[RG2] Rither, Lvl 100 Frost Mage
Posted: 25 Apr 2016, 20:23
Who is your character?
Rither: Frost Mage
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... her/simple
Who are you?
Oli - 23, from UK. I'm currently living and working in London.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm a returning player, I raided 3 nights a week from the Black Temple in Burning Crusade to Firelands in Cataclysm. It wasn't a top 100 guild or anything but we usually got everything down on heroic before the next content came out. Our peak was a realm first Kil'Jaeden kill, followed by a realm 2nd Sartharion+3. Granted, Scarshield Legion is a pretty backwater realm.
During the Burning Crusade I played a Warlock, during Wrath of the Lich King I played a resto Shaman and was the Shaman class leader for my guild, and in the Cataclysm I played a frost/unholy Death Knight. Since returning I've mostly been playing an enhancement Shaman, but when I talked to Fahranya he told me that RG2 is after ranged DPS, so I've settled on the Mage (I have all classes at 100, except Priest... coming soon).
As such I have good experience of a raiding environment and various roles but I'm a little rusty. I don't have good experience of the current raid content and I'm pretty new to the Mage class, but I'm confident it won't take me long to get on top of my game again.
Raid Role
It's been a while since I raided as part of a dedicated team. I'm going to have to work out how world of logs works again, I used to use that for comparing my performance and strategy against others of my class. During my time as a class leader in WoTLK I would regularly analyse the logs for my entire herd of shamans to suggest improvements.
I used to heavily use the Elitist Jerks site but that community seems to have died. I've been gathering information about the Mage from various sources: wowhead, icy-veins and mmo-champion forums. I would be interested to hear about any other good information sources that I haven't found yet.
Your Spec
For single target I've been going by something like this
1. Rune of Power
2. Icy Veins
3. Frozen Orb
4. Prismatic Crystal
5. Water Jet if at 0xFoF
6. Ice Lance if at 2xFoF
7. Frostfire Bolt if at 2xBF
8. Ice Nova if at 2x charges
9. Ice Lance if at 1xFoF
10. Ice Nova if Crystal is up
11. Frostfire Bolt if at 1xBF
12. Frostbolt
I've seen some disagreement on whether it's worth delaying Frozen Orb until Prismatic Crystal is up, I've yet to see anything conclusive so for now I'm just using Frozen orb when it's up.
Stat Priorities:
1. Multistrike (more fingers of frost and brainfreeze procs is good)
2. Crit (amplified by shatter, and i'm still a way off the 36% raidbuffed cap)
3. Haste
4. Versatility, Mastery (the frost spec mastery seems to suck considering Frostbolt is not that large a part of our damage)
Talents & Glyphs
My default build is to use Rune of Power and Prismatic Crystal, it's well known that this is the best patchwerk dps build. However I'm a little dubious that Rune of Power can be used effectively on all encounters. I'll wait until I see the HFC encounters on heroic+ to make any decisions, but I imagine it will be swapped out for Incanter's Flow on movement heavy fights.
My glyphs are pretty standard for single target dps. The only thing that might change is making space for Glyph of Cone of Cold for encounters where big AoE is important. I think Glyph of Water Elemental will have to go in that case. I have pet attack bound to shift+scroll up, so I have no problem commanded the pet manually.
My offspec is undecided at the moment. I don't think there are any encounters where Frost is particularly suboptimal, but as my iLevel increases I think Fire and Arcane will pull ahead so it will be important to get some practice with them. I'm leaning towards Fire at the moment purely because the itemisation is closer to Frost than Arcane is.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm very happy to switch specs and/or class as needed. I am applying as a Mage and not a Shaman at Fahranya's suggestion, because I like the look of this guild enough that I'm happy to work around your needs. As I mentioned I have every class at 100 except priest, and I'm comfortable playing most of them. I will link the one that aren't horrendously geared:
Yndy - Enhancement/Resto Shaman
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ndy/simple
Yndi - Unholy/Blood Death Knight
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ndi/simple
Vitex - Resto/Feral Druid
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... tex/simple
Azmodyr - Affliction/Destro Warlock
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... dyr/simple
Yes I have a headset+mic, and I'm fine to communicate on voip.
