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[RG2] Rael, Lvl 110 Protection Paladin

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 22:26
by Rael
[RG2] Rael, Lvl 110 Protection Paladin

Who is your character?
Rael, Protection, ... ael/simple

Who are you?
I'm Aykut Suphi Sarıdal, waiting to meet you all. I'm breathing on earth for 28 years,
And writing this application from Istanbul/Turkey. Finished geophysical engineering and also logistics.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

I was raiding since there where no words for "lfr-flex-normal etc" Healed, onyxia ragnaros at vanilla. At TBC i played mainly as BE hunter,
because my guild needed it more then my priest. At WOTLK i played again with my priest. Healed naxx, ulduar and ICC.(also HC's)
Other expansions i also played as paladin and priest healer. My prio was healer, but i decided to
play as tank. I love lore of draenei so much.

Raid Role
Mainly as healer i bored to play with tanks who doesnt know what to do. After that on legion i rolled to pala tank.
I can get strategies for bosses really quick, because the key for a progress is to understand fight. Youtube is a good teacher =) but
real fight teaches more... I prefer icy_veins to get updated for all classes. It isnt enough only to know only your class, because
as a tank u must know what ur dps and healer are capable of.

Your Spec
On my tanking its my prio ability "Judgement". I need my shield of right. asap. after that ı try to keep consecration always on(its not that hard :D because of my ring(%4 dam red)
3. prio is avengers shield.(absorb by trait). I do not begin with avengers shield, if i need more heal i use it before i use "Light Of The Protector".
My main aim is to keep "shield of right." always. (with bastion of light). İf it is not possible "Ardent defender" goes on. They got too low CD

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I would like to play as healer, but this content doesnt allow it that much. Asap i ll begin to get heal traits.

I like to communicate especially on raids. İf something goes wrong its really hepful =) I also check forums, and i follow some tech forums in turkish

Combat Logs ... iew=replay

Your UI

Guild History
I was in always in raiding guilds. My prio was a guild, which was fun and serious at the same time. Yes it is just a game but people giving their time
while raiding. Noone has right to steal otherones time. I remember while we had dkp system, i was waiting at the entrance of raid.(İf they need me, ı must be in asap)
What made me move? My guild was in horde side in defias and some of our officers had ego problems. We didnt had 2. or 3. raiding groups. That was the problem for raiding because
some of em didnt showed up and all progress is lost. I was online on raid times but they didnt even tried to contact us to keep us informed. I m giving time to this game and i want
respect for it. Thats why i left my last guild, and my friends Aslesa and Yunela(celeblune) told me that they are very happy in TRC
my priority is a serious raiding guild. I applied for RG2 because i heard from my friends, there is no spot :)

Raid availability
If there is proper raiding time, i m always available. BTW i ll move to malta in 1-2 months,
i ll not be able to get online hmmm maybve 3-4 weeks :( (rent a house, put everyting in organization, you know :)

Aslesa and Yunela(celeblune) are my refereces :) they know me irl, and told me "we know a raiding guild for you, apply for us" :)

About you
I like to have fun but everything has its time. Having fun for always is not for me. I like to get social online or in real life. Knowing new peoples are my favorite, because
everyone has different stories and its the easiest way to know something from life.

It could be also no problem to be social :)

Re: [RG2] Rael, Lvl 110 Protection Paladin

Posted: 16 Dec 2016, 22:41
by Xanthi
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.

Re: [RG2] Rael, Lvl 110 Protection Paladin

Posted: 17 Dec 2016, 00:18
by Rael
Thanks for your prompt reply =)

Re: [RG2] Rael, Lvl 110 Protection Paladin

Posted: 20 Dec 2016, 14:51
by Xanthi
Social part of your application has been approved, the RG2 part is still under discussion. You can whisper an officer for an invite.

Re: [RG2] Rael, Lvl 110 Protection Paladin

Posted: 21 Dec 2016, 20:46
by Jimmble