[RG2] Wutougui, Elemental Shaman
Posted: 12 Apr 2016, 01:10
Who is your character?
Wutougui. Shaman. My primary spec is Elemental, I have a reasonably functional Restoration o/s. However, I have not actually had cause to use it other than in Mythic dungeons. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... gui/simple
Who are you?
My name is Oli, 35, from Channel Islands (UKish).
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
My memory is slightly sketchy on older content.
ICC 10-man heroic fully cleared apart from LK.
Cata - I didn't play an awful lot during this expansion.
MoP - MSV heroic, whilst current.
WoD -13/13 HC
Raid Role
Maximising DPS whilst minimising avoidable damage. As well as any special requirements for any given fight or particular orders from the raid leader. I make sure I am fully versed on tactics and whether or not the raid leader has any specific functions he/she requires me to perform and, of course, turning up to raids fully gemmed/enchanted and with food, potions, flasks, and runes.
I am very rarely totally satisfied with my performance and go over my stats regularly to try and find ways to improve. I have not found a huge amount of "reliable" information regarding Elemental Shaman past the basic guides, but I like to think I know my class well enough to make improvements myself. Having said that sometimes even unreliable information is worth testing.
Your Spec
I will start with Glyphs as this is relatively simple. Glyph of fire elemental is used or not depending on the fight length and is purely down to maximising up-time on your fire elemental. Glyph of Chain Lightning again this is purely down to whether or not you will be facing small numbers of adds or large numbers of adds. These are the only Major glyphs that can positively impact dps. There are other glyphs that can be situational such as glyph of earthquake providing a slow to mobs which can be useful on Socrethar.
Talents are mostly fight dependent and I tend to switch them fairly often. Although under certain circumstances there may be a defined "best" combination I have found that depending on how well the raid group is executing a fight, or even how well I do so, personally, sometimes the more simple combination can lead to increased dps. I am often experimenting with different combinations when I do LFR/Normal runs attempting to maximise my perfomance.
A basic single target rotation would consist of keeping Flame Shock up at all times, casting Earth Shock when you have 17+ charges on the target (although if you require a smaller number to proc the 4 set tier bonus I find this is generally advisable) Lava burst on cooldown and Lava Surge procs asap. With lightning bolt as a filler.
With 2-3 adds it would be mostly the same, keeping flame shock up on each target if the targets are going to live long enough. Chain Lightning so long as you are going to hit multiple targets. If you are able to proc instant cast Earthquakes then using Earthquake becomes a dps increase (even on a single target, so long as the single target will be hit by the full duration of the earthquake.
Pure Aoe would be Chain Lightning to proc Earthquake, Earthquake on cooldown, then Chain Lightning, and Earth Shock with 20 Lightning Shield Stacks.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am reasonable comfortable using Restoration, however I have never actually done so in current raid content. I have a Frost DK http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... oth/simple although I am trying to gear this char I have never used him outside of LFR so whilst I would be happy to give it a shot I would not be entirely comfortable.
Yes, I have a microphone, I am usually fairly quiet during raids unless I have something important to say.
Combat Logs
The only logs I have were uploaded by a old guild member. So they may not be completely up to date. http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/player/eu ... d/wutougui
Your UI
I use the standard Blizzard UI. Occasionally I experiment, however, generally speaking I find it hinders my performance.
Guild History
Merely a Setback - Primarily left due to finishing HFC HC and the majority of members having no intention of attempting to recruit players to attempt Mythic.
Raid availability
I am free most of the time. The only times I would not be available would be due to unusual circumstances such as being away on Holiday.
I saw an add looking for raiders in trade channel. I would like to join Raven Council as I had little interest in joining a Guild that was already clearing all of the current content. With starting the expansion so late I have missed out on a lot of genuine progress with a guild. We all love shiny new loot but it is far more satisfying when you can say you have really earned it.
About you
I tend to be pretty social and spend far too much time playing WoW I enjoy things like leveling alts on non-raid nights maybe getting a small group together and blitzing through old dungeons with overpowered heirlooms
The Logs I provided probably look a little strange. I was initially brought into raid at a time I was completely under geared, under prepared, and still remembering how to play! So please forgive the depressing early performance, I have been steadily improving ever since and hope to continue to do so.
