[RG1] Shaman/Hunter/Rogue
Posted: 19 Jul 2016, 14:00
Who is your character?
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
Hi This is a little bit more complicated since I am applying for Legion and I have not done any serious raiding in HFC so the idead of this application is for me to show you the level I have raided in SOO and Early Wod
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... min/simple - was my main for wod in the beginning (hunter)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... adz/simple - was my main in MoP (enhance shaman)
Who are you?
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]
Name: Mike
Age: 25
From: South Africa (but I am originally from ukraine)
Work: Business Analyst
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
[Our raid groups are "RG1" (3 days a week, Mythic progress priority) & "RG2" (2 days a week, Heroic progress, Mythic when possible). Each raid group has its own requirements and expectations, and you should have a preference on which one you join.]
[What is your prior raiding experience? Which tiers? LFR/Flex/Normal/Heroic/Mythic? And importantly: Did you clear these raids when they were current content (the most recent tier added), or come back in the next patch? For "Heroic" SoO please be clear whether you mean pre-6.0 or not (before/after the name changes). If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
I will speak in terms of the content that was relevant. I have started playing WoW since TBC, even though I have missed some of the content due to personal or motivational reasons. I also think TBC/Wotlk/Cata are particularly relevant since the game have changed a lot and the good/challanging Heroic and now mythic content for raiding been from MoP. However i have raided in TBC up untill sunwell on warlock; in Wotlk only from ToC and ICC on DK both 10 and 25 man; in cata I only played first tier in 10 man on balanced/feral druid.
SOO: I have raided in 10 man on enhancement shaman, however I have also played elemental and restro if it was needed.
I have also tanked alt raids on a warrior.
WoD: In wod I have raided on hunter mostly for Highmaul and some BRF. I also played for fun in HFC on my friends priest but it is nothing serious.
Raid Role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
My role in the raid is normally dps however If my class permits I can play off rolls to the acceptable level.
My prep normally consist of getting more food/flasks/pots then necessary.
Having best possible enchants/gems set up.
Have best possible gear that is obtainable.
Normally I read mmo champ for guids and theory crafting. I also look at high passing characters of my class and their profiles to see their gear/talents/set up etc. I also enjoy harassing dummy to find out the rotation.
I judge my performance by:
- How i performed relatively to the guild/raid
- How my I perform relatively to my class on the specific encounter (logs)
- How many times I die on progress fights and how how far into encounter
For me raiding is all about tries so that I can find best possible timings where my class can excel:
-Cheese mechanic - if i can ignored death by personal CDs and they will be up for when they are called by RL
-Best possible time to use 2nd pots or cds to maximize dps given it is not require to save those for when it is required by RL (exampled save cds to nuke adds or high prio targets)
Your Spec
[Tell us about your rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities, important talent and glyph choices, etc. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
My spec for WoD raiding was SV/MM however I will be rerolling in Legion.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
Same as above.
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Yes yes and yes.
Combat Logs
[If possible please link a log showing your character raiding current content. If you have no logs, please explain why (eg, logs expired) and/or aim to log your performance from an LFR/Normal/PUG run, to add to your application. TRC raiders are expected to review their own performance on Warcraft Logs in order to improve, so you should be/get used to doing this. It's especially important for dps-players, and applicants who would need to transfer before we can trial them (eg Horde).]
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 4270071/6/# - Daydreaming
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 6626302/7/# - Daydreaming
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 1003045/6/# - leadzs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... /980913/6/# - bizzard (renamed to leadzs)
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
No ui at this point. Will update my UI for Legion.
My ui normally is nothing complicated and custom made by me. I do not use LUI or anything like that.
I use standard addons that are required for Raiding and loot.
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?]
I was in bunch of guilds since TBC however in SOO I was in the guild called epidemic on silvermoon where I raided in SOO and WOD begning.
However WoD did shut down and disband a lot of the guilds and this was the major reason why I quit WOD. I did not quit wod due to raiding or boredom since I do believe that raiding in WOD was in fact very good and one of the best mechanics and difficulties.
However while i was in epidemic we were on Bracknspore and bunch of people started to loose interest and the raiders who put more effort then other were not treated/rewarded accordingly. Core members started to leave the guild due to drama and other reasons and I have moved to Draenor on Horde to the guild called Forgot to Wipe.
