[RG1] Gilron, Lvl 100 Marksmanship Hunter
Posted: 05 Jul 2016, 16:18
Who is your character?
That's Gilron, Marksmanship Hunter. Hello again guys! Great to be applying again.
You can check out my armory here: http://bit.ly/29mnue1
Who are you?
My name is Luka. I'm 21, turning 22 on the 30th of July. I'm originally from Canada (go hockey!) but I moved to Jordan in order to finish my Bachelor's degree. I'm also going to work here in Jordan so you can say I'm stuck here for a while.
I've applied before to RG2 and got accepted. Here is a link to my previous application: http://bit.ly/29tvFs8
I first joined as a raider for RG2 and when our leader had to stop raiding I started leading the RG2 group. I'm not a stranger to TRC! My warlock is still in the guild actually, but I used to raid with you guys on my hunter.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying for a spot in the RG1 group. I know it's a bit late into the expansion which is why my main focus is becoming a core spot for Legion progression. Although, I am available to raid now and come Legion. I believe I'm geared enough for a full mythic clear. I always run heroic pugs for friends and fun, and I used to lead (like I said), meaning I'm very confident about my communication and awareness of my surroundings. I never got the chance to experience anything on Mythic, besides Hellfire Assault, even though we never got the kill. I've been ready for Mythic for a long time, it's just I was dealing with some family issues which are now over thankfully. I know for a fact that I can pull my own weight. I'm sure you can ask some of the guildies!
Okay, so basically I've been playing WoW since vanilla beta. However, as I was very young and didn't really understand much of the game, I haven't gotten into raiding only until WotLK. Ever since WotLK I've been clearing all the current content on normal though. That includes all of WotLK, Cata, and MoP content. However, during WoD I've been looking at raiding more seriously and managed to clear HFC on heroic multiple times.
If you guys might remember from my previous application, since I was born and living in Canada all my life basically (expect for the last 2 years) I was playing US WoW. I also wasn't playing a hunter. I only started playing hunter during this expansion and I've gotta say, I'm loving it!
Raid Role
As a MM hunter, we like to blow things up (cliche right?). We excel at target switching and immediately blowing things up. We don't have a ramp up time like some other classes (feral for example). Therefore we're one of the best classes at target switching (bombs on Reaver, Kilrogg, Archimonde, etc). MM hunter is a really simple spec in terms of DPS and rotation and all that. Which is another reason why it's so good at being able to switch targets while still maintaining a constant high DPS.
Icy-veins has always been my go to when it comes to figuring out how a class plays out and what certain spells should be prioritized over others. I like that it gives a very general idea of the class, so I always check it every now and then to check out any changes when it comes to my class. However for MM hunter (my main) I check out a more detailed guide, made by Azortharian. A high-end MM hunter raider. I like to learn from him all the time since I really think he has some great information to share. I do also like to do a lot of testing myself. Especially when it comes to trinkets and what food is best. I feel like that no matter what anyone tells you, doesn't matter if they're the best in the world, if you don't test it out for yourself, it's just useless information. As we all know, practice makes perfect.
I like to judge my performance by doing a couple of things. For starters, there's of course, the damage meter. Competing with other hunters is a hobby of mine, where indirectly it pushes me to out DPS them since I feel like I'm being challenged. I check warcraft logs every now and then, but I don't always use it as a reference. I've just never needed to use it religiously and I never really learned to get used to it. I also like to talk to high end hunters and just have their input on different tactics for different bosses. They give me constructive criticism and specific tactics for each boss so I can always be updated on the tips and tricks for each boss specifically (which I have mastered for each boss now).
Your Spec
As a MM hunter, our rotation is very simple yet very effective. Our stat priorities are Crit and then Multistrike. As a MM hunter, our main damage spells are basically only 3 spells. Aimed shot, chimaera shot, and either power shot (for single target bosses with no mobs such as Zakuun) or barrage (for bosses with adds). All our other spells are either utility or defenses. A list would be best to describe the DPS rotation priorities.