Combat Logs
I'm afraid I have no logs as I haven't been raiding. I can try to capture some LFR logs next reset but I would be hesitant to show them as LFR raids can be kind of... funky.
Your UI
DBM warnings just appear over my character so I definitely notice them. Grid is my go-to unit frames. I like it because I can configure it to show important stuff for a particular encounter, but it is very compact and doesn't take up much space.
Weak Auras
I'm a huge fan of Power/Weak Auras, and use it to monitor my cooldowns and procs.
A. This ring tells me when I'm standing on my Rune of Power, I find this very useful as it's sometimes kind of hard to see.
B. Fingers of Frost procs
C. Brain Freeze procs
D. The blue ring appears when Icy Veins is available, the Purple thing appears when Prismatic Crystal is available.
E. This red thing covers up my Water Jet icon when I've forgotten to summon my water elemental...
Guild History
When I was raiding I was in [A}<Echoes of Lordaeron> and later [H]<Aftermath>, both old guilds of Scarshield Legion that sadly faded away. The server merge came too late to save them from their roster problems.
Raid availability
Yep no problem, RG2's schedule is perfect for me.
I found you on the realm forums, and was enticed by the age, size and friendliness of the guild.
About you
I work in IT for an investment bank, so computers is pretty much my life. I've played a lot of other vidya games but I keep coming back to WoW. I also play a lot of Magic: the Gathering, a card game that burns a hole in my wallet. I've come to realise my favourite times in WoW were when I was raiding with a guild that had a good community feel, so that's what I'm hoping to find at the Raven Council. Also I have the Talon Lord mount, so I can look the part?
Like I've said I'm a rusty returning player, but while I may not be the best dps in the world right now, I know I can gear up and practice and be a great player in your team. Thanks for reading!
Rither: Frost Mage
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... her/simple
Who are you?
Oli - 23, from UK. I'm currently living and working in London.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm a returning player, I raided 3 nights a week from the Black Temple in Burning Crusade to Firelands in Cataclysm. It wasn't a top 100 guild or anything but we usually got everything down on heroic before the next content came out. Our peak was a realm first Kil'Jaeden kill, followed by a realm 2nd Sartharion+3. Granted, Scarshield Legion is a pretty backwater realm.
During the Burning Crusade I played a Warlock, during Wrath of the Lich King I played a resto Shaman and was the Shaman class leader for my guild, and in the Cataclysm I played a frost/unholy Death Knight. Since returning I've mostly been playing an enhancement Shaman, but when I talked to Fahranya he told me that RG2 is after ranged DPS, so I've settled on the Mage (I have all classes at 100, except Priest... coming soon).
As such I have good experience of a raiding environment and various roles but I'm a little rusty. I don't have good experience of the current raid content and I'm pretty new to the Mage class, but I'm confident it won't take me long to get on top of my game again.
Raid Role
It's been a while since I raided as part of a dedicated team. I'm going to have to work out how world of logs works again, I used to use that for comparing my performance and strategy against others of my class. During my time as a class leader in WoTLK I would regularly analyse the logs for my entire herd of shamans to suggest improvements.
I used to heavily use the Elitist Jerks site but that community seems to have died. I've been gathering information about the Mage from various sources: wowhead, icy-veins and mmo-champion forums. I would be interested to hear about any other good information sources that I haven't found yet.
Your Spec
For single target I've been going by something like this
1. Rune of Power
2. Icy Veins
3. Frozen Orb
4. Prismatic Crystal
5. Water Jet if at 0xFoF
6. Ice Lance if at 2xFoF
7. Frostfire Bolt if at 2xBF
8. Ice Nova if at 2x charges
9. Ice Lance if at 1xFoF
10. Ice Nova if Crystal is up
11. Frostfire Bolt if at 1xBF
12. Frostbolt
I've seen some disagreement on whether it's worth delaying Frozen Orb until Prismatic Crystal is up, I've yet to see anything conclusive so for now I'm just using Frozen orb when it's up.
