[RG1] Kyrenisah, Lvl 100 Arms/Fury/Protection Warrior
Posted: 24 May 2016, 00:18
Who is your character?
Kyrenisah, Lvl 100 Arms/Fury/Protection Warrior
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... h/advanced
In HFC i play Fury and Arms choosing best spec for encounter and what raid needs. I was playing Protection for several years and im pretty sure after doing some research i can play it again if needed.
Who are you?
My name is Adam, i'm 29 years old, living in Poland. I'm working as a computer technican and i buy and sell computer parts.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I apply to Raid Group 1. My goal is to clear content completely before next tier comes also three raids a week are perfect for me.
I list only what i did before releasing next tier of content.
Wrath of the Lich King
Trial of Crusader 25 man – 4/5N
Icecrown Citadel 10 man – 11/12H
Icecrown Citadel 25 man – 9/12H
Ruby Sanctum 25 man – 1/1H
Cataclysm – 10 man Heroic kills
Blackwing Descent – 5/6
Bastion of Twilight – 4/4
Throne of the Four Winds – 1/2
Firelands – 6/7 before nerfs
Dragon Soul – 8/8
Mists of Pandaria – 10 man Heroic kills
Mogu'shan Vaults – 6/6
Heart of Fear – 5/6
Terrace of Endless Spring – 2/4
Throne of Thunder – 11/13
Siege of Orgrimmar – 14/14 pre Mythic nerf
Warlord of Draenor
Highmaul – 7/7 H 2/7M
Blackrock Foundry – 10/10 H
Hellfire Citadel – 13/13H 10/13M
Raid Role
As a damage dealer my role is to avoid raid wiping mechanics, stay alive, do mechanics and as much dps as possible to priority targets. As a tank i also need to position boss and adds so can others are safe can dps it easier.
I judge my performance by checking Warcraft Logs. damage taken, damage dealt, cooldown usage, buff uptimes etc. Best warrior theorycrafting can be found on MMO Champion forums. Simulationcraft is a very good tool to check current stat priority based on my gear and possible upgrades. Wowprogress have plenty of kill videos from warrior dps point of view. If i want boss video guide i check Fatboss, written – Icy-Veins and Wowhead.
Your Spec
Arms is cleave and single target spec. It falls behind Fury on more then 3 targets because Bladestorm and Whirlwind are not scaling with mastery.
It's my spec of choice for Hellfire Council, Tyrant Velhari, Iron Reaver (cleaving mines), Killrog (cleaving adds), Gorefiend (dotting adds, helping to free people), Socrethar (cleaving adds), Zakuun (much better for execute phase when damage matters the most). Xhul (unless there is low AoE dps on Imps) and Archimonde Mythic when i get there.
Rotation –
Rend 2-3 targets, depends on how fast they will die to create Mortal Strike resets. Two are usually enough because it diminishes fast (1 = 50%, 2 = 75%, 3 = 87.5%, 4 = 93.75%). Rend needs to be refreshed when there is 4 or less seconds remaining unless target is going to die.
Colossus Smash on cooldown unless there is CS debuff already and Mortal Strike is ready.
Mortal Strike on cooldown if target is above 20%.
Execute replaces Mortal Strike on 20% health and below. It's good to pool rage and save cooldowns for it.
I pool rage to 72 except execute phases to prevent capping (autoattack crit gives 48}.
Whirlwind and Thunderclap is a dps loss with current gear.
Priority order:
Target above 20%- Sudden Death proc > Rend > CS > MS > talent filler
Execute phase - Sudden Death proc > Rend > CS > Exe > talent filler
Talents –
Lv 15 - Double Time is best. Warbringer can be useful on Gorefiend adds inside his stomach.
Lv 30 – Enraged Regeneration is best overall. Second Wind is useful on Velhari. Impending Victory is dps loss.
Lv 45 – Taste for Blood is for cleave fights. Sudden Death is for single target fights.
Lv 60 – All Arms lv 60 talents are poor because they don't scale with mastery. Its mostly utility choice. Storm Bolt benefits from CS and its a ranged attack, single target stun (Socrethar add). Shockwave is for controlling groups of adds (CM, Xhul imps, Kilrogg visions). Dragon Roar is for fights with some AoE moments (Kilrogg visions).
Lv 75 – Vigilance is very good tank cooldown, very useful for Velhari or Socrethar construct. Mass Spell Reflect doesn't work for anything significant in HFC and Safeguard for non-tank damage reduction.
