Who is your character?
Markolian, hunter, The best preforming spec, Armory-> http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... ian/simple
Who are you?
Andreas, 22, Sweden
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
Raid's WoD - Highmaul "LFR-Normal-Heroic (cleared) Mythic (Kargath)" - Blackrock Foundry "Normal-Heroic" (cleared) Always raided as a hunter in all the specs, DPS ofc
Raid Role
I always prepare with watching videos on the tacts on the fights before the raids, and make sure I know what to do. I keep a lookout for patch changes for my class, and used Icyveins to check the recommended spec/build.
Your Spec
Not geared for current raid.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I use to change the specs when needed so no problem there. I lvl alt's but have only raided as a hunter so I prefer to play that.
Got a Microphone and I am comfortable using it when needed. And using the forum no problem.
Combat Logs
I dont got any saved combat logs and the latest raid I did was Blackrock Foundry.
Your UI
At the moment it is irrelevant because I'm goin to change it during the pre-patch.
Guild History
I'm currently in Vanity and that guild has become inactive, and played in Resentful before Vanity and that was just as a casual gamer and joined Vanity to be able to raid with my friends. The reason I want to join TRC is to be able to raid with my friends and to able to raid in Legion.
Raid availability
I'm flexible in general and I'm unemployed atm so I got time.
(Reference: Aldron)
About you
To be short, I play to have fun and prefer to play with people who do the same. It's satisfying to progress so I'm dedicated to that ofc.
[RG2] Markolian (Hunter) (Reference: Aldron)
Re: [RG2] Markolian (Hunter) (Reference: Aldron)
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.
Re: [RG2] Markolian (Hunter) (Reference: Aldron)
I was raiding with him, he is silent, focused player. Very nice person if you get to know him better, definitely not a troublemaker.
Re: [RG2] Markolian (Hunter) (Reference: Aldron)
Hello there, we are interested of giving you a trial once legion hits as RG2 is currently on raiding hiatus until legion. How the trialing will be done will be sorted on later date.
If there are any questions, you can either post them here or send me a message in the forums.
If there are any questions, you can either post them here or send me a message in the forums.
- Jimmble
- Councillor
- recruitment
- Posts: 7473
- Character name: Jimmble
- Location: under your bed
- Specialization: recruitment
- Contact:
Re: [RG2] Markolian (Hunter) (Reference: Aldron)