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I would like a guild; would a guild like me?

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 19:56
by Cassini
Hey there,

1) Themrs, Female Human, Priest, 61

2) Themrs is my first priest, but not my first character. Previously to TBC I had a partial tier 2 mage on Lightnings blade with which I cleared all instances bar Naxx although I have been there twice. Prior to TBC being released I decided to try levelling a preist to get the other side of the dps / healing coin and got most of the way to 60 alongside my friend Drakus. I enjoyed it so much to the point my mage is no longer used - infact I d/e all his gear and gave away to his guild as a leaving present so there's no going back now!!! Character skills are Tailoring and Enchanting, both above 300 and levelling whenever I get chance. My current spec is 21 / 0 / 31 with the intention of getting to 28 / 0 / 33 although I've also played around with the idea of 41 / 20 / 0.

3) I am looking for a guild that is socialable and friendly. The guild I am currently in on this server is a little too quiet in the channels for my liking, I prefer to participate in some banter whilst playing WoW, it's one of the attractions of this type of game in fairness. I would also be looking for a PVE guild, as whilst I like to kill horde, the same as we all should, I just can't bring myself to grind the Battlegrounds constantly, although like the odd outing ofcourse :) . I've been raiding end game content (pre-tbc) which was good fun so hopefully will get chance to do more once I level up enough with Themrs, although for now just having fun in Outlands seeing new stuff, and ofcourse doing the 5 man instances when I get chance. Why did I choose to apply to this guild above others? Well because my friend Drakus joined and said you all seem like fun people. This is my first application to another guild with this character, and with luck will also be my last :). (Yes I am in a guild atm but did not apply, just joined to see what it was like after bumping into their priest CL when I helped his pala through SM)

4) Of course my main aim for now is to meet cool peeps I can have fun with and a bit of banter. Later on I also hope to get a chance to see some of the end game content.

A few things about me:

- Wrong side of 20, right side of 30 (just!) ;)
- Live in the UK which ofcourse means I speak only English :P
- Married (no kids) which means I'm a casual gamer only. If you're looking for someone that logs on 24 / 7 then I'm afraid I applied to the wrong guild, I am usually on about 2-3 times in evenings (work - sigh) and weekend mornings whilst themrs (now you see why the name! :P) has her weekend late sleep-in.

Well I guess that's all; thanks for reading! Now I just wait your response... :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 20:10
by Peek
RL best friend and nice friendly guy to boot. :)

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 21:52
by Celsan

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 22:12
by Cassini
Celsan wrote:<recruited>
Yay - thanks! :)

Now can you upgrade my forum access as it says in Guild Info page :)


Posted: 03 Feb 2007, 10:44
by Celsan
Should be done already - if you can see the Member's Barracks forum, you have access.