[RG2] Ganonas - level 100 Worgen Mage - Legion

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Posts: 2
Character name: Ganonas

[RG2] Ganonas - level 100 Worgen Mage - Legion

Post by Ganonas » 19 Aug 2016, 15:43

Edit: Noticed i missed a few small sections, fixed now.

Who is your character?

Character name: Ganonas
Class: Mage
Specs: Fire about 90% of the time
Armory link: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... s/advanced

Who are you?
My name is Ziv (30), Israel born and raised, currently working as an instructor at Ben gurion's airport security division.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Applying for raid group 2 as it fits my work times and more casual approach to raiding (compared to what I used to have ;))


Ok so...


ZG - Cleared
MC- Cleared
AQ40/20 - Cleared
Naxx40 - 12/16

Burning Crusade:

KZ: Cleared
Gruul's Lair: Cleared
Magtheridon's Lair: Cleared
SSC: Cleared
TK: Cleared
MH: Cleared
BT: Cleared
SWP: Cleared (Pre-Nerf)

Wrath of the Lich King - kills before patches/nerfs:
10/25: Cleared
Obsidian Sanctum:
10: 1/1, 1/1hc
25: 1/1, 1/1hc
Eye of Eternity:
10/25: 1/1
10: 14/14, 9/9 hc
25: 14/14, 9/9 hc
Trial of the Crusader:
10: 5/5, 5/5 hc
25: 5/5, 5/5 hc
Icecrown Citadel:
10: 12/12, 12/12 hc
25: 12/12, 11/12 hc (killed LK in cataclysm lol)


Throne Of The Four Winds: 2/2 hc (realm 3rd alakir)
Bastion Of Twilight: 5/5 hc (realm 3rd sinestra)
Blackwing Descent: 6/6 hc (realm 2nd neffy)
Firelands: 2/7 HC

Mists Of Pandaria:

Throne Of Thunder: 11/13 HC - while clearing SoO
Siege Of Orgrimmar: 11/14 HC // 14/14 Mythic after 6.0

Warlords of Draenor:

Highmaul - 6/7 HC
Blackrock Foundry - 2/10 mythic

Raid Role
The only role there is! DPS! But in all seriousness, A mage's role is to keep as high DPS output is he can while utilizing the many mobility tools he has at his disposal, which now is even better with shimmer :).
The way I usually prepare myself for my personal raiding experiance is actually alot of dummy practice, LFR tryouts just to get the feel of things and basically alot of trial and error outside the actual raid enviorment. You have no idea how many flasks and pots I use outside of an actual raid...
At the moment I am watching lots of youtube vids from top streamers about the "new" mage class (so to speak) and read quite alot on the MMOC mage forums and icy veins, I constantly aim to perfect my playstyle even if it's through small tricks on certain fights.
Preparing for actual boss fights I watch fatboss guides usually and read up on icy veins, aswell as general tactic discussions on MMO champion (and guild forums while they were active :()

Your Spec
As fire goes the rotation is extremely simple but very reactive. It's mostly about getting the opener correctly and rotating in as many crits through pyro fishing which was made much easier with the change to the no GCD fireblast and combustion. The idea is to try and chain as many as possible while maintaining a high ignite which was also finally fixed through this pre-patch. All in All the spec is extremely more user friendly than it used to be, still crit reliant BUT not gimping the player if his crit chance isn't high enough. As it goes for AOE, I will explain it further in the talents section.

stat priorities
1. Critical strike - The bread and butter of the fire spec, the more you crit, the more actual benefit you get from all your skills as this stat synergizes with your main nuke capability which is hot streak (single target AND AOE)
2.Mastery - With the fix to ignite (and also abit before that) mastery has become a better stat than haste mostly due the fact that ignite stacking is once again a thing and can reach insane numbers when paired with high crit chance.
3. Haste - Faster fireballs are always better right? But in the end even though haste reduces your cast time (and 3 CDs) it depends on your build and having enough of the previous secondaries to become better ( for ex, it gets closer to mastery if you take living bomb and cinderstorm, due to CD reduction, cast time reduction and dot tick speed)
4. Versatility - Overall a flat damage increase, not only boring but also the stat that has no actual synergy with any of our skills, thus making it the least desireable on gear (and getting it on a certain piece makes me miss reforging...)

