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Recruitment - Humur

Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 10:29
by Bastille
Hi, im Humur level 53 dwarf hunter. This is my main character and first i ever created. My IRL friend Deceased recommended to put recruitment application towards Raven Council, so here I am :).

What im looking for is a somewhat casual guild with friendly openminded friends and who are fun to play with. I enjoy questing and doing instances with people who know what they are doing and who are not there only for the loot. I´ve had enough with that with some random groups that i have been with.

So in short, i still have so much to see in the game and places to explore and i would rather do this with friendly and nice people. For me this game offers much more when i get to play with people that i have played before and i know that they also want to play with me. And what I have heard from Deceased, you could be something that i have been looking for. So if you think that I am viable candidate for your guild, please take contact.

Hoping to hear from you soon!


Oh and I also have the Burning Crusade expansion, so i can come to Outlands as soon as i hit the required level cap.

Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 18:23
by Alikh
Actually, there is no level cap on the outlands. You just have to be 58 to go through the portal in the blasted lands itself. Mages can always portal you and locks can summon you there. ;)

Posted: 08 Feb 2007, 21:13
by Alikh