keep up with my guild current raiding schedule and progress, and i suppose i wanted to test something else. i grew very fond of my shaman. why TRC? well, worth mentioning that i have played my first ever wow character on TheVentureCO server when it just got launched. i know the guild very much ever since it was part of the coalition of guilds that raided MC together, so that alone gives me a good enough reason to want to be part of this great community.

having said that, it also seems that the guild is very friendly but competitive at the same time, and also have special place for RP in its heart, which is just great.

Raid availability

i'm available for raiding.


i'm fimiliar with the guild

About you

i'm a rather goofy person, likes a challenge and always eager to learn new things. always appreciate a good conversation about random things; games, politics, anything that comes to mind. i like to be invested in the things i spend my time on, with wow being no exception. i make awful jokes and produce many cringy moments that can make you tear.


appreciate the reading and whatever you decide, i wish you happy hunting!


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Re: [RG2] 110 Ele Shaman, Sromdir

Post by Fahranya » 21 Jan 2017, 21:43

Contacted for trial