Just a small section about my gear. Have been on a year break, so I came back for 7.0 and managed to scrape what gear I could that hasn't involved actual raiding ( pug groups can be very elitist :(). Atleast I finally got my legendary ring though... After all this time.


Tier 1 - As for single target, I would go for pyromaniac, yes 8% to reactivate hot streak isn't that high but it's the best option unless there is an initial important burn phase on the boss which needs the extra push and then due to logical reasons you may take firestarter instead. If not, then taking a talent that is only useful for 15% of the fight makes no sense. As for cleave situations conflagration is much better, single target it is usually about 2% of your damage which is tiny but gets higher the more targets there are because even though the chance to flare up is 10%, a clave is a cleave.

Tier 2 - Shimmer... I just LOVE this talent! The possibility to blink twice with it not effecting our GCD or casts is amazing. Nothing more to say!. The alternative would be ofcourse cauterize which I use mostly for new encounters I am not familiar with. It usually gives you a second wind if you screw up. When I am comfortable enough with an ecounter i just switch to shimmer. I usually don't pick up cold snap unless there's an unavoidable death trap mechanic in a fight that comes round every 30+ seconds, which most of them are avoidable :P.

Tier 3 - Rune of power would be the go to talent here, but there's a catch. You gotta be sure that you can actually use all those 10 seconds to your advantage without moving. If I am completely unfamiliar with a fight hands on I may pick up incanter's flow instead until I know the exact 10 second windows I can use my rune of power (excluding the opener stage which is usually "quite" safe). Mirror image is very situational and the least used out of the 3 according to sims so I try avoiding it.

Tier 4 - Flame on! If I had the tome of shifting words i would even bless this talent even more, it works wonders synergized with combustion and rune of power, this talent basically makes the opener for fire extremely bursty as you spend your time fireblasting, pyro, fireblasting, pyro etc. Blast wave has been kind to me in dungeons I have been to since 7.0 launched but only for trash. Controlled burn's RNG makes it too weak compared to the other talents in this tier.

Tier 5 - Ice floes, the only really PVE viable talent in this tier. Yes, fire already has alot of mobility due to instant casts, but this talent allows us to make use of moving and casting a fireball and not rely on scorch casting for movement. Ring of frost can be useful but only in extreme situations ( like adds that need to be delayed and this CC actually works on them).

Tier 6 - Again, if I had tome of shifting words I would go for flame patch above all as it benefits from the trinket's flamestrike. But alas... :(. Anyway, for single target purposes (and 2 target cleave purposes) I would use unstable magic, it usually provides about 3% damage increase vs single target but gets higher when a cleave is added ofcourse. the choices in this tier change depending on the amount of mobs present in the current fight really, meaning if you got yet another target then flame patch becomes the better choice and when you have many more, especially certain AOE packs then living bomb becomes the better choice as long as it is able to spread and take advantage of the full duration + explosion.

Tier 7 - Now here I have taken kindling mostly due to combustion providing a large chunk of our DPS, yes it makes it unalligned with Nithramus, but that ring will be gone in a few weeks time. I have also experimented with cinderstorm which seems to be quite powerful right now though I have yet to fully grasp how the arc works, will dabble abit more with it. I believe that on cleave fights now and during legion it will really make it's mark. As for meteor I will let Icy veins speak for me as I agree that "Meteor is just a long CD version of cinderstorm"

Legion specifics

I will not go into too much details, I'll just add a note about the use phoenix flames brings which is yet another tool that maximizes both our cleave, our AOE and our hot streak chains. Haven't had a chance to play the beta and use it but can't wait to test it out on live.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am extremely used to switching specs during a raid night, talents aswell. I won't ramble on about frost and arcane as I believe I have bled your eyes dry up until now with nerdycrafting but I will say if the need arises I may switch to them. Also if you would like me to talk about my arcane and frost choices, do poke me about it.
As for alts I only have a Demon Hunter (http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/t ... o/advanced) that I currently leveld and geared up to a certain degree, but out of personal experience and seeing your logs and requirements, I hardly believe you would need another melee :D. (though I would gladly oblige, again, if the need arises)

At the moment I don't have a microphone, but would gladly get a normal headset for general purposes. As a forum member I am usually quite active, both reading and writing.