Lv 90 – Avatar is default choice giving most dps over time. Bloodbath is better for ~18 sec burst windows or on Gorefiend because you can use 2 times per feast. Bladestorm is AoE talent, bad pick for Arms.
Lv 100 – it's risky to pick anything but Anger Management here, it requires knowing exact fight times and group needs to pull them consistently. Losing opportunity to use Recklessness or Avatar during damage increase / ring / execute phase will be much bigger dps loss then not using Ravager or Siegebreaker. Both doesn't scale with mastery and are useful mostly on fights like Zakuun (ravager, boss stationary) or Fel Reaver (Siegebreaker, if killed in 1 phase). Siegebreaker damage looks nice overall but it doesn't really align with anything else with weird 45 sec cooldown.
Trinkets – Worldbreaker's Resolve and Unending Hunger.
Glyphs –
Unending Rage – always
Sweeping Strikes – all non-single target fights
Rude Interruption – dps increase on fights like Socrethar, Assault, Kilrogg, Gorefiend, Velhari.
Mortal Strike – this one is helping healers on fights like Velhari, Xhul.
Die by the Sword – Velhari p3 tanking
Fury is burst AoE and single target spec.
It's my spec of choice for Hellfire Assault, Kormrok, Iskar and Mannoroth Mythic when i get there.
Rotation –
Playing Fury is mostly about bursting during enrage and conserving procs and resources when you are not. This spec is about fast decision making and often requires you to calculate what choices make you lose less dps (multiple procs and a lot of rage at same time).
Bloodthrist is low damage rotation enabler, it enrages you on crit, gives RB stacks and Bloodsurge buff that makes Wild Strike free.
Raging blow is high damage skill usable each time you gain enrage buff, it stacks to 2. Whirlwing empowers to so it can hit up to 5 targets.
Wild strike – single target ability, expensive unless used during Bloodsurge proc, they need to cleared as fast as you can before using next Bloodthrist,
Bladestorm is burst AoE talent, refreshing enrage before using it is very important, it's good to save Berserker Rage for that.
Execute is high damage single target skill, its very important to plan your rotation around this skill during <20% phases.
Priority order:
1. Berserker rage if you are not enraged and don't plan to Bladestorm in next 30 sec.
2. Execute if you have Sudden Death proc.
3. Execute > Wild Strike to dump rage from 100+ or if you have Bloodsurge proc.
4. Raging blow if you have 2 stacks and target is above 20%
5. Bloodthrist if you don't have enrage or your rage is below 90
6. Execute if you are enraged and boss is below 20%
7. Raging Blow 1 stack only.
8. Wild Strike when boss is above 20% when you have less then 100 rage
9. Talents
10. Bloodthrist
This can change, for example - if you are on Mannoroth Wild Strikes have higher priority because your 4-set bonus lowers cooldown on your Recklessness and you want to have it ready for every Imp wave. It might not give you highest dps possible but it will give you dps for doing mechanics of the fight.
Talents – i point only differences between Fury and Arms.
Lv 45 – Sudden Death is numerically best choice.
Lv 60 – Dragon Roar is default pick. It helps you do what you pick Fury for – AoE. Shockwave if you need cc. Storm Bolt if you need single target stun (Socrethar add).
Lv 90 – Bladestorm for AoE. Avatar for more single target dps. Bloodbath for very niche use if you want burst.
Trinkets – Worldbreaker's Resolve if you don't need to swap targets often. Discordant Chorus for insonsistant AoE (Hellfire Assault), Drinking Horn for single target and sustained AoE.
Default choice for most encounters are WR and EDH.
Glyphs – same as Arms (except Arms exclusive)
Enraged Speed – very good for progression.
Protection is low self healing good multiple targets tanking spec.
I'm applying as dps, this is already a wall of text, for sake of people reading this i won't go in depth here unless asked.
If you disagree with anything above let me know, i explain my choices and check if i'm wrong. Be sure to provide evidence and examples so i can review it. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can play all Warrior specs.
I have max level alts of every class but i don't raid on other characters. We have 4 difficulties now, it's already repetitive and i'd rather max out one character then split my time in game on multiple ones. I'm also not interesting in running same gear treadmill on multiple characters.
Having said that, it doesn't mean that i close myself on one class, it's just raiding. I have mediocre understanding about how most classes and specs work in this game. What skills do they have and what they can bring to raid.
