Pieczarra, Lvl 100 Retribution Paladin
Posted: 10 Jun 2016, 01:58
Pieczarra retribution paladin,
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... rra/simple
Sebastian, 28years old . Im from Poland . Small city Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Applying to RaidGroup 1.
My experience is 11/13m mythic + total 100-150 wipes on Mannorth Myth in HFC
Everything else in WoD and pre-WoD (cata,Mop) is heroic only with several mythic encounters on other characters. Started raiding in TBC- full cleared it . Also demolished everything in whole Wotlk with Accidentally guild ( burning legion-ravenholdt alliance at that time) - only without LK 25 HC because my curent char -ele shaman was pointless there during progress. Only specific classes setup was required .
Raid Role
My current role is meele ( Frost-DK - latest raids since aprox 8 weeks). I always come prepared in case of tactics ( absolute priority ) and all consumables,echants,gem is must have with no exceptions. I think im high focused on surviving and execute strategy in best possible way but It might come with little lower dps than it could be. I think this is the area to slight improve. I only used icyveins for my paladin so far but since I got two very good sources from you I will look into that and check best ways to tune my character and increase dps on each encounters.
Your Spec
Specialization is about generating and spending holy power as cost-efficent as possible, its all about priority system for those abilities and also using your cooldowns in the right time depending on encounter and type of strategy choosen by RL. Always focusing on priority targets. The retribution rotation is preatty flex and allows to swiftly focusing to adds with great effect and also has great aoe any number of targets. Talents chocie are speed of light for instant speed boost on demand regrdles on your position at the encounter , selfless healer to stack a nice instant heal that can help me or other ally in critical moment when healers are just too busy or if you are out of range of healers. Final verdict is universal all-round talent so Im using it on daily-basis and its strongest on many encounters except pure single target or bosses like Gorefiend when strong burst on inter-phase is the necessary and also makes best dps possible( serpahin is obbious chocice for these types of fight) .
Glyph choices are tuned for higher survability/help healers in critical moments and generaly they can vary on difereent encounters.Anyways I just like to stay alive, survability comes first,specially on progres fights.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
At the moment I dont have active offspec and dont have any gear for it so I guess I would have no problem with using my off-spec but its unrealastic that it would be possible on mythic before Legion. My other characters are my all experience in HFC mythic which I did 11/13 mythic progress on 3 of them. Pieczarra-burning legion ( ele shaman).
Warlock-Oksycynka-Burning Legion, and my last active raiding character Pancz-Frost-DK-alliance-Primori Morte Guild ( 11/13 mythic with very slow progress on mannoroth - very poor attendance plus uwilling, unmotivated core-quad there)
Link to all characters on wowprogress:
http://www.wowprogress.com/character/eu ... /Pieczarra
I do have microphone and im very happy to use it . Without it there is no success in mythic encounters. Im willing to use forums and search for tacitcs/improtant information if necessary.
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qP ... 00&wipes=1
Its the only thing I can provide- the logs of my frost DK on xhul`horac from Primori Morte. Since I didnt killed any more bosses than Kilrogg Deadeye with my Pala I can provide decent logs that u can look into atm. If I would got my chance in 1-11 bosses on mythic that would be great so we`ll have logs avaible then.
Your UI
In attachments. As a DPS and not RL I dont need anythimg more that is 100% necessary and usefull on encounter so I try to keep my UI simple and clear to be able to see less addons and more of actual fight and whats is going on during encounter. Also less mess with addons means lower chance of game creashing,freezing or sudden fps drops. Of course I use weakauras , ERT, consgorefiend, iskarassist and few other must have addons ( for example Quartz for CD tracking ).
Guild History
Accidentally ( burning legion and ravenholdt for some point during Wotlk - I got my realm first on Ravenholdt with Acci during trial of crusader
And now burning legion guild Barbrzyncy I had to stop raiding with my warlock cause lack of time to raid wensday and thursday which was half of raiding days. So I switched to other weekend group with my elemental shaman and we did 10/13 mythic progress there ( stopped on Xhul) but thsi group collapsed and ended raiding.