1. Chimaera Shot
2. Kill Shot (only usable at 35% but if the target is at 35% then it comes in as second in priority)
3. Aimed shot if single targeting // Barrage if multi targetting
4. Steady shot for focus regeneration.
There are certain talents that are a must for MM hunter and others that are utility based on preference or fight. Thrill of the Hunt is the first talent I'm going to about. It gives you a 6% per 10 focus spent on focus-spending abilities to trigger and basically reduces the focus cost on your next 3 Aimed shots by 20. If the target is above 80% health, Aimed shot has a really increased critical strike chance, and when Rapid Fire is active, it also has a really increased critical strike chance. You can see how Aimed shot is really important, therefore having it's focus cost reduced by 20 is a huge DPS boost. Stampede is the next talent I'm going to discuss. It's should basically be used along with heroism/bloodlust since it's a 5 min cooldown and you only get to use it once in a fight generally. Barrage should be used on fights where there are adds or cleave. If the boss is just a single target fight then powershot should be specced instead (again, zakuun). Lone wolf is a no brainer for MM hunters as a 30% damage increase on our most important spells is always a good thing!
As for glyphs, there are no really important glyphs to have that increase our DPS. All of our glyphs are either utility or defenses.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
As a hunter, we don't have to switch between specs depending on the fight. Therefore, we don't have an offspec. I don't have any other alternative characters that are geared enough for raiding with you guys at the moment. However, as I have stated before, my main focus for this expansion is raiding with my hunter. However, for Legion I am flexible to play any class/race/spec needed. I can also continue playing my hunter if that's really what's needed.
To sum up, for WoD it's just my hunter. For Legion, it's whatever is needed.
I currently use the HyperX Revolver headset. Great noise-isolating microphone along with a great and clear sound. Since I used to be RL before, I learned to always communicate and how to do it efficiently without speaking too much yet speaking enough to the point where people know what I ask of them.
When it comes to the forums, I check regularly and I like to be always updated with everything when it comes to the guild, just as I like to updated with everything when it comes to my class.
Combat Logs
Since I applied and raided with you guys before I know how important Warcraft Logs is to you. I have a log from the 27th of June and the one before that is from November. I have been raiding, I just haven't been uploading logs. This coming Wednesday I have a heroic HFC clear with my guild and I will uploading the logs of that when I get the chance.
Therefore, please be patient with the log until Wednesday for the most recent and up to date quality log!
Edit: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dD ... L#fight=38
There is certainly a lot to improve on. I need to work more on Aimed shot sniping and Kill shotting mobs under 35% HP. Kormrok was a ninja pull but we still got the kill so you can disregard the performance on that fight.
Your UI
I will be attaching a screenshot of my UI later tonight, as I am not currently home. You can check my previous application's screenshot for the time being if you check out my application before I get the chance to upload my screenshot later tonight, since it has not changed much.
Edit: Here is a screenshot from Wednesday's raid during a Tyrant Heroic fight: http://imgur.com/gQaPI3a
Guild History
Previously I was raiding with One Legacy, where we managed to clear HFC on heroic but never got the chance to continue doing Mythic due to the fact that we didn't have enough active members. Now I am raiding with Resentful. They're a great guild, but they don't have all the little things and the X-factor TRC has. They got to 11/13 M but stopped since people left the guild. When I joined they were reforming their raid team and now they're starting Mythic again but fresh. As I said, I used to be in the guild and my warlock is still in the guild. The environment in TRC is beyond amazing!
Raid availability
I can make all the raiding days and times. I used to be come to every single RG2 raid, so I can easily make the 3 day schedule you guys run for RG1. I am a student, meaning I have nothing to do at night time (which is when you guys raid).
Well after reading my application you would understand why I don't have to explain how I heard about you guys . You can ask Versaya about me now and he will definitely vouch for me as a player and a person.
About you
Well, I am basically a Canadian student in a foreign country. I'm easy going and down to earth. I tend to make a lot of friends by just being myself around people. I enjoy raiding and PVPing. I've been told I'm a fun person to be around, and I don't like to take that for granted. I have my limits just like everyone else, but most importantly I like to enjoy life the way its supposed to be enjoyed.
Nothing really I would like to add other than what I have previously said. I can of course provide anything you guys need while reviewing my application. You can also talk to me in game if you need me. JIMBO! I have you on real-ID if you need to contact me!
I will post my UI later tonight and will post my logs Wednesday night.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your patience!