In that guild the level of play was much higher however I was able to perform on par with the current raiders. However the guild was not mature and it was a twitch chat type of spam but on Mumble whole time. When we were close to kill imperator (tried to push before BRF) I was benched even though my class and performance was good enough and I was not reason to hold progress down. It is fine by me however I got annoyed with the fact that I was still a trial and everytime I have asked about how long is the trial or etc i got same answer "we will get back to you but you doing great so far" however this did affect the way I was treated on mumble/gchat (separated) and this was not for me since I do enjoy playing the game for fun and enjoy it.
So I decided to move from this guild to something that seemed very good. I moved to inept on Frostmane. I only raided with them for few weeks. I enjoyed the team however the guild disbanded shortly after.
At this point I have lost motivation to look for a guild and play the game. I wanted to comeback in HFC however I could not catch up in reasonable time due to the legandary ring so I decided to come back in Legion and try my luck.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]
I can raid required times and days.
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
Wowprogress - I normally look there.
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
I enjoy gaming and gyming lol.
I play all kinds of games and am a blizzard fanboy (overwatch/d3/HS0) however I also enjoyed playing mobas (not anymore) and PoE.
I am a very competitive person but in a good way because I hate feeling of being carried. I normally do everything I can do perform do above average standard (at the very least) in every type of game or in real life. I ask people for advice on somethign that I do not know; I enjoy theorycrafting and also helping people where I can. Also enjoy joking around and having fun in general. Not easily offended.
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]
I have played wow for year just like many others and always had mechanical skills to play any roll/class to decent level. I have played a different class every expansion so far.
I till do not know what I will be playing in legion:
Shaman - highly likely (ele/enh)
However it is something that I will decide very soon. Given the fact that if I get accepted I will also not play a class that is not needed.
I can tell you with confidence that you do not have to worry about me not performing to the standard and would appreciate if you could give me a chance to prove it to you in Legion.
[Your character name, class, specs, and Armory link. Try to log out in main-spec gear]
Hi This is a little bit more complicated since I am applying for Legion and I have not done any serious raiding in HFC so the idead of this application is for me to show you the level I have raided in SOO and Early Wod
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... min/simple - was my main for wod in the beginning (hunter)
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... adz/simple - was my main in MoP (enhance shaman)
Who are you?
[Your name, age, where you're from, etc]
Name: Mike
Age: 25
From: South Africa (but I am originally from ukraine)
Work: Business Analyst
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
[Our raid groups are "RG1" (3 days a week, Mythic progress priority) & "RG2" (2 days a week, Heroic progress, Mythic when possible). Each raid group has its own requirements and expectations, and you should have a preference on which one you join.]
[What is your prior raiding experience? Which tiers? LFR/Flex/Normal/Heroic/Mythic? And importantly: Did you clear these raids when they were current content (the most recent tier added), or come back in the next patch? For "Heroic" SoO please be clear whether you mean pre-6.0 or not (before/after the name changes). If you've performed any character change re-rolling in your time, what character(s) and role(s) did you play during which content?]
I will speak in terms of the content that was relevant. I have started playing WoW since TBC, even though I have missed some of the content due to personal or motivational reasons. I also think TBC/Wotlk/Cata are particularly relevant since the game have changed a lot and the good/challanging Heroic and now mythic content for raiding been from MoP. However i have raided in TBC up untill sunwell on warlock; in Wotlk only from ToC and ICC on DK both 10 and 25 man; in cata I only played first tier in 10 man on balanced/feral druid.
SOO: I have raided in 10 man on enhancement shaman, however I have also played elemental and restro if it was needed.
I have also tanked alt raids on a warrior.
WoD: In wod I have raided on hunter mostly for Highmaul and some BRF. I also played for fun in HFC on my friends priest but it is nothing serious.
Raid Role
[Describe your current role in a raid team, how you prepare for it and how you judge your own performance. Where do you learn new things and keep yourself updated on your class?]
My role in the raid is normally dps however If my class permits I can play off rolls to the acceptable level.
My prep normally consist of getting more food/flasks/pots then necessary.
Having best possible enchants/gems set up.
Have best possible gear that is obtainable.
Normally I read mmo champ for guids and theory crafting. I also look at high passing characters of my class and their profiles to see their gear/talents/set up etc. I also enjoy harassing dummy to find out the rotation.
I judge my performance by:
- How i performed relatively to the guild/raid
- How my I perform relatively to my class on the specific encounter (logs)
- How many times I die on progress fights and how how far into encounter
For me raiding is all about tries so that I can find best possible timings where my class can excel:
-Cheese mechanic - if i can ignored death by personal CDs and they will be up for when they are called by RL
-Best possible time to use 2nd pots or cds to maximize dps given it is not require to save those for when it is required by RL (exampled save cds to nuke adds or high prio targets)
Your Spec
[Tell us about your rotation priorities (for DPS primarily), stat priorities, important talent and glyph choices, etc. We like to see the insight behind your gear and build choices, and it clarifies things in case Armory shows you in some strange PvP/soloing spec!]
