[Social] Andeval & Shirendila, a friendly pair
Posted: 24 Jun 2016, 11:39
Greetings, mighty heroes of the Raven Council. A pair of two veteran players is looking for a new home. Perhaps you could provide us with one?
Who is your character?
Andeval, Human Paladin, soon to be level 100.
Vvell, Orc Death Knight, level 100. Probably going to become a human as well.
Other projected alts; Warrior, Priest.
Shirilka, Human Priest, level 100.
Shirendila, Night Elf Druid, level 100.
Other projected alts; Warlock.
Who are you?
A nearly thirty years old pair from Moravia (near the border between Austria and the Czech Republic), Martin and Zuzana.
Dungeons, questing, RP, friendly raids and PvP of all kind. I am an ex-hardcore raider as well as PvPer, but I do not have time nor desire to return to that state of being. However, I look forward to World Quests, World Bosses and Mythic+ dungeons in Legion.
Questing, RP, dungeons and friendly raids.
Guild history
The most recent would be my own guild, Made in Vanilla. It is a Horde guild on Defias Brotherhood, created with a friend of mine way back in Cataclysm. It was active well until 6.2, but most of us quit playing a year ago. Some are returning for Legion now, though many decided to try the Alliance this time instead.
Before that, I was a member of Motion, an Alliance guild based formerly on Drak'thul and later on Burning Blade.
I simply found your guild through a research. But one of my friends and guild mates, Ghaad, has already joined your guild a week ago. He applied on my recommendation.
About you
Well, where should I start? As for our World of Warcraft experiences, we are both veteran Vanilla players, who had their numerous pauses and returns. I was a very hardcore raider in Vanilla, Shirilka was rather a casual player. She until Mists of Pandaria, though I kept playing all the way through. In The Burning Crusade, I strode more towards PvP, whereas Wrath of the Lich King sort of transformed me into a rather casual player as well, though my play still still sometimes border with semi-hardcore.
As for our Blizzard experiences, Shirilka never played the RTS games, but I have been a Warcraft follower ever since Warcraft I. Warcraft II is one of my top favorite games, actually. We are both also lore nerds to a certain degree, though the years diminished that part somewhat, and I am a long time member of Scrolls of Lore, if any of you knows the site. We both also played Diablo, and I spent countless nights with Starcraft I back in the day.
Next to gaming, we are also avid readers, hikers and cyclists. I am also an eager forum-goer, so you can expect me to be pretty active on the forum, if there is something to be discussed, and if we are deemed worthy of becoming your members.
Ingenious and marvelous beings. If not for their technological wonders, the blasphemous onslaught of the Horde would have crushed the beleaguered Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War.
Who is your character?
Andeval, Human Paladin, soon to be level 100.
Vvell, Orc Death Knight, level 100. Probably going to become a human as well.
Other projected alts; Warrior, Priest.
Shirilka, Human Priest, level 100.
Shirendila, Night Elf Druid, level 100.
Other projected alts; Warlock.
Who are you?
A nearly thirty years old pair from Moravia (near the border between Austria and the Czech Republic), Martin and Zuzana.
Dungeons, questing, RP, friendly raids and PvP of all kind. I am an ex-hardcore raider as well as PvPer, but I do not have time nor desire to return to that state of being. However, I look forward to World Quests, World Bosses and Mythic+ dungeons in Legion.
Questing, RP, dungeons and friendly raids.
Guild history
The most recent would be my own guild, Made in Vanilla. It is a Horde guild on Defias Brotherhood, created with a friend of mine way back in Cataclysm. It was active well until 6.2, but most of us quit playing a year ago. Some are returning for Legion now, though many decided to try the Alliance this time instead.
Before that, I was a member of Motion, an Alliance guild based formerly on Drak'thul and later on Burning Blade.
I simply found your guild through a research. But one of my friends and guild mates, Ghaad, has already joined your guild a week ago. He applied on my recommendation.
About you
Well, where should I start? As for our World of Warcraft experiences, we are both veteran Vanilla players, who had their numerous pauses and returns. I was a very hardcore raider in Vanilla, Shirilka was rather a casual player. She until Mists of Pandaria, though I kept playing all the way through. In The Burning Crusade, I strode more towards PvP, whereas Wrath of the Lich King sort of transformed me into a rather casual player as well, though my play still still sometimes border with semi-hardcore.
As for our Blizzard experiences, Shirilka never played the RTS games, but I have been a Warcraft follower ever since Warcraft I. Warcraft II is one of my top favorite games, actually. We are both also lore nerds to a certain degree, though the years diminished that part somewhat, and I am a long time member of Scrolls of Lore, if any of you knows the site. We both also played Diablo, and I spent countless nights with Starcraft I back in the day.
Next to gaming, we are also avid readers, hikers and cyclists. I am also an eager forum-goer, so you can expect me to be pretty active on the forum, if there is something to be discussed, and if we are deemed worthy of becoming your members.
Ingenious and marvelous beings. If not for their technological wonders, the blasphemous onslaught of the Horde would have crushed the beleaguered Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War.