In MoP i did CM's on every class and Proving Endless 30 on Shaman healer.
In WoD i did PG 30 on Paladin healer.
Having said that, it doesn't mean that i close myself on one class, it's just raiding. I have mediocre understanding about how most classes and specs work in this game. What skills do they have and what they can bring to raid.
I have microphone and im comfortable with using it. I heard i have funny accent so beware!
No problem with checking forums, to check tactics and ideas but if i have any i would rather speak to people directly.
Combat Logs
My logs are here:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 867/latest
Please keep in mind two things.
I tend to take some mechanics to handle myself and it lowers dps, for example Zakuun, im soaking far fissures and going into Soul Cleave almost every time.
I started playing dps seriously this raid tier. It's still new for me and im improving weekly. Most people i play with have more experience in HFC then me.
Of course sometimes i just derp and die. Trying to keep that to minimum tho.
I'm very open to suggestions as well as explaining some choices or cooldown usage.
Your UI
I like clean and minimalistic UI.
Arms - http://i.imgur.com/nCnsrF0.jpg
Arms auras - http://i.imgur.com/LJvLVlE.jpg
Fury - http://i.imgur.com/ynq2VpW.jpg
Fury auras - http://i.imgur.com/Sp095GD.jpg
Huge Auras are very transparent.
Guild History
Grom – they haven't got raiding spot for me so i left.
Deflagration – after guild master stopped playing me and my friends left to create something ours.
Vanity – It was a perfect place untill Warlords, transition to 20 killed guild atmosphere and good progress.
Raid availability
Raid days and times are fine for me. I'm a very reliable person.
Sadly, no.
About you
I'm pretty serious person, i put more value in what people do then what they say.
My plan is to find a group of people that i can spend time in game without screwing around too much and completing goals while having a good time.
I'm treating this game pretty serious because there is a real people involved.
I really dislike drama, pointless thrashtalk and petty politics. I respect other people i spend time with and i require same treatment.
If it comes to real life things i'm trying to keep myself in a shape, running casually, gym from time to time and paying attention to what i eat. I like cooking. Aside from work related knowledge i have a lot of interest in politics, religions, ideologies and history.
After talking with Jimmble for last few days i think you are a group of people that care and support each others. That is community i want to be a part of.
Kyrenisah, Lvl 100 Arms/Fury/Protection Warrior
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... h/advanced
In HFC i play Fury and Arms choosing best spec for encounter and what raid needs. I was playing Protection for several years and im pretty sure after doing some research i can play it again if needed.
Who are you?
My name is Adam, i'm 29 years old, living in Poland. I'm working as a computer technican and i buy and sell computer parts.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I apply to Raid Group 1. My goal is to clear content completely before next tier comes also three raids a week are perfect for me.
I list only what i did before releasing next tier of content.
Wrath of the Lich King
Trial of Crusader 25 man – 4/5N
Icecrown Citadel 10 man – 11/12H
Icecrown Citadel 25 man – 9/12H
Ruby Sanctum 25 man – 1/1H
Cataclysm – 10 man Heroic kills
Blackwing Descent – 5/6
Bastion of Twilight – 4/4
Throne of the Four Winds – 1/2
Firelands – 6/7 before nerfs
Dragon Soul – 8/8
Mists of Pandaria – 10 man Heroic kills
Mogu'shan Vaults – 6/6
Heart of Fear – 5/6
Terrace of Endless Spring – 2/4
Throne of Thunder – 11/13
Siege of Orgrimmar – 14/14 pre Mythic nerf
Warlord of Draenor
Highmaul – 7/7 H 2/7M
Blackrock Foundry – 10/10 H
Hellfire Citadel – 13/13H 10/13M
Raid Role
As a damage dealer my role is to avoid raid wiping mechanics, stay alive, do mechanics and as much dps as possible to priority targets. As a tank i also need to position boss and adds so can others are safe can dps it easier.
I judge my performance by checking Warcraft Logs. damage taken, damage dealt, cooldown usage, buff uptimes etc. Best warrior theorycrafting can be found on MMO Champion forums. Simulationcraft is a very good tool to check current stat priority based on my gear and possible upgrades. Wowprogress have plenty of kill videos from warrior dps point of view. If i want boss video guide i check Fatboss, written – Icy-Veins and Wowhead.
Your Spec
Arms is cleave and single target spec. It falls behind Fury on more then 3 targets because Bladestorm and Whirlwind are not scaling with mastery.
