Who is your character?
Télliera, NE hunter
Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... era/simple
Who are you?
My name is Povel, I'm a 22 year old swedish dude born and bred in Stockholm.
I just came back as a casual from a 3-8 month break (had a relapse in december and did some mythic raiding before taking yet another hiatus after doing a few CM runs).
Coming back to WoW just in time for the WoD release after taking a long break during MoP I devoted my winter-summer last year to playing the game. With a fresh transfer to Defias I grew my social network on the other side of the fence (aka Horde, the grass is not always greener on the other side) and became one of the leaders and tank of what turned into Imperious during the t17 progression. Spending 16-18 hours a day during these 8 months was a blast, but in the end I was burnt out.
Currently I spend some odd hours during the weekdays joining HC pugs on my alts after resubscribing a week or so back, farming some rep and playing the Garrison gold game in order to be ready for Legion. I am and always will be someone who relies on social interaction when playing WoW and currently everyone I know have quit.
That being said, I would hopefully find the joy of doing everything from random BGs to leveling, casually raiding, farming odd stuff and just hang out on voice chat if I were to be put in a social context once again.
Guild history
Doing a TL;DR on this one, feel free to poke for more extensive information
Vanilla-TBC on Darksorrow Alliance in "Surface Tension"
ZG, MC, Onyxia, AQ20, parts of AQ40 and BWL.
Wotlk on Darksorrow Alliance in "Man Ska Vara Seriös"
Naxx-Ulduar, break and then some casual farm of ICC
Did progression in BoT/BWD/TotFW HC during the early weeks of Cata on Ragnaros Horde as a resto druid, then quit.
Came back casually for a few months during MoP but did not raid at all.
Warlord of Draenor:
Started a semi-casual guild after transfering to Defias Brotherhood [H] and did 6/7HC in HM. We lacked players and merged with Phaseroll before the release of BRF. With a some what stable roster we went into Mythic progression but halted after a few weeks due to lousy attendance and bad performance from key players.
It was at this point we started networking on the horde side and decided to merge with Imperious. The progression continued and we got to down 8/10M + 7/7M before the release of HFC.
After HFC was released it seemed as nothing had happened, still struggling with attendance (it was summer after all) and it went slow. Most of us grew tired and differences between leaders became apparent. I transfered my warrior to Silvermoon right before my break and did 3/10M.
Came back in december and joined a few friends on Darksorrow Alliance. Joined their raid once or twice and did 9/13M but together we decided to pause. Before doing so, we spent a month or so doing 8/8 CMs on a few characters.
I've seen you around on the forum, on wowprogress and warcraftlogs previously. Coming back and faction changing my hunter I just started looking around, haven't heard a bad word about the guild (even in the chat banter while playing as Horde). Given that I am looking around as a social I cannot imagine that I wouldn't fit in, you all seem like nice people to me!
About you
I like to see myself as a fun guy, always up for having a nice time no matter what we're doing. Currently working with customer service during day time, started going to the gym a few months back putting an hour or two into that each day.
During weekends I enjoy catching up on the news, joining someone for a fun pug or doing whatever someone recommends ingame.
My first main was a gnome, so there's nothing but love for the little fellas!
[Social] Télliera, lvl 100 hunter
Re: [Social] Télliera, lvl 100 hunter
Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.
- Bowick
- Ancient
- Posts: 3252
- Character name: Bowick
- WoW character race: Pandaren
- WoW character class: Monk
Re: [Social] Télliera, lvl 100 hunter
Hi Télliera
Excellent app!
You've been approved, so please whisper an officer in game for an invite.
Excellent app!
You've been approved, so please whisper an officer in game for an invite.
Re: [Social] Télliera, lvl 100 hunter