[RG2] Pegase, hunter
Posted: 22 Jul 2016, 00:11
Who is your character?
Pegase, Hunter, BM, armory link: ME
Who are you?
Sara, 37 years 'young'... and I'm from rainy Belgium
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I would like to apply to R2, but if R1 ever is in need of some ranged DPS, I'll gladly help out. I'm online practically every evening/night.
I started with vanilla WOW, on US-servers(had some Ausie friends at the time) played rogue then, restarted on EU-servers, went huntard and as the saying goes 'When you go hunter you never go...', quit because of workrelated timetableprobs, but came back when LK came around, played in a heavy duty raidguild, called TTS, raided daily and till the wee hours, I had to stop due to healthreasons at the time, and the guild lead under Zhaan, our Romanian GL, stopped. I came back, a month now, have started levelling my gear through dungeons, dailies and raids, and would love to hit the raids a bit more coordinated Have been raiding pretty much daily since I came back, all through the raid finder/ group finder though.
Raid Role
I'm a ranged DPS, I read up on tactics so I don't get any surprises on my way. I read up on them on Icy Veins, Wowhead,etc... Watch vids too. I always have Recount on and after some gear or weaponupgrades, I 'work out' on the dummies And I'm not too shy to ask q's at more experienced players, love to learn as much as possible.
Your spec
Have been working through the best tactics and thus came to this rot.: I open with stampede , murder of crows and bestial wrath, go on to Dire Beast and kill command and try to find a good balance between cobra shot and always keeping up the former. Have also been trying out the Survival spec but raidwise, there'll be enough melee guildies, think staying ranged 'll be a better choice.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have one other 100 lvl char, Severeen, Worgen Fury Warrior, but need to learn playing with him. Have no prior tanking experience. Severeen
I have a headset and mic, used to use Teamspeak, so no probs there. Language is no barrier no problem either.
Combat Logs
No combat logs since I had no idea this existed if I'm brutally honest, but I'm all for and gonna make some asap
Your UI
Guild History
The guild called TTS, Zhaan's(used to be our GM) still on sometimes. Now I'm in a guild of a BFF of mine who made one for a bunch of friends, casual, fun 'Charmed into fun' 's the name But I want more, I want me some raiding chills, some 'OMG we hit that'-extacy!
Raid availability
I'm a teacher so I have heaps of time! HEAPS I say No prob whatsoever!
I was looking through the net for a good PVE-guild from DB, and The Raven Council immediately popped up Spoke to Pingulingu and Xanzara and found you guys here, on the net They were both raiding so I kept my q's on the down low.
About you
So, the name's Sara, hi , and love all kinds of gaming, from Ps4 to WOW to MtG to boardgames, but completely hooked on WOW again. When in a guild I'm a really dedicated player, I read and read-up on raid and dungeon tactics, love to be on top of the game. Don't wanna blow my own horn but I'm also a helpfull guildmember, like helping others out with insight, gear, in game help, etc... I'm married, live in Belgium, own a cute dog called Indy, an Australian Shepherd,...wanna know more, just ask
Would love to hit Legion with you guys, already bought the Dl-version, totally siked for it!
Pegase, Hunter, BM, armory link: ME
Who are you?
Sara, 37 years 'young'... and I'm from rainy Belgium
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I would like to apply to R2, but if R1 ever is in need of some ranged DPS, I'll gladly help out. I'm online practically every evening/night.
I started with vanilla WOW, on US-servers(had some Ausie friends at the time) played rogue then, restarted on EU-servers, went huntard and as the saying goes 'When you go hunter you never go...', quit because of workrelated timetableprobs, but came back when LK came around, played in a heavy duty raidguild, called TTS, raided daily and till the wee hours, I had to stop due to healthreasons at the time, and the guild lead under Zhaan, our Romanian GL, stopped. I came back, a month now, have started levelling my gear through dungeons, dailies and raids, and would love to hit the raids a bit more coordinated Have been raiding pretty much daily since I came back, all through the raid finder/ group finder though.
Raid Role
I'm a ranged DPS, I read up on tactics so I don't get any surprises on my way. I read up on them on Icy Veins, Wowhead,etc... Watch vids too. I always have Recount on and after some gear or weaponupgrades, I 'work out' on the dummies And I'm not too shy to ask q's at more experienced players, love to learn as much as possible.
Your spec
Have been working through the best tactics and thus came to this rot.: I open with stampede , murder of crows and bestial wrath, go on to Dire Beast and kill command and try to find a good balance between cobra shot and always keeping up the former. Have also been trying out the Survival spec but raidwise, there'll be enough melee guildies, think staying ranged 'll be a better choice.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I have one other 100 lvl char, Severeen, Worgen Fury Warrior, but need to learn playing with him. Have no prior tanking experience. Severeen
I have a headset and mic, used to use Teamspeak, so no probs there. Language is no barrier no problem either.
Combat Logs
No combat logs since I had no idea this existed if I'm brutally honest, but I'm all for and gonna make some asap
Your UI
Guild History
The guild called TTS, Zhaan's(used to be our GM) still on sometimes. Now I'm in a guild of a BFF of mine who made one for a bunch of friends, casual, fun 'Charmed into fun' 's the name But I want more, I want me some raiding chills, some 'OMG we hit that'-extacy!
Raid availability
I'm a teacher so I have heaps of time! HEAPS I say No prob whatsoever!
I was looking through the net for a good PVE-guild from DB, and The Raven Council immediately popped up Spoke to Pingulingu and Xanzara and found you guys here, on the net They were both raiding so I kept my q's on the down low.
About you
So, the name's Sara, hi , and love all kinds of gaming, from Ps4 to WOW to MtG to boardgames, but completely hooked on WOW again. When in a guild I'm a really dedicated player, I read and read-up on raid and dungeon tactics, love to be on top of the game. Don't wanna blow my own horn but I'm also a helpfull guildmember, like helping others out with insight, gear, in game help, etc... I'm married, live in Belgium, own a cute dog called Indy, an Australian Shepherd,...wanna know more, just ask
Would love to hit Legion with you guys, already bought the Dl-version, totally siked for it!