It's my spec of choice for Hellfire Council, Tyrant Velhari, Iron Reaver (cleaving mines), Killrog (cleaving adds), Gorefiend (dotting adds, helping to free people), Socrethar (cleaving adds), Zakuun (much better for execute phase when damage matters the most). Xhul (unless there is low AoE dps on Imps) and Archimonde Mythic when i get there.
Rotation –
Rend 2-3 targets, depends on how fast they will die to create Mortal Strike resets. Two are usually enough because it diminishes fast (1 = 50%, 2 = 75%, 3 = 87.5%, 4 = 93.75%). Rend needs to be refreshed when there is 4 or less seconds remaining unless target is going to die.
Colossus Smash on cooldown unless there is CS debuff already and Mortal Strike is ready.
Mortal Strike on cooldown if target is above 20%.
Execute replaces Mortal Strike on 20% health and below. It's good to pool rage and save cooldowns for it.
I pool rage to 72 except execute phases to prevent capping (autoattack crit gives 48}.
Whirlwind and Thunderclap is a dps loss with current gear.
Priority order:
Target above 20%- Sudden Death proc > Rend > CS > MS > talent filler
Execute phase - Sudden Death proc > Rend > CS > Exe > talent filler
Talents –
Lv 15 - Double Time is best. Warbringer can be useful on Gorefiend adds inside his stomach.
Lv 30 – Enraged Regeneration is best overall. Second Wind is useful on Velhari. Impending Victory is dps loss.
Lv 45 – Taste for Blood is for cleave fights. Sudden Death is for single target fights.
Lv 60 – All Arms lv 60 talents are poor because they don't scale with mastery. Its mostly utility choice. Storm Bolt benefits from CS and its a ranged attack, single target stun (Socrethar add). Shockwave is for controlling groups of adds (CM, Xhul imps, Kilrogg visions). Dragon Roar is for fights with some AoE moments (Kilrogg visions).
Lv 75 – Vigilance is very good tank cooldown, very useful for Velhari or Socrethar construct. Mass Spell Reflect doesn't work for anything significant in HFC and Safeguard for non-tank damage reduction.
Lv 90 – Avatar is default choice giving most dps over time. Bloodbath is better for ~18 sec burst windows or on Gorefiend because you can use 2 times per feast. Bladestorm is AoE talent, bad pick for Arms.
Lv 100 – it's risky to pick anything but Anger Management here, it requires knowing exact fight times and group needs to pull them consistently. Losing opportunity to use Recklessness or Avatar during damage increase / ring / execute phase will be much bigger dps loss then not using Ravager or Siegebreaker. Both doesn't scale with mastery and are useful mostly on fights like Zakuun (ravager, boss stationary) or Fel Reaver (Siegebreaker, if killed in 1 phase). Siegebreaker damage looks nice overall but it doesn't really align with anything else with weird 45 sec cooldown.
Trinkets – Worldbreaker's Resolve and Unending Hunger.
Glyphs –
Unending Rage – always
Sweeping Strikes – all non-single target fights
Rude Interruption – dps increase on fights like Socrethar, Assault, Kilrogg, Gorefiend, Velhari.
Mortal Strike – this one is helping healers on fights like Velhari, Xhul.
Die by the Sword – Velhari p3 tanking
Fury is burst AoE and single target spec.
It's my spec of choice for Hellfire Assault, Kormrok, Iskar and Mannoroth Mythic when i get there.
Rotation –
Playing Fury is mostly about bursting during enrage and conserving procs and resources when you are not. This spec is about fast decision making and often requires you to calculate what choices make you lose less dps (multiple procs and a lot of rage at same time).
Bloodthrist is low damage rotation enabler, it enrages you on crit, gives RB stacks and Bloodsurge buff that makes Wild Strike free.
Raging blow is high damage skill usable each time you gain enrage buff, it stacks to 2. Whirlwing empowers to so it can hit up to 5 targets.
Wild strike – single target ability, expensive unless used during Bloodsurge proc, they need to cleared as fast as you can before using next Bloodthrist,
Bladestorm is burst AoE talent, refreshing enrage before using it is very important, it's good to save Berserker Rage for that.
Execute is high damage single target skill, its very important to plan your rotation around this skill during <20% phases.