Alliance burning legion:
So since then im raiding on my alt DK-Pancz on burning legion - alliance in Primori Morte guild but im not satisfacted with their attitude to progress, they`re just to casual in this case IMO . Plus there are problems with lack of good ppl to fill-up core squad so our Progress on mannoroth is dramaticly slow. We killed Xhul on 3th march and last reset( or previous one) we didnt even had one try on mannoroth because we were wiping on Xhul whole raid ( 20 wipes ) so this speaks for itself. Im tired of wiping on any bosses in HFC Mythic other than mannoroth or archimonde after almost a year of farming this intance on mythic its just pointless and time wasting to me wiping on xhul or fel lord when I killed those bosses with 3 diferent characters many,many months ago. Also I dont wanna start raiding in Primori Morte during Legion with this kind of attitude, just to casual and I dont think it will improve much after expansion launch. Maybe it`ll be better for first weeks till end of heroic but after few mythic kills same problems will be back again in my opinion. Thats why I would like to join decent ,stronger guild which is more hard-core-professional than semi-hardcore-casual which im in atm.
Raid availability
All days avaible till 19.30 to 23.59 server time ecept friday and saturday.Off course during hard-progress these hours can be abit longer for me and I got no problem with that.
I only find your guild from wowprogress and joined with all my alts on Ravenholdt for casual to be part of decent guild with history that wont fall apart on next day ( not by any chance . I got my 3 characters here: Drena,Pieczarra and Shearr - they all left here after our Accidentally guild trasnfered to Ravenholdt ( because of no lags here). Later Accidentally returned to Burning Legion and we changed faction to horde. I only transfered my ele-shaman bacause of money issue-just not worth paying that much for four character transfer-not necessary also.
About you
Im interested in football ( specially Premierleague - so passionate ) , motorsport and wide-band of cars, cinematography in general and alpine skiing.
Specially for manatea : Yes I used Cosmic Sans xD
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/r ... rra/simple
Sebastian, 28years old . Im from Poland . Small city Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Applying to RaidGroup 1.
My experience is 11/13m mythic + total 100-150 wipes on Mannorth Myth in HFC
Everything else in WoD and pre-WoD (cata,Mop) is heroic only with several mythic encounters on other characters. Started raiding in TBC- full cleared it . Also demolished everything in whole Wotlk with Accidentally guild ( burning legion-ravenholdt alliance at that time) - only without LK 25 HC because my curent char -ele shaman was pointless there during progress. Only specific classes setup was required .
Raid Role
My current role is meele ( Frost-DK - latest raids since aprox 8 weeks). I always come prepared in case of tactics ( absolute priority ) and all consumables,echants,gem is must have with no exceptions. I think im high focused on surviving and execute strategy in best possible way but It might come with little lower dps than it could be. I think this is the area to slight improve. I only used icyveins for my paladin so far but since I got two very good sources from you I will look into that and check best ways to tune my character and increase dps on each encounters.
Your Spec
Specialization is about generating and spending holy power as cost-efficent as possible, its all about priority system for those abilities and also using your cooldowns in the right time depending on encounter and type of strategy choosen by RL. Always focusing on priority targets. The retribution rotation is preatty flex and allows to swiftly focusing to adds with great effect and also has great aoe any number of targets. Talents chocie are speed of light for instant speed boost on demand regrdles on your position at the encounter , selfless healer to stack a nice instant heal that can help me or other ally in critical moment when healers are just too busy or if you are out of range of healers. Final verdict is universal all-round talent so Im using it on daily-basis and its strongest on many encounters except pure single target or bosses like Gorefiend when strong burst on inter-phase is the necessary and also makes best dps possible( serpahin is obbious chocice for these types of fight) .