My spec for WoD raiding was SV/MM however I will be rerolling in Legion.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
[How comfortable are you switching to your off-spec for a fight/raid if needed?
Do you have any alts that would also be a viable option for raiding with us? (for the case that we love you but can't fit your main in our rosters) Please add Armory links for other characters if so, and tell us to what degree they are/have been played.]
Same as above.
[Do you have a microphone and how comfortable are you with using it during encounters if needed? Are you happy to use these forums for discussion of tactics/general scheming, and check back regularly for important information?]
Yes yes and yes.
Combat Logs
[If possible please link a log showing your character raiding current content. If you have no logs, please explain why (eg, logs expired) and/or aim to log your performance from an LFR/Normal/PUG run, to add to your application. TRC raiders are expected to review their own performance on Warcraft Logs in order to improve, so you should be/get used to doing this. It's especially important for dps-players, and applicants who would need to transfer before we can trial them (eg Horde).]
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 4270071/6/# - Daydreaming
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 6626302/7/# - Daydreaming
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 1003045/6/# - leadzs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... /980913/6/# - bizzard (renamed to leadzs)
Your UI
[Attach a screenshot of your current raiding UI, and if it shows anything unusual (in the UI, not the chat box :p), feel free to explain your choices.]
No ui at this point. Will update my UI for Legion.
My ui normally is nothing complicated and custom made by me. I do not use LUI or anything like that.
I use standard addons that are required for Raiding and loot.
Guild History
[What other guilds have you been in? What made you move(/plan to move) from these guilds, and why do you want to join TRC?]
I was in bunch of guilds since TBC however in SOO I was in the guild called epidemic on silvermoon where I raided in SOO and WOD begning.
However WoD did shut down and disband a lot of the guilds and this was the major reason why I quit WOD. I did not quit wod due to raiding or boredom since I do believe that raiding in WOD was in fact very good and one of the best mechanics and difficulties.
However while i was in epidemic we were on Bracknspore and bunch of people started to loose interest and the raiders who put more effort then other were not treated/rewarded accordingly. Core members started to leave the guild due to drama and other reasons and I have moved to Draenor on Horde to the guild called Forgot to Wipe.
In that guild the level of play was much higher however I was able to perform on par with the current raiders. However the guild was not mature and it was a twitch chat type of spam but on Mumble whole time. When we were close to kill imperator (tried to push before BRF) I was benched even though my class and performance was good enough and I was not reason to hold progress down. It is fine by me however I got annoyed with the fact that I was still a trial and everytime I have asked about how long is the trial or etc i got same answer "we will get back to you but you doing great so far" however this did affect the way I was treated on mumble/gchat (separated) and this was not for me since I do enjoy playing the game for fun and enjoy it.
So I decided to move from this guild to something that seemed very good. I moved to inept on Frostmane. I only raided with them for few weeks. I enjoyed the team however the guild disbanded shortly after.
At this point I have lost motivation to look for a guild and play the game. I wanted to comeback in HFC however I could not catch up in reasonable time due to the legandary ring so I decided to come back in Legion and try my luck.
Raid availability
[Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? Our current raid schedule is found here.]
I can raid required times and days.
[How did you hear about us? And do you know someone from the game who can vouch for you as player/person?]
Wowprogress - I normally look there.
About you
[A little something about yourself as a person. It can be brief if you like, it's just a sort of introduction to the rest of the guild. ]
I enjoy gaming and gyming lol.
I play all kinds of games and am a blizzard fanboy (overwatch/d3/HS0) however I also enjoyed playing mobas (not anymore) and PoE.
I am a very competitive person but in a good way because I hate feeling of being carried. I normally do everything I can do perform do above average standard (at the very least) in every type of game or in real life. I ask people for advice on somethign that I do not know; I enjoy theorycrafting and also helping people where I can. Also enjoy joking around and having fun in general. Not easily offended.
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]
I have played wow for year just like many others and always had mechanical skills to play any roll/class to decent level. I have played a different class every expansion so far.
I till do not know what I will be playing in legion:
Shaman - highly likely (ele/enh)
However it is something that I will decide very soon. Given the fact that if I get accepted I will also not play a class that is not needed.
I can tell you with confidence that you do not have to worry about me not performing to the standard and would appreciate if you could give me a chance to prove it to you in Legion.