[RG1] Deuthal
Posted: 25 Aug 2016, 00:57
Who is your character?
Deuthal (mage) -> http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... hal/simple
Duethar (dk, was my main up to the prepatch) -> http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... har/simple
i'm a fan of the CM gear >.>
Who are you?
I'm Joe, and i'm 17 (basically a baby huh), and im from the UK, birmingham, so beware of the accent
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
cleared normal/heroic Seige of Orgrimmar, normal/heroic BRF, and cleared mythic HFC in march 2016. My raiding history is rather bare, but i hope my performance aids that. im a long time player, basically started when i was a foetus, but i've only recently got into, well more dived into raiding in WoD
Raid Role
I've always been key dpser (so i like to think) in the team, not necessarily for the damage, but i really push myself to excel at the tactics, i take pride in how i do, and if i do make a mistake, i am my own worst critic. I hate letting the team down, so if i do mess up, you will know that i'm kicking myself over it. From what i've learnt from HFC, i'm generally performing the best i can and i hope the logs show that. for keeping myself updated, icy veins will always be the core source of information, but i do like to stalk the top tier players and see what they do different, certain talent picks for specific fights, tricks such as what to AMS (i mainly focused on the DK stuff ofc), and analyzing the logs. They show tons of information, and they really do help highlighting issues/possible improvements.
Your Spec
Fire mage is superior right now for mage, and i do hope it stays that way for a while. Stat prio is Crit>Mastery>Haste>Vers currently. the spec is pretty simple, but i think the main aspect of fire to watch out for is chain critting. Simply, its just sending a fireball off the same time as your pyroblast, increasing your ignite and getting the chance to instantly proc another instant fireblast.
For talents: tier 1 - Pyromaniac - this is currently superior to the other options, mainly due to the large increase in hotstreak chances, and the main chunk of your damage is from pyro (and subsequently ignite)
Tier 2 - Shimmer - I usually prefer shimmer just because its so nice having 2 blinks, and it is always nice to have that extra mobility
Tier 3 - rune of power - RoP is an amazing talent for the massive boost it gives to your burst periods. Lining it up with combustion allows for crazy burst
Tier 4 - Flame on - I totally didnt pick this talent just because of how cool it looks or anything >.>... but seriously, the extra 2 fireblasts is amazing for those chain crit periods, especially when bursting. Combining with RoP and Combustion, it only makes the fire mage burst more fun
Tier 5 - Ice flows - the mobility given by IF is just too powerful compared to the other options. Having the ability to cast while moving is essential in many fights, and there arnt enough occasions where freezing enemies is needed currently.
Tier 6 - Depends - Unstable magic is usually what i take as it is consistent, and better on single target fights. Fights with heavy cleave, and where the targets dont move so much (like Xhul), Flame patch would be the best pic. The cleave damage is crazy, and with the Archi trinket (chances of casting flamestrike when you use fireblast) it can be really powerful.
Tier 7 - Kindling - Kindling massively reduces the cooldown on combustion, so it is the talent i normally take. you may take cinderstorm on fights like iron reaver, just because the fight wont last long enough to make the second combustion worthwhile.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm happy with all of the mage specs, and im positive i can play each of them to their full potential. I also own a fair few alts (DK, Shaman, Warlock), and can play all of their specs to a high level. i do also enjoy resto shaman, so at the offchance of needing an extra healer, im happy to help.
Shaman - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... han/simple
Warlock - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/eonar/Oh/simple
I've played on all of my alts for a fair bit of time, including doing challenge mode. CMs do require a high level of knowledge of your class, and i loved doing them in MoP, so hopefully i can do the same in Legion
I have a microphone, and i'm happy to use them
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... artition=1
I also have some older logs from progress, I name changed my main:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... artition=1
Im positive i can perform just as well, if not better on my mage.
Your UI
Its pretty much identical to my mages, and apologies for the empty bars, the prepatch has made everything unsymmetrical
Guild History
I've been in a few, but none are worth mentioning before HFC. I started off in a small guild, they managed to progress through BRF and HFC on heroic, but it wasn't the progression i was looking for, so i left to join a guild named Phoenix reborn. mythic progress was going well up until gorefiend, at that point the guild leader became very narcissistic, and the environment was becoming uncomfortable, not only that, but raiders who showed no signs of improvement where continuing to be let into the group, so it felt like my face was slamming into a brick wall for a very long time. both i and a friend (who i expect will apply soon) left, and joined a guild called Thats Nice on Defias. Here we cleared mythic in a respectively fast time, but due to disagreements with the changes happening (change of leader, realms and essentially the guilds entire feel), we thought it was best to leave. Which leaves me here
Raid availability
I can make it to all the specified days. The only day of the week i cant make is Friday, and i don't think that clashes with anything
I've been looking for a guild for a while, but the one place i didn't think to look was the opposite faction on my realm. I really do like the look of the guild, and i would love to be a part of it :p I don't have anyone who can vouch for me.
About you
I'm currently in my second year of College, so i'm most likely going to be the youngest if i do get accepted, but i hope that doesn't cause any barriers, and i can easily balance my work with raiding. Id like to think i'm funny, but that might just come from my sarcasm. I can also be a bit of a pessimist, but that only makes the seemingly unthinkable a little more surprising.
I've been raiding with a friend (shadow priest) for a while now, and i'm sure it wont be too long before you see his application. he is an excellent, if not better raider than me, and his dedication to his class is almost scary. Also, if a mage isnt what you need right now, im more than happy to apply on another character, such as my shaman or my Demon hunter. I enjoy most classes, and im sure they would make a worthy raid member
Thanks for reading through my application, and i hope I've made a decent impression <3
Deuthal (mage) -> http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... hal/simple
Duethar (dk, was my main up to the prepatch) -> http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... har/simple
i'm a fan of the CM gear >.>
Who are you?