Priority order:
1. Berserker rage if you are not enraged and don't plan to Bladestorm in next 30 sec.
2. Execute if you have Sudden Death proc.
3. Execute > Wild Strike to dump rage from 100+ or if you have Bloodsurge proc.
4. Raging blow if you have 2 stacks and target is above 20%
5. Bloodthrist if you don't have enrage or your rage is below 90
6. Execute if you are enraged and boss is below 20%
7. Raging Blow 1 stack only.
8. Wild Strike when boss is above 20% when you have less then 100 rage
9. Talents
10. Bloodthrist
This can change, for example - if you are on Mannoroth Wild Strikes have higher priority because your 4-set bonus lowers cooldown on your Recklessness and you want to have it ready for every Imp wave. It might not give you highest dps possible but it will give you dps for doing mechanics of the fight.
Talents – i point only differences between Fury and Arms.
Lv 45 – Sudden Death is numerically best choice.
Lv 60 – Dragon Roar is default pick. It helps you do what you pick Fury for – AoE. Shockwave if you need cc. Storm Bolt if you need single target stun (Socrethar add).
Lv 90 – Bladestorm for AoE. Avatar for more single target dps. Bloodbath for very niche use if you want burst.
Trinkets – Worldbreaker's Resolve if you don't need to swap targets often. Discordant Chorus for insonsistant AoE (Hellfire Assault), Drinking Horn for single target and sustained AoE.
Default choice for most encounters are WR and EDH.
Glyphs – same as Arms (except Arms exclusive)
Enraged Speed – very good for progression.
Protection is low self healing good multiple targets tanking spec.
I'm applying as dps, this is already a wall of text, for sake of people reading this i won't go in depth here unless asked.
If you disagree with anything above let me know, i explain my choices and check if i'm wrong. Be sure to provide evidence and examples so i can review it. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I can play all Warrior specs.
I have max level alts of every class but i don't raid on other characters. We have 4 difficulties now, it's already repetitive and i'd rather max out one character then split my time in game on multiple ones. I'm also not interesting in running same gear treadmill on multiple characters.
Having said that, it doesn't mean that i close myself on one class, it's just raiding. I have mediocre understanding about how most classes and specs work in this game. What skills do they have and what they can bring to raid.
In MoP i did CM's on every class and Proving Endless 30 on Shaman healer.
In WoD i did PG 30 on Paladin healer.
Having said that, it doesn't mean that i close myself on one class, it's just raiding. I have mediocre understanding about how most classes and specs work in this game. What skills do they have and what they can bring to raid.
I have microphone and im comfortable with using it. I heard i have funny accent so beware!
No problem with checking forums, to check tactics and ideas but if i have any i would rather speak to people directly.
Combat Logs
My logs are here:
https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 867/latest
Please keep in mind two things.
I tend to take some mechanics to handle myself and it lowers dps, for example Zakuun, im soaking far fissures and going into Soul Cleave almost every time.
I started playing dps seriously this raid tier. It's still new for me and im improving weekly. Most people i play with have more experience in HFC then me.
Of course sometimes i just derp and die. Trying to keep that to minimum tho.
I'm very open to suggestions as well as explaining some choices or cooldown usage.
Your UI
I like clean and minimalistic UI.
Arms - http://i.imgur.com/nCnsrF0.jpg
Arms auras - http://i.imgur.com/LJvLVlE.jpg
Fury - http://i.imgur.com/ynq2VpW.jpg
Fury auras - http://i.imgur.com/Sp095GD.jpg
Huge Auras are very transparent.
Guild History
Grom – they haven't got raiding spot for me so i left.
Deflagration – after guild master stopped playing me and my friends left to create something ours.
Vanity – It was a perfect place untill Warlords, transition to 20 killed guild atmosphere and good progress.
Raid availability
Raid days and times are fine for me. I'm a very reliable person.
Sadly, no.
About you
I'm pretty serious person, i put more value in what people do then what they say.
My plan is to find a group of people that i can spend time in game without screwing around too much and completing goals while having a good time.
I'm treating this game pretty serious because there is a real people involved.
I really dislike drama, pointless thrashtalk and petty politics. I respect other people i spend time with and i require same treatment.
If it comes to real life things i'm trying to keep myself in a shape, running casually, gym from time to time and paying attention to what i eat. I like cooking. Aside from work related knowledge i have a lot of interest in politics, religions, ideologies and history.
After talking with Jimmble for last few days i think you are a group of people that care and support each others. That is community i want to be a part of.