Stat Priorities:
1. Multistrike (more fingers of frost and brainfreeze procs is good)
2. Crit (amplified by shatter, and i'm still a way off the 36% raidbuffed cap)
3. Haste
4. Versatility, Mastery (the frost spec mastery seems to suck considering Frostbolt is not that large a part of our damage)
Talents & Glyphs
My default build is to use Rune of Power and Prismatic Crystal, it's well known that this is the best patchwerk dps build. However I'm a little dubious that Rune of Power can be used effectively on all encounters. I'll wait until I see the HFC encounters on heroic+ to make any decisions, but I imagine it will be swapped out for Incanter's Flow on movement heavy fights.
My glyphs are pretty standard for single target dps. The only thing that might change is making space for Glyph of Cone of Cold for encounters where big AoE is important. I think Glyph of Water Elemental will have to go in that case. I have pet attack bound to shift+scroll up, so I have no problem commanded the pet manually.
My offspec is undecided at the moment. I don't think there are any encounters where Frost is particularly suboptimal, but as my iLevel increases I think Fire and Arcane will pull ahead so it will be important to get some practice with them. I'm leaning towards Fire at the moment purely because the itemisation is closer to Frost than Arcane is.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I'm very happy to switch specs and/or class as needed. I am applying as a Mage and not a Shaman at Fahranya's suggestion, because I like the look of this guild enough that I'm happy to work around your needs. As I mentioned I have every class at 100 except priest, and I'm comfortable playing most of them. I will link the one that aren't horrendously geared:
Yndy - Enhancement/Resto Shaman
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ndy/simple
Yndi - Unholy/Blood Death Knight
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... ndi/simple
Vitex - Resto/Feral Druid
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... tex/simple
Azmodyr - Affliction/Destro Warlock
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... dyr/simple
Yes I have a headset+mic, and I'm fine to communicate on voip.
Combat Logs
I'm afraid I have no logs as I haven't been raiding. I can try to capture some LFR logs next reset but I would be hesitant to show them as LFR raids can be kind of... funky.
Your UI
DBM warnings just appear over my character so I definitely notice them. Grid is my go-to unit frames. I like it because I can configure it to show important stuff for a particular encounter, but it is very compact and doesn't take up much space.
Weak Auras
I'm a huge fan of Power/Weak Auras, and use it to monitor my cooldowns and procs.
A. This ring tells me when I'm standing on my Rune of Power, I find this very useful as it's sometimes kind of hard to see.
B. Fingers of Frost procs
C. Brain Freeze procs
D. The blue ring appears when Icy Veins is available, the Purple thing appears when Prismatic Crystal is available.
E. This red thing covers up my Water Jet icon when I've forgotten to summon my water elemental...
Guild History
When I was raiding I was in [A}<Echoes of Lordaeron> and later [H]<Aftermath>, both old guilds of Scarshield Legion that sadly faded away. The server merge came too late to save them from their roster problems.
Raid availability
Yep no problem, RG2's schedule is perfect for me.
I found you on the realm forums, and was enticed by the age, size and friendliness of the guild.
About you
I work in IT for an investment bank, so computers is pretty much my life. I've played a lot of other vidya games but I keep coming back to WoW. I also play a lot of Magic: the Gathering, a card game that burns a hole in my wallet. I've come to realise my favourite times in WoW were when I was raiding with a guild that had a good community feel, so that's what I'm hoping to find at the Raven Council. Also I have the Talon Lord mount, so I can look the part?
Like I've said I'm a rusty returning player, but while I may not be the best dps in the world right now, I know I can gear up and practice and be a great player in your team. Thanks for reading!