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[RG1] Guardian Druid (110) - Blinkiez

Posted: 08 Sep 2016, 21:46
by Blinkiez
Who is your character?
Guardian / Open (resto / moonkin)

Who are you?
The Netherlands
Full time day job.
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

After the release of diablo 3 I stopped playing world of warcraft in the deathwing days. After playing it for multiple years (from zul'gurub to deathwing without breaks). With the new release of Legion I decided to buy the game and get back into active raiding.

Raid Role
Tank, prepare by reading up on the boss fight and watch video's if these are available.
Bring flasks and potions to the fight.

Your Spec
Just regular tank spec, I keep up one stack of ironfur and if overraged then make it two.
For the rest mainly use Mangle (1), Thrash (2), Swipe (3)

Off-specs and Alternative characters
None yet, either resto or boomkin are still possible. Willing to chose what guild needs.

Yes, I have a good working headset to talk in game or just social talk.

Combat Logs
N/a see my comment earlier. Just returned to WoW.

Your UI
I'm currently still tweaking my UI.
Playing with GRID, DBM, adjusted castbars, cooldown bars, recount and threat

Guild History
I can't remember my guild history. Last guild was Despair where I cleared deathwing on the realm Kazzak.

Raid availability
Usually available from 19.00 untill deadlines at work, usually manageable.

I started new on this realm with my cousin and a real life friend. You can ask them, but other than that no real references are possible.

About you

Currently occupied as auditor in the Netherlands, bought a house with my GF which is ready in November.
Addicted to gaming and series.

Re: [RG1] Guardian Druid (110) - Blinkiez

Posted: 09 Sep 2016, 00:38
by Xanzara
Thank you for applying to RG1. We cannot, however, accept your application at the current time as we are not recruiting any more tanks.

Furthermore, to provide some additional feedback for any future endeavours, I would strongly recommend that you flesh out your answers a bit more. You currently provide no proof of ability, no relevant experience and has no other references of any kind. It is currently very hard for any raiding guild on a mythic level to treat your application with appropriate seriousness.