Glyph choices are tuned for higher survability/help healers in critical moments and generaly they can vary on difereent encounters.Anyways I just like to stay alive, survability comes first,specially on progres fights.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
At the moment I dont have active offspec and dont have any gear for it so I guess I would have no problem with using my off-spec but its unrealastic that it would be possible on mythic before Legion. My other characters are my all experience in HFC mythic which I did 11/13 mythic progress on 3 of them. Pieczarra-burning legion ( ele shaman).
Warlock-Oksycynka-Burning Legion, and my last active raiding character Pancz-Frost-DK-alliance-Primori Morte Guild ( 11/13 mythic with very slow progress on mannoroth - very poor attendance plus uwilling, unmotivated core-quad there)
Link to all characters on wowprogress:
http://www.wowprogress.com/character/eu ... /Pieczarra
I do have microphone and im very happy to use it . Without it there is no success in mythic encounters. Im willing to use forums and search for tacitcs/improtant information if necessary.
Combat Logs
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qP ... 00&wipes=1
Its the only thing I can provide- the logs of my frost DK on xhul`horac from Primori Morte. Since I didnt killed any more bosses than Kilrogg Deadeye with my Pala I can provide decent logs that u can look into atm. If I would got my chance in 1-11 bosses on mythic that would be great so we`ll have logs avaible then.
Your UI
In attachments. As a DPS and not RL I dont need anythimg more that is 100% necessary and usefull on encounter so I try to keep my UI simple and clear to be able to see less addons and more of actual fight and whats is going on during encounter. Also less mess with addons means lower chance of game creashing,freezing or sudden fps drops. Of course I use weakauras , ERT, consgorefiend, iskarassist and few other must have addons ( for example Quartz for CD tracking ).
Guild History
Accidentally ( burning legion and ravenholdt for some point during Wotlk - I got my realm first on Ravenholdt with Acci during trial of crusader
And now burning legion guild Barbrzyncy I had to stop raiding with my warlock cause lack of time to raid wensday and thursday which was half of raiding days. So I switched to other weekend group with my elemental shaman and we did 10/13 mythic progress there ( stopped on Xhul) but thsi group collapsed and ended raiding.
Alliance burning legion:
So since then im raiding on my alt DK-Pancz on burning legion - alliance in Primori Morte guild but im not satisfacted with their attitude to progress, they`re just to casual in this case IMO . Plus there are problems with lack of good ppl to fill-up core squad so our Progress on mannoroth is dramaticly slow. We killed Xhul on 3th march and last reset( or previous one) we didnt even had one try on mannoroth because we were wiping on Xhul whole raid ( 20 wipes ) so this speaks for itself. Im tired of wiping on any bosses in HFC Mythic other than mannoroth or archimonde after almost a year of farming this intance on mythic its just pointless and time wasting to me wiping on xhul or fel lord when I killed those bosses with 3 diferent characters many,many months ago. Also I dont wanna start raiding in Primori Morte during Legion with this kind of attitude, just to casual and I dont think it will improve much after expansion launch. Maybe it`ll be better for first weeks till end of heroic but after few mythic kills same problems will be back again in my opinion. Thats why I would like to join decent ,stronger guild which is more hard-core-professional than semi-hardcore-casual which im in atm.
Raid availability
All days avaible till 19.30 to 23.59 server time ecept friday and saturday.Off course during hard-progress these hours can be abit longer for me and I got no problem with that.
I only find your guild from wowprogress and joined with all my alts on Ravenholdt for casual to be part of decent guild with history that wont fall apart on next day ( not by any chance . I got my 3 characters here: Drena,Pieczarra and Shearr - they all left here after our Accidentally guild trasnfered to Ravenholdt ( because of no lags here). Later Accidentally returned to Burning Legion and we changed faction to horde. I only transfered my ele-shaman bacause of money issue-just not worth paying that much for four character transfer-not necessary also.
About you
Im interested in football ( specially Premierleague - so passionate ) , motorsport and wide-band of cars, cinematography in general and alpine skiing.
Specially for manatea : Yes I used Cosmic Sans xD