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(RG2) Kelyssa lvl 110 Demon hunter

Posted: 13 Oct 2016, 19:43
by kelyssa
Who is your character?
[Kelyssa, Demonhunter, Havoc/vengeance, ... ssa/simple

Who are you?
[My name is Rico short for Ricardo i'm originally from Portugal but currently living in Amsterdam gonna work fulltime as a production carpenter

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
[I would like to apply for raid group 2 because i'm not that big of 3 days raiding all the time and I see myself as a upgrade for raid group 2 I think I could help out as a part of the team]

[I've raided a lot in the previous expansions I did BRF and HM in the dreanor expansion and did SoO in the Mop expansion I cleared all of them on my monk on heroic and I did clear them when they were the current content in that time. in the current raids I did clear EN7/7 normal and 3/7 Heroic. I did reroll from my monk to demon hunter because I did not like the playstyle anymore and I still think that is more fun for everybody if people play what they like.

Raid role
[I was raiding with preeviala and ledor they had a Norwegian raid group just for fun and my role there was to help any1 who needed help at some specs or to fill in for people as they couldn't handle heroic. my current role that I would like to main is melee dps I prepare my flasks and prepots with my alt as they have alchemy and enchanting my main resource of updates about my class is Icyveins or Arathana as he is currently raiding in RG1]

Your Spec
[well you can go 2 dps builds you could go Fell Rush build or you could go auto attack build. i'm currently using fel rush build because it slighty better then the other 1. basically what fell rush build means you need to maintain the buff momentum when you can do a lot of damage like in 1 momentum you need to do 3 chaos strikes or 1 throw glaive with eyebeam or a chaos strike and use the down time of your momentum buff to regen the fury that you need and with chaos strike you refund 20 fury if you critical strike so that pretty good that crit is your main stat I like to cap my haste at 10-12% just because of the global cds that I need to do 3 chaos strike in 4 sec. so my main stats are crit-vers-haste-mastery

Off-specs and Alternative characters
[its not a problem switching to tank the only problem is that statwise is very different as tank but I can work on the gear as off spec I have 1 alt Lendro but i'm not really comfortable playing with him because the class is mostly RNG based on how many procs you get. ... dro/simple

[I have a mic thats working I always like to suggest things that we could try and watch a lot of videos to see what we did wrong and can help to solve that in the raid i'm silent and try not to speak out of place.

Combat Logs
[i don't have recent logs but have some of 2 weeks ago that were pretty bad because of deaths ... 715/latest#

Your UI
[ got tellmewhen above the weakauras for trinket procs etc

Guild History
[well I have been in a mythic raiding guild with my monk in hellfirecitadel but I've forgotten then name to be honest ?]
but if you check my monk sandstorm- The Maelstrom you see that I had some mythic progression with the charachter

Raid availability
[I can its good that we start at 20:30 because of eating times in my family.]

[I've know Arathana before he joined this guild and because of him I herad of it but made a lot of new friends while being a social around the guild and in the guild

About you
[well my name is Rico short for Ricardo I've been studying the last couple of years to be a carpenter atm looking for a job and start my own company and wow is just a big part of my life since I have been playing when I was 14 years old. :)]

[I do not have a legendary that makes me sad hope that some gnomes could give me some shinies to help out the raid team <3 .]

Re: (RG2) Kelyssa lvl 110 Demon hunter

Posted: 14 Oct 2016, 12:47
by Xanthi
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.

Re: (RG2) Kelyssa lvl 110 Demon hunter

Posted: 24 Oct 2016, 19:06
by Xanthi
In guild app, in trial.