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Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 04 Dec 2016, 22:33
by Kárkun
Who is your character?

Kárkun. Frost DK with plentiful experience in both Blood and Unholy. ... n/advanced

Who are you?

I'm Dan. I'm 24 years old and currently live in Newcastle in the UK.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?



TBC: Cleared all content up to Black Temple. Some while current, some not.

WotLK: Cleared all content in normal mode while current.

Cataclysm: Cleared T11 normal mode. T12 6/7 HC. T13 8/8 HC with 30% buff at Spine.

MoP: Cleared T14 16/16HC top 200 World Rank. T15 13/13HC 64 World Rank (10 man specific, 87 World Rank across both raid sizes). T16 14/14 HC 36 World Rank (10 man specific).

WoD: Didn't raid Highmaul. 10/10 Mythic Blackrock Foundry while current (cleared when changed guild). 13/13 Mythic Hellfire Citadel (cleared when returned to game).

Legion: 7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare. 3/3 HC Trial of Valour currently.

Raid Role:

If I have something to contribute to a fight apart from my DPS I will. Was used as a Blood DK on Iyl'ganoth specifically for mass grip and single grip duties as well as Ichor marking. Have taken minor raid lead roles in previous guilds particularly through Throne of Thunder and Siege of Orgrimmar due to us not having a set raid leader.

For current class information I mostly use the Death Knight discord to keep up with discussion.

Your Spec:

Highest priority for rotation right now is keeping runes on CD for Frozen Pulse damage while maintaining Icy Talons throughout the course of a fight. Frost DK in general has relatively decent freedom of certain talents right now but my current preferred setup is Icecap > Avalance and Glacial Advance > Obliteration. Having more to use during a fight keeps me thinking ahead based on rune CD's and Runic Power levels.

Stat priorities for Frost DK's at this particular moment in time are in a state of flux. I regularly sim my DK when gathering new gear but as it stands all secondary stats are almost equal to each other. While still having a lot of Frost damage in our kit for singlet target Mastery becomes a much more attractive prospect for large cleave fights when taking Frostscythe (Mythic+ especially). It remains to be seen if the stat changes coming in 7.1.5 will affect much when it comes to Frost stat priorities.

Off-specs and Alternative characters

Started this expansion as Unholy due to it being the better of the specs to start with. Never got the Unholy bracers hence the switch to Frost (as well as liking the playstyle a bit more).

Have plenty of experience as Blood all the way back to Dragon Soul. Have tanked several Mythic+ as well as a few Mythic EN encounters when needed though my tanking gear is still not that great (lacking fairly significant amounts of Haste as it stands).

For alternative characters I currently have 4 other characters at max level with 2 of them being anywhere near even decently geared. ... n/advanced ... n/advanced

Outside of these 2 are an 833 Feral Druid and an 840 ish Retri Paladin.

My Monk has been used in Heroic split runs with my current guild as has the Mage when able. Currently there has been no need for either my Monk or Mage over my DK on any Mythic encounter I've been a part of.


I do have a microphone and am more than happy to use it during encounters if required.

I find tactic discussions rather enjoyable and have no problem with using forums for such a thing if I have anything to contribute or clarify.

Combat Logs

Wasn't in on all fights due to being slightly late home from work and sitting for others that needed gear. Was in from Dragons onwards on the logs I have linked.

Your UI

Quite honestly I've always been a minimalist in my UI. DBM bars are slightly off center as shown below.

The less clutter the better is something I've generally followed for most my WoW playing time.

Guild History

TBC: Didn't really have a raiding guild so much at the time. We were a bunch of RP guilds joining together for raiding 25man content.

WotLK: Joined Rise of Dawn who were still an RP guild but got some raiding time out of them. I did apply for a raiding guild during this time as a Prot Warrior called Sanctuary of Dreams. I was unsuccessful on this attempt.

Cataclysm: Made another attempt to join Sanctuary of Dreams, this time as an Unholy DK. Was successful on this attempt and joined them in Firelands where we went 6/7 Heroic and Dragon Soul where we went 8/8 Heroic (30% buff).

MoP: As good as my time in Sanctuary was it was scratching the raiding itch that I had. So I made an "off the cuff" application to Flat Earth Society (who did some of the old 10 man raid videos for Fatboss guides to voice over). I was extremely fortunate at the point of applying as FES were going through some internal struggles and were running short on member for 10 man raids. Even with significantly less progress than themselves they took a chance and accepted me.