Wutougui. Shaman. My primary spec is Elemental, I have a reasonably functional Restoration o/s. However, I have not actually had cause to use it other than in Mythic dungeons. http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... gui/simple
Who are you?
My name is Oli, 35, from Channel Islands (UKish).
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
My memory is slightly sketchy on older content.
ICC 10-man heroic fully cleared apart from LK.
Cata - I didn't play an awful lot during this expansion.
MoP - MSV heroic, whilst current.
WoD -13/13 HC
Raid Role
Maximising DPS whilst minimising avoidable damage. As well as any special requirements for any given fight or particular orders from the raid leader. I make sure I am fully versed on tactics and whether or not the raid leader has any specific functions he/she requires me to perform and, of course, turning up to raids fully gemmed/enchanted and with food, potions, flasks, and runes.
I am very rarely totally satisfied with my performance and go over my stats regularly to try and find ways to improve. I have not found a huge amount of "reliable" information regarding Elemental Shaman past the basic guides, but I like to think I know my class well enough to make improvements myself. Having said that sometimes even unreliable information is worth testing.
Your Spec
I will start with Glyphs as this is relatively simple. Glyph of fire elemental is used or not depending on the fight length and is purely down to maximising up-time on your fire elemental. Glyph of Chain Lightning again this is purely down to whether or not you will be facing small numbers of adds or large numbers of adds. These are the only Major glyphs that can positively impact dps. There are other glyphs that can be situational such as glyph of earthquake providing a slow to mobs which can be useful on Socrethar.
Talents are mostly fight dependent and I tend to switch them fairly often. Although under certain circumstances there may be a defined "best" combination I have found that depending on how well the raid group is executing a fight, or even how well I do so, personally, sometimes the more simple combination can lead to increased dps. I am often experimenting with different combinations when I do LFR/Normal runs attempting to maximise my perfomance.
A basic single target rotation would consist of keeping Flame Shock up at all times, casting Earth Shock when you have 17+ charges on the target (although if you require a smaller number to proc the 4 set tier bonus I find this is generally advisable) Lava burst on cooldown and Lava Surge procs asap. With lightning bolt as a filler.
With 2-3 adds it would be mostly the same, keeping flame shock up on each target if the targets are going to live long enough. Chain Lightning so long as you are going to hit multiple targets. If you are able to proc instant cast Earthquakes then using Earthquake becomes a dps increase (even on a single target, so long as the single target will be hit by the full duration of the earthquake.
Pure Aoe would be Chain Lightning to proc Earthquake, Earthquake on cooldown, then Chain Lightning, and Earth Shock with 20 Lightning Shield Stacks.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
I am reasonable comfortable using Restoration, however I have never actually done so in current raid content. I have a Frost DK http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... oth/simple although I am trying to gear this char I have never used him outside of LFR so whilst I would be happy to give it a shot I would not be entirely comfortable.
Yes, I have a microphone, I am usually fairly quiet during raids unless I have something important to say.
Combat Logs
The only logs I have were uploaded by a old guild member. So they may not be completely up to date. http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/player/eu ... d/wutougui
Your UI
I use the standard Blizzard UI. Occasionally I experiment, however, generally speaking I find it hinders my performance.
Guild History
Merely a Setback - Primarily left due to finishing HFC HC and the majority of members having no intention of attempting to recruit players to attempt Mythic.
Raid availability
I am free most of the time. The only times I would not be available would be due to unusual circumstances such as being away on Holiday.
I saw an add looking for raiders in trade channel. I would like to join Raven Council as I had little interest in joining a Guild that was already clearing all of the current content. With starting the expansion so late I have missed out on a lot of genuine progress with a guild. We all love shiny new loot but it is far more satisfying when you can say you have really earned it.
About you
I tend to be pretty social and spend far too much time playing WoW I enjoy things like leveling alts on non-raid nights maybe getting a small group together and blitzing through old dungeons with overpowered heirlooms
The Logs I provided probably look a little strange. I was initially brought into raid at a time I was completely under geared, under prepared, and still remembering how to play! So please forgive the depressing early performance, I have been steadily improving ever since and hope to continue to do so.