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[Social] Eradn - 110 Havoc Demon Hunter

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 18:30
by Rither
Who is your character?
Eradn - Night Elf, Havoc Demon Hunter

Who are you?
Oli Kantyka, 24, UK

I've done a lot of raiding in the past, but my schedule won't allow it atm so I'm doing more casual activities, gearing up steadily and aiming to do some Mythic 5 mans. I'm also a terrible alt-oholic, I have 4 classes at 110, and 8 at 100+. Making my character look pimpin' is also a priority for me.

Guild history
None since Legion. I joined Raven Council back in WoD for only around 2 weeks (as a mage named Rither), and then disappeared for months due to illness. I have to apologise for not being very communicative, but I had other things on my mind at the time. I hope you can forgive me for that, please message me if you want a more detailed explanation.

In that short time though I was really impressed by the community in Raven Council, definitely the most friendly and active guild I've seen in many years, so I would like to hang out!

See above.

About you
I raided loads back in WotLK and Cataclysm, but I've just been playing on-off and mostly casually since then. I'm excited about trying Mythic+, it seems like it offers a good challenge for those that can't commit to raids.
I'm terrible at sticking with one class but at least it means I can play pretty much anything now. I also have to gear all my classes up in the pimpingest transmogs.

I'm interested in most aspects of the game, I enjoy levelling, lore, raiding, dungeoning, achievement hunting, running around in circles in Dalaran. I've even been known to join in RP. Not pet battle though, that's an abomination as far as i'm concerned.
I've tried to pvp a lot as well, but i'm terrible at it.

Personally I'm a fan, but variety is the spice of life.

Re: [Social] Eradn - 110 Havoc Demon Hunter

Posted: 07 Nov 2016, 18:34
by Rither
Just remembered I already have a forum account.

Re: [Social] Eradn - 110 Havoc Demon Hunter

Posted: 10 Nov 2016, 17:10
by Jimmble