Best Regards,
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]
That's Gilron, Marksmanship Hunter. Hello again guys! Great to be applying again.
You can check out my armory here: http://bit.ly/29mnue1
Who are you?
My name is Luka. I'm 21, turning 22 on the 30th of July. I'm originally from Canada (go hockey!) but I moved to Jordan in order to finish my Bachelor's degree. I'm also going to work here in Jordan so you can say I'm stuck here for a while.
I've applied before to RG2 and got accepted. Here is a link to my previous application: http://bit.ly/29tvFs8
I first joined as a raider for RG2 and when our leader had to stop raiding I started leading the RG2 group. I'm not a stranger to TRC! My warlock is still in the guild actually, but I used to raid with you guys on my hunter.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying for a spot in the RG1 group. I know it's a bit late into the expansion which is why my main focus is becoming a core spot for Legion progression. Although, I am available to raid now and come Legion. I believe I'm geared enough for a full mythic clear. I always run heroic pugs for friends and fun, and I used to lead (like I said), meaning I'm very confident about my communication and awareness of my surroundings. I never got the chance to experience anything on Mythic, besides Hellfire Assault, even though we never got the kill. I've been ready for Mythic for a long time, it's just I was dealing with some family issues which are now over thankfully. I know for a fact that I can pull my own weight. I'm sure you can ask some of the guildies!
Okay, so basically I've been playing WoW since vanilla beta. However, as I was very young and didn't really understand much of the game, I haven't gotten into raiding only until WotLK. Ever since WotLK I've been clearing all the current content on normal though. That includes all of WotLK, Cata, and MoP content. However, during WoD I've been looking at raiding more seriously and managed to clear HFC on heroic multiple times.
If you guys might remember from my previous application, since I was born and living in Canada all my life basically (expect for the last 2 years) I was playing US WoW. I also wasn't playing a hunter. I only started playing hunter during this expansion and I've gotta say, I'm loving it!
Raid Role
As a MM hunter, we like to blow things up (cliche right?). We excel at target switching and immediately blowing things up. We don't have a ramp up time like some other classes (feral for example). Therefore we're one of the best classes at target switching (bombs on Reaver, Kilrogg, Archimonde, etc). MM hunter is a really simple spec in terms of DPS and rotation and all that. Which is another reason why it's so good at being able to switch targets while still maintaining a constant high DPS.
Icy-veins has always been my go to when it comes to figuring out how a class plays out and what certain spells should be prioritized over others. I like that it gives a very general idea of the class, so I always check it every now and then to check out any changes when it comes to my class. However for MM hunter (my main) I check out a more detailed guide, made by Azortharian. A high-end MM hunter raider. I like to learn from him all the time since I really think he has some great information to share. I do also like to do a lot of testing myself. Especially when it comes to trinkets and what food is best. I feel like that no matter what anyone tells you, doesn't matter if they're the best in the world, if you don't test it out for yourself, it's just useless information. As we all know, practice makes perfect.
I like to judge my performance by doing a couple of things. For starters, there's of course, the damage meter. Competing with other hunters is a hobby of mine, where indirectly it pushes me to out DPS them since I feel like I'm being challenged. I check warcraft logs every now and then, but I don't always use it as a reference. I've just never needed to use it religiously and I never really learned to get used to it. I also like to talk to high end hunters and just have their input on different tactics for different bosses. They give me constructive criticism and specific tactics for each boss so I can always be updated on the tips and tricks for each boss specifically (which I have mastered for each boss now).
Your Spec
As a MM hunter, our rotation is very simple yet very effective. Our stat priorities are Crit and then Multistrike. As a MM hunter, our main damage spells are basically only 3 spells. Aimed shot, chimaera shot, and either power shot (for single target bosses with no mobs such as Zakuun) or barrage (for bosses with adds). All our other spells are either utility or defenses. A list would be best to describe the DPS rotation priorities.
