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Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 13:21
by Selphie
Hi everyone!

After hearing Themrs and Drakus telling me about how nice and social this guild is I would very much like to join.

First a little introduction of me :) . I'm a 23 year old (very) poor student going on my last year to become a teacher at Gothenburg University. I live in a teeny tiny student home with my fluffy puppy.

I have a few level 60s all over the place but after moving to Defias brotherhood with all the nice and mature people I couldn't go back :) and besides this is where my lovely boyfriend is :wink: (I hope that scored me some nice feedback from him)

1. Selphie is my third priest and she is a Draenei, at the moment 43, but very soon 70 :). I also have a 60 warlock on the server but prefer healing over dotting ;)

2. Selphie is my main :)

3. I have tried the hardcore raiding part with one of my priests, but didn't like it that much. It actually made me give up wow for a few months ;). Relaxed and having fun is much more preferred!. Rather see social and fun people than purple pixels any day :lol:

4. hmmmm. Think I wrote this before but my goal is of course to have fun with nice people. :)
Well!that's about it. Thanks for your time! :)


Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 13:27
by Peek
As previously said, Selphie is my girlfriend and so I obviously would like her to join. Very good team-player and loves to heal :).

Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 13:31
by Cassini
I've raided and quested with her a few times on another priest she had when I was my uber-mage in a past life. Can say with certainty she's a fine healer.


Posted: 19 Feb 2007, 13:01
by Alikh