Combat Logs
As I have not raided properly in a while I don't have any logs of my performance at the current time. Personally I could say that for my gear level it seems I am doing just fine :D

Your UI
https://s4.postimg.io/miqt56qkd/Wo_WScr ... 155708.jpg

Noteable Addons are:
Grid / Recount / Skinner/ Titan panel/ Bigwigs boss mods / BT4 / SCT / SUF.
I am not much of a minimalist but I have been playing with this setup for ages and I have gotten used to it and have grown to like it.

Guild History
With your permission I would copy a part of this from my current guild application and just fill in the rest:

2005 -Redrum inc - The Venture co. - Left due to a break I needed from hardcore raiding.
-Revenants - The Venture co - Been there a few weeks till I came back to Redrum Inc.

2006 -Redrum Inc - TVC - Played until april 06 when I took a break due to my PC being smashed. Came back aug 06.
-Redrum Inc - TVC- Raided with them until june 08 when redcruitment went stale and we forged with our sister guild on ravenholdt

2008 -RR Inc - Ravenholdt - Raided with them for 2 months. at the time the guild wasn't that hardcore, and i looked for that. So I moved back to the venture co and joined Twilight Empire.
-Twilight Empire - TVC - Raided with from august 08 until june 09 when raiding basically hit hiatus.

2009 -Numen - Silvermoon - Raided with for 2 months. Ended my own trial as the approach was way too hardcore.
-Redrum Inc. - TVC- Raided from Aug 09 to March 10. Stopped raiding due to not being able to rotate my job and the game together and ended being stressed out. Came back on june 10 and raided again until raiding came to a stop a few months into cataclysm.

2010 -Ace- Silvermoon - Transferred (again...) and raided with them up until they decided to go 10 men mid firelands heroic and included only the old members in the raid squad.
I then hit a long break until I came back to MOP, went extremely casual (LFR, flying solo). Stopped playing again until 5.3. ToT brought my love for raiding back but wasn't able to join a steady raid group.

2013 -Decadence- After a few months of pugging I joined Ace's buddy guild from back in the day to play with some familiar faces... but, being 10m (and a 2nd mage) I didn't get to see much of the content and ended up pugging alot.

- Sanctuary of Dreams - Joined the guild during the inital months of Siege of Orgrimmar and stayed with them basically until mythic BRF progress, sadly the attendance in the guild started running low and the same went for recruitment. Raiding went on a steady decline from there and alot of the core members decided to move on, some of them even joined TRC. At that time I was also facing personal Issues in my relationship and with my job also taking a big part of my life I couldn't bring myself to raid steadily.

2016 - Nowadays, came back after a yearly break from the game and with legion round the corner it seems like a very promising expension, I am currently still in sanctuary of dreams but am looking to come back to (sort of casual) raiding and also being around my friends which are mostly located in TRC. It's also a very good sign to see a guild that has been drama free and stable for so long.
These days myself, I am working mostly days and have the nights and weekends off ot play properly, so yes, while I won't be able to nerd my way to mythic, I will be able to dedicate plenty of time to a heroic group with the ocassional mythic dives.

Raid availability
Can make all the raid times in RG2, if I remember correctly they are 20:00-23:00 wed and mon.

Through wowprogress... and mainly through seeing the people i know in TRC

About you
Well, already said something about my job. Rest of it... not much, very chatty, lives for music \oo/ and an overall pretty awesome person (and very modest too!)

Now before I sign out, I will just add there are a few members in your guild that may vouch for me:
-Azhriael / Ethos (Mage pal <3)

Hope you guys have a good read and a great day!
Last edited by Ganonas on 20 Aug 2016, 15:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: [RG2] Ganonas - level 100 Worgen Mage - Legion

Post by Xanthi » 20 Aug 2016, 15:36

Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.

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Re: [RG2] Ganonas - level 100 Worgen Mage - Legion

Post by Fahranya » 20 Aug 2016, 18:30

Hello. We've read through your application and would like to give you a trial.

Now, there is right now a bit of a queue for trials when Emerald Nightmare opens up. But we'll try and get to you as quickly as possible.

In the mean time you can, if you'd like, ask for your application to be treated as a social app speeding up your joining of the guild while you wait for your turn in RG2.

Posts: 2
Character name: Ganonas

Re: [RG2] Ganonas - level 100 Worgen Mage - Legion

Post by Ganonas » 20 Aug 2016, 18:52

Sure i'd like that, would be nice getting to know my surroundings before EN hits.

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Re: [RG2] Ganonas - level 100 Worgen Mage - Legion

Post by Jimmble » 22 Aug 2016, 19:11