1. Chimaera Shot
2. Kill Shot (only usable at 35% but if the target is at 35% then it comes in as second in priority)
3. Aimed shot if single targeting // Barrage if multi targetting
4. Steady shot for focus regeneration.
There are certain talents that are a must for MM hunter and others that are utility based on preference or fight. Thrill of the Hunt is the first talent I'm going to about. It gives you a 6% per 10 focus spent on focus-spending abilities to trigger and basically reduces the focus cost on your next 3 Aimed shots by 20. If the target is above 80% health, Aimed shot has a really increased critical strike chance, and when Rapid Fire is active, it also has a really increased critical strike chance. You can see how Aimed shot is really important, therefore having it's focus cost reduced by 20 is a huge DPS boost. Stampede is the next talent I'm going to discuss. It's should basically be used along with heroism/bloodlust since it's a 5 min cooldown and you only get to use it once in a fight generally. Barrage should be used on fights where there are adds or cleave. If the boss is just a single target fight then powershot should be specced instead (again, zakuun). Lone wolf is a no brainer for MM hunters as a 30% damage increase on our most important spells is always a good thing!
As for glyphs, there are no really important glyphs to have that increase our DPS. All of our glyphs are either utility or defenses.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
As a hunter, we don't have to switch between specs depending on the fight. Therefore, we don't have an offspec. I don't have any other alternative characters that are geared enough for raiding with you guys at the moment. However, as I have stated before, my main focus for this expansion is raiding with my hunter. However, for Legion I am flexible to play any class/race/spec needed. I can also continue playing my hunter if that's really what's needed.
To sum up, for WoD it's just my hunter. For Legion, it's whatever is needed.
I currently use the HyperX Revolver headset. Great noise-isolating microphone along with a great and clear sound. Since I used to be RL before, I learned to always communicate and how to do it efficiently without speaking too much yet speaking enough to the point where people know what I ask of them.
When it comes to the forums, I check regularly and I like to be always updated with everything when it comes to the guild, just as I like to updated with everything when it comes to my class.
Combat Logs
Since I applied and raided with you guys before I know how important Warcraft Logs is to you. I have a log from the 27th of June and the one before that is from November. I have been raiding, I just haven't been uploading logs. This coming Wednesday I have a heroic HFC clear with my guild and I will uploading the logs of that when I get the chance.
Therefore, please be patient with the log until Wednesday for the most recent and up to date quality log!
Edit: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/dD ... L#fight=38
There is certainly a lot to improve on. I need to work more on Aimed shot sniping and Kill shotting mobs under 35% HP. Kormrok was a ninja pull but we still got the kill so you can disregard the performance on that fight.
Your UI
I will be attaching a screenshot of my UI later tonight, as I am not currently home. You can check my previous application's screenshot for the time being if you check out my application before I get the chance to upload my screenshot later tonight, since it has not changed much.
Edit: Here is a screenshot from Wednesday's raid during a Tyrant Heroic fight: http://imgur.com/gQaPI3a
Guild History
Previously I was raiding with One Legacy, where we managed to clear HFC on heroic but never got the chance to continue doing Mythic due to the fact that we didn't have enough active members. Now I am raiding with Resentful. They're a great guild, but they don't have all the little things and the X-factor TRC has. They got to 11/13 M but stopped since people left the guild. When I joined they were reforming their raid team and now they're starting Mythic again but fresh. As I said, I used to be in the guild and my warlock is still in the guild. The environment in TRC is beyond amazing!
Raid availability
I can make all the raiding days and times. I used to be come to every single RG2 raid, so I can easily make the 3 day schedule you guys run for RG1. I am a student, meaning I have nothing to do at night time (which is when you guys raid).
Well after reading my application you would understand why I don't have to explain how I heard about you guys . You can ask Versaya about me now and he will definitely vouch for me as a player and a person.
About you
Well, I am basically a Canadian student in a foreign country. I'm easy going and down to earth. I tend to make a lot of friends by just being myself around people. I enjoy raiding and PVPing. I've been told I'm a fun person to be around, and I don't like to take that for granted. I have my limits just like everyone else, but most importantly I like to enjoy life the way its supposed to be enjoyed.
Nothing really I would like to add other than what I have previously said. I can of course provide anything you guys need while reviewing my application. You can also talk to me in game if you need me. JIMBO! I have you on real-ID if you need to contact me!
I will post my UI later tonight and will post my logs Wednesday night.
Thank you for reading and thank you for your patience!
Best Regards,
[If you have any extra notes that do not necessarily fit in anywhere else, stick 'em here.]