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Looking for a home - No previous owners..

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 14:01
by Peek
Hi all,

Just a quick introduction before raising the facts. I'm 28, an office manager and work in Sheffield, UK. I've been playing for almost 2 years now and have two other level 60 characters (hunter and rogue). I've been fortunate enough to see up to C'thun in AQ40 with previous characters, although I've never been to Naxxramas.

I started this character in November after a 3 month hiatus on a strictly casual basis. Me and my RL friend (Themrs - human, priest) decided on Defias Brotherhood not because of the RP element, but for the fact we're both the wrong side of 20 and had had enough of the "pew-pew" kiddy feel that dominates a lot of PVP servers. Defias Brotherhood hasn't disappointed and offers, I believe, a much stronger mature experience which has proven itself the case on many occasions.

So, without further ado:

1) Drakus, Human, Warrior - level 60 (and climbing!)

Something that is a surprise, is how much I enjoy tanking! I chose warrior for that extra responsibility besides bog-standard dps and I'm loving it. Currently 42/5/4, although I'll be putting the rest into prot to ensure i get Last Stand with the intention of going full prot once I hit 70 (unless the guild states otherwise).

2) Drakus is my main and only character at the moment.

3) I would, above all else, be looking for a guild that is social and full of characters (not the WoW kind!). I've done the hardcore raiding in the past and it was the main reason I got bored of the game. I've held off joining any other guilds, as I don't guild-hop and like a lot of puppies, I'm for life - not just christmas.
I would like to raid and such stuff, also a fan of outdoor PVP, but there's no rush and there's plenty still to see in Outlands (Been here since 58!).

4) I think I semi-covered this in the previous question, but just to reiterate:

I'm interested in raiding (although no rush) and outdoor pvp. Used to be a big fan of RP games like Vampire: Masquerade and Werewolf: Apocoalypse, but haven't done excessive amounts whilst being on this server. Battlegrounds PVP is also cool, although I'll never be able to just grind there for days on end.

Thanks for reading my application. I know it's been a bit long-winded, but this will obviously be my one and only chance to impress, so I wanted to give myself a fair hearing. Hmmm, anything I haven't covered.... Oh, I'm 300 in jewelcrafting with free gems being done for guildies (Just bring mats) and really good at following orders in raids, no matter how suicidal they might initially seem. :P

Take it easy,

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 14:49
by Celsan
Long winded = good as it tells us a lot more about you - expect to hear from us soon ;-)

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 18:20
by Alikh