I'm Joe, and i'm 17 (basically a baby huh), and im from the UK, birmingham, so beware of the accent
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
cleared normal/heroic Seige of Orgrimmar, normal/heroic BRF, and cleared mythic HFC in march 2016. My raiding history is rather bare, but i hope my performance aids that. im a long time player, basically started when i was a foetus, but i've only recently got into, well more dived into raiding in WoD
Raid Role
I've always been key dpser (so i like to think) in the team, not necessarily for the damage, but i really push myself to excel at the tactics, i take pride in how i do, and if i do make a mistake, i am my own worst critic. I hate letting the team down, so if i do mess up, you will know that i'm kicking myself over it. From what i've learnt from HFC, i'm generally performing the best i can and i hope the logs show that. for keeping myself updated, icy veins will always be the core source of information, but i do like to stalk the top tier players and see what they do different, certain talent picks for specific fights, tricks such as what to AMS (i mainly focused on the DK stuff ofc), and analyzing the logs. They show tons of information, and they really do help highlighting issues/possible improvements.
Your Spec
Fire mage is superior right now for mage, and i do hope it stays that way for a while. Stat prio is Crit>Mastery>Haste>Vers currently. the spec is pretty simple, but i think the main aspect of fire to watch out for is chain critting. Simply, its just sending a fireball off the same time as your pyroblast, increasing your ignite and getting the chance to instantly proc another instant fireblast.
For talents: tier 1 - Pyromaniac - this is currently superior to the other options, mainly due to the large increase in hotstreak chances, and the main chunk of your damage is from pyro (and subsequently ignite)
Tier 2 - Shimmer - I usually prefer shimmer just because its so nice having 2 blinks, and it is always nice to have that extra mobility
Tier 3 - rune of power - RoP is an amazing talent for the massive boost it gives to your burst periods. Lining it up with combustion allows for crazy burst
Tier 4 - Flame on - I totally didnt pick this talent just because of how cool it looks or anything >.>... but seriously, the extra 2 fireblasts is amazing for those chain crit periods, especially when bursting. Combining with RoP and Combustion, it only makes the fire mage burst more fun
Tier 5 - Ice flows - the mobility given by IF is just too powerful compared to the other options. Having the ability to cast while moving is essential in many fights, and there arnt enough occasions where freezing enemies is needed currently.
Tier 6 - Depends - Unstable magic is usually what i take as it is consistent, and better on single target fights. Fights with heavy cleave, and where the targets dont move so much (like Xhul), Flame patch would be the best pic. The cleave damage is crazy, and with the Archi trinket (chances of casting flamestrike when you use fireblast) it can be really powerful.
Tier 7 - Kindling - Kindling massively reduces the cooldown on combustion, so it is the talent i normally take. you may take cinderstorm on fights like iron reaver, just because the fight wont last long enough to make the second combustion worthwhile.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm happy with all of the mage specs, and im positive i can play each of them to their full potential. I also own a fair few alts (DK, Shaman, Warlock), and can play all of their specs to a high level. i do also enjoy resto shaman, so at the offchance of needing an extra healer, im happy to help.
Shaman - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... han/simple
Warlock - http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/eonar/Oh/simple
I've played on all of my alts for a fair bit of time, including doing challenge mode. CMs do require a high level of knowledge of your class, and i loved doing them in MoP, so hopefully i can do the same in Legion
I have a microphone, and i'm happy to use them
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... artition=1
I also have some older logs from progress, I name changed my main:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... artition=1
Im positive i can perform just as well, if not better on my mage.
Your UI
Its pretty much identical to my mages, and apologies for the empty bars, the prepatch has made everything unsymmetrical
Guild History
I've been in a few, but none are worth mentioning before HFC. I started off in a small guild, they managed to progress through BRF and HFC on heroic, but it wasn't the progression i was looking for, so i left to join a guild named Phoenix reborn. mythic progress was going well up until gorefiend, at that point the guild leader became very narcissistic, and the environment was becoming uncomfortable, not only that, but raiders who showed no signs of improvement where continuing to be let into the group, so it felt like my face was slamming into a brick wall for a very long time. both i and a friend (who i expect will apply soon) left, and joined a guild called Thats Nice on Defias. Here we cleared mythic in a respectively fast time, but due to disagreements with the changes happening (change of leader, realms and essentially the guilds entire feel), we thought it was best to leave. Which leaves me here
Raid availability
I can make it to all the specified days. The only day of the week i cant make is Friday, and i don't think that clashes with anything
I've been looking for a guild for a while, but the one place i didn't think to look was the opposite faction on my realm. I really do like the look of the guild, and i would love to be a part of it :p I don't have anyone who can vouch for me.
About you
I'm currently in my second year of College, so i'm most likely going to be the youngest if i do get accepted, but i hope that doesn't cause any barriers, and i can easily balance my work with raiding. Id like to think i'm funny, but that might just come from my sarcasm. I can also be a bit of a pessimist, but that only makes the seemingly unthinkable a little more surprising.
I've been raiding with a friend (shadow priest) for a while now, and i'm sure it wont be too long before you see his application. he is an excellent, if not better raider than me, and his dedication to his class is almost scary. Also, if a mage isnt what you need right now, im more than happy to apply on another character, such as my shaman or my Demon hunter. I enjoy most classes, and im sure they would make a worthy raid member
Thanks for reading through my application, and i hope I've made a decent impression <3