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[RG1] Feiitan, Demon Hunter(main havoc)

Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 05:22
by Feitan
Who is your character?

Feitan, Demon Hunter, Havoc ... tan/simple

Who are you?

I'm mathieu, 21 ,i'm french, Currently living in Morocco.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?



I'm a returning old player from wrath, i was introduced to raiding in early TBC thanks to a friend of mine.
We cleared all of BC and wrath raid (Excluding sindragosa and arthas in heroic) as i had quit the game back ( I was self studying programming languages back then on the side).

Raid Role

My raid role is to do damage as efficiently as possible and timing my cool down depending on the encounter ( Especially when you get a damage boost) But the most important aspect is to handle the mechanics of the fight well enough.
I have this mentality that one can only see his own worth in other, i try to scale my self to my comrade performance and listen to criticism.
That being said i try to do my best to learn more about my class and the raid i'm attending, I always check Icy vein and wow head for good guides, there is also youtuber that i enjoy getting information from such as fatboss and preacher.
But mostly i tend to experiment a lot and try to figure out the algorithm.

Your Spec

[Tell us about your rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities, important talent and glyph choices, etc. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
{Please note that while in pre patch my rotation is far from complete}
Current single target rotation (Considering there is no significant nasty aoe behind me):

-1 cast Fel Rush with Fel Mastery.

-2 cast Vengeful retreat with the talent Prepared.

-4 cast Metamorphosis.

-5 cast Chaos Strike.

- cast Eye Beam when up (even single target it still deals massive damage).

-cast Fel Rush when it's about to hit two stacks.

When there is Aoe to deal with i take Demonic Appetite although the buff is random it's much safer for the raid and will give consistent fury in long fights.

In the aoe situation it depands on the pack:
*if it's a council style boss with less than 4 bosses i'd favor Chaos Cleave tallent as Chaos Strike become more valuable than Blade Dance in raw damage output.
It's basically the same rotation.

*if there are multiple targets, i favor Blade Dance.

As for now there is 3 CD to manage: the burst Metamorphosis and the defensives Blur and Darkness(A good raid ability that will hopeful earn me the favor of healers/tanks :) )

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm not that bad with tanking and had the chance to try out Vengeance for myself although i'll refrain from switching to it until i get a mic (for obvious reasons).


As you may have realized i don't have a mic (I broke it by accident and i'm too comfortable with my head set to buy a new one to be honest) that being said i will get one eventually.
While i may not always be on the forum i will look regularly for updates and most likely would dwell on teamspeak.

Combat Logs

Sadly i have no logs as of yet (My character is freshly created after all).

Your UI
It's just basic UI although i tend to prefer bartender as it's more aesthetically pleasing.

Raid availability

[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]I'd say i have a very flexible schedule, although i'm currently working on a project i usually work at home and can organize myself to any time possible (with a few exceptions).

About you

I'm a young programmer and a bigger lover fro basically anything new and challenging. so if you're having issues don't hesitate to contact me although hardware and networking aren't my specialty i may still help you :wink: .

Re: [RG1] Feiitan, Demon Hunter(main havoc)

Posted: 27 Aug 2016, 05:28
by Xanzara
Thanks for your application to RG1, please wait while we deliberate. Be aware that due to Legion, our application & trialling procedures are slower than usual.

Re: [RG1] Feiitan, Demon Hunter(main havoc)

Posted: 02 Sep 2016, 20:46
by Xanzara
After considerations I'm sorry to tell you that we cannot currently offer you a spot in RG1. If you want further feedback, feel free to contact any of the officers in the game.