This time in FES is the time I'm most proud of in my time of playing WoW. We managed to clear all of Tier 14 while it was still current content and went on a short recruitment drive to fill in the gaps in our raid squad. When Throne of Thunder came around we were much better prepared and hit it hard getting a world rank of 87 in the process.

We were impressed with our rank with minimal preparation on the PTR and made the decision as a guild to go all in for Siege of Orgrimmar. With all the preparation we went through and the sheer amount of hours we raided, we managed a World Rank of 36 in 10 man.

WoD: Unfortunately the change in raid size was damaging to FES. The leadership wasn't a strong leadership as all of the core members from our 10 man team were more than capable of conducting themselves appropriately and we were all unified and committed to our hardcore mindset for Siege. FES went on a mass recruitment drive in the downtime between SoO and WoD and managed to get a roster together. Around the release of WoD I had just gotten a job and could not dedicate the time to raiding hardcore anymore though I did remain in the guild.

A good number of months later I did quit my job and came back to raiding with FES as Blackrock Foundry was opening. The progress was slugish and the guild atmosphere was not good. Eventually the decision was made to disband the guild. From here I briefly joined Pieces while they were on Grim Batol. I went through Blackrock Foundry with them but found my love for WoW beginning to diminish. I was with Pieces for only a couple of months before deciding the quit WoW of my own volition this time.

Legion: I kept up with WoW news in the run up to Legion and, like many others, was very excited about what I was seeing. I decided to return to the game but with no guild the come back to I could not get raiding time outside of LFR. Eventually I reunited with some of my old guild mates from Flat Earth Society and joined the guild they were part of "Angered."

At the time I joined them HFC progress was over and it was just farming for gear and mounts in the run up to Legion. When Legion came Angered had its own issues and a lot of people left to form a new guild (my current guild) "The Little Pirates."

As of today (4th December) the officers of TLP have decided to stop raiding effective immediately. This decision has come about due to the lack of commitment from the core that the guild was built on. We have had several problems of people disappearing without notice as well as people not being able to make several raids in a row which has made progress so far difficult and frustrating. The officership have had enough of the problems and made the decision to effectively disband the guild.

I want to join TRC as your progress is very similar to my own at the moment. Your raid times are ideal for my current work situation and the raiding days are just right to boot. I'm finished with hardcore raiding and want to take it easier from a schedule point of view without inhibiting progression. I want quality over quantity and I feel TRC can provide that.

Raid availability

It would be possible to make the raiding hours most of the time but due to my job being based on shift patterns there may be occassions where I am late or cannot make the raid. This is a rarity due to being able to swap shifts with other people at work as we want.

If I am unable to make a raid or know I will be late I can generally advise such 1 week in advance.


I raided with both Kheydar and Xanzara (formerly Xanthra) in Sanctuary of Dreams during much of Cataclysm. I regularly kept tabs on a lot of players that I had enjoyed playing with from old guilds to see how they were doing for themselves and came across TRC this way. Whether or not either of the above players will vouch for me is down to them, though I feel like we always got along well during SoD days.

About you

I'm not a shy person. If I'm going to join a guild I'm going to get to know it's players otherwise it's just awkward and that isn't what I play WoW for. I take my raiding seriously from both a group and individual perspective. I'm open to criticism as I feel everyone should be without taking unnecessary offence. I also feel if something needs saying then it should be said, from myself as well.


Hi Kheydar. Hi Xanthra. I miss you both.

Re: Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 05 Dec 2016, 11:40
by Twiki
Thanks for your application, please give us some time to review it

Re: Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 19:39
by Twiki
Hey! Would you be able to add me on RealID for a chat?


Re: Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 06 Dec 2016, 21:45
by Kárkun

Battle net name is Dan*

Re: Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 15 Dec 2016, 11:06
by Xanzara
We've decided to accept you for a Trial!

Transfer at your convenience and whisper an officer for an invite whenever you arrive.

Re: Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 15 Dec 2016, 21:23
by Xanthi

Re: Kárkun - Frost DK - Draenor (Horde)

Posted: 20 Jan 2017, 02:43
by Twiki