[RG1] Ferwyn/Aralon, Retribution Paladin
Posted: 31 Mar 2016, 22:49
Who is your character?
Ferwyn, Retribution Paladin, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... n/advanced
Will name change to Aralon since Ferwyn is taken on the server.
Who are you?
My name is Wayne, and I am 25 years old from the land of the brace and drunk, also known as Northern Ireland. I work a basic 9 to 5 job, Mon to Fri. I like to talk, I like to play games, I love my car and my fiancée (don’t tell her I put her second) and I love to drink
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
RG1. Love the name, feel like I should be wearing a pilots outfit while saying it.
Been raiding since TBC. Will list below (all current of time):
(sold account to fund for college and to stop playing, came back during Ulduar, long leave, I know)
TotC (best 49 attempts remaining)
ICC (guild I progressed with was ranked 9th on this server at the end of WOTLK before disband. Guild was called Surreality)
T11 all normal, with the disband of the guild I was in at the end of WOTLK, and retri in such a terrible state at the start of Cata, I could not find a raiding guild
FL 6/7 HC. Raggy HC, a guild killer. Disbanded because of Raggy, but damn it was a fun fight!
DS 6/8 HC. Spine kept us behind. Went casual here
First tier of MoP, No HC kills
ToT 6/13 HC during progression
SoO 13/14 HC before "mythic nerf"
First tier of WoD, stopped playing. Went to Wildstar (fantastic game, shame community is small). Got a few on HC.
HFC 7/13 M
Raid Role
I have always seen Retribution as a support class, and with Legion that vision might be coming true! I believe using hands/blessings are more important than damage. After all, me doing an extra 2% damage is not worth losing another DPS! I judge my own performance by comparing my logs to someone of similar ilvl to myself, and watch my streams back to see where I failed, or what I did correct to try and do it again.
Your Spec
These change on a per fight basis. Instead of going into talents/glyphs it would be easier for me to talk about each boss.
For talents you normally have a “default” choice. Each tier would be:
15) Long arm of the law. Sometimes Speed of Light if a fight needs it.
30) Fist of Justice
45) Selfless Healer
60) Unbreakable Spirit. Sometimes Clemency if a fight needs it.
75) Sanctified Wrath.
The last two tiers change on a fight basis. Default being Executioners Sentence/Seraphim for single target and Lights Hammer/Final Verdict for cleave/AoE but this is not set in stone. Would be easier to talk over each fight (will also mention trinkets and glyphs. From here onwards, if the “default” build above changes, I will reference it. If I only mention the last two tiers and trinket then assume it is unchanged.). Since Empty Drinking Horn is used on EVERY fight, I will only mention one trinket.
Hellfire Assault
Talents: Lights Hammer & Final Verdict
Trinket: DC (cleave trinket).
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo & Divine Protection
Iron Reaver
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim (if enough DPS for dragging hands, if not LH & FV)
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Hand of Sacrifice & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim (if going down, LH & FV)
Trinket: Class trinket (if going down, DC)
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Final Verdict
Trinket: Class (if adds are an issue, I will switch to UEH)
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Lights Hammer & Final Verdict
Trinket: DC
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Lights Hammer & Final Verdict
Trinket: DC (cleave trinket).
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo & Double Jeopardy
Fel Lord
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Avenging Wrath, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: All are viable options, changes based on what is needed. More boss DPS = ES & Sera, more imp damage = LH & FV
Trinket: Class trinket or UEH
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Final Verdict#
Trinket: Class trinket or Heirloom trinket (based on how often I can stay on the boss)
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
A note on those trinkets for all fights, I have been experimenting with the class trinket and it is showing promising results on certain fights. Since I still need to test these, these are subject to change.
Gear choice is difficult as retribution. Sure if its higher ilvl and mastery its going to be better but for stats after that (haste/multistrike/crit..not versatility) they are so close that it doesn’t really matter. Seraphim would favour more haste however. I would sim my toon every Tuesday if I have received any upgrades to update my Pawn addonOff-specs and Alternative characters
To play retribution at end game, it is a lot more complicated than just “hit what lights up”. This would be best to describe if I talk to someone via comms. I am not too good with written guides.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
My off spec is Protection. I have fully upgraded ring for it, and I feel very confident as a protection paladin. Holy, no chance. I am just bad at it and it would do more harm than good.
My main alt is my warlock, link is: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... n/advanced
I check guilds forums daily and I do have a working mic for talking…which a lot of the time you would wish I didn’t I talk a lot, bit shy at the start.
Combat Logs
I have recently went horde (instant regret) but here is my profile for tanking and DPS for when I was Alliance. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 75/latest/
Your UI
I like to think my UI is pretty good. I did notice in that screenshot it does not show my timers, I have them around my health bar to keep my feet clear for when bad stuff come in
Guild History
QWERTZY. They stopped during SoO progression because with us being on Twisting Neither, a high progression server, people were using our guild as a stepping stone which eventually just made the officers throw their hands up and go "frog it". I joined another guild, which I can not remember the name of but they too stopped just before Garrosh similar reason. Chaos Project. They are on Draenor, I was an officer but they lacked a goal. They just raided and did not want to set a goal of where to be at the end of each tier, which to me, lacks motivation for other guildies. But, when I stopped playing during the first tier, I went to Wildstar, came back and thought it would be best to find a guild with the same mindset. I joined RoV, they are a nice bunch but as I mentioned, they went casual. I then joined AnV a few days ago but I dont believe its a good fit. I believe a trial period is not only for you to try me out, but for me to try out the guild.
Raid availability
Yep no problem, I might be about 10 minutes late sometimes, but I will never do a no show without saying!
I found you from WoWProgress. But I do not know anyone from your guild.
About you
Besides knowing my class, and playing to me best? I am a diverse player and can play any class (not monk/druid/rogue/priest cant frogging stand them) and will re-roll to what is needed! Also, I like to think I bring some quality banter. I like to think I am a positive person, confident but not cocky. I am always willing to learn. I have taken a step back from this raiding scene for a bit due to studying but now that I have a steady job, I want to get back into the cutting edge of raiding!
Add me on battle.net if you would like a chat, Coldcut#2919
I would like to add my famous last words:
Me saying….“Hold on, hold on, let me think of something…erm “be happy”? No wait can I pick something else?”
Tried my best to keep the formatting. I know my experience in this current tier may be sketchy, but I am more than willing to prove myself.
Ferwyn, Retribution Paladin, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... n/advanced
Will name change to Aralon since Ferwyn is taken on the server.
Who are you?
My name is Wayne, and I am 25 years old from the land of the brace and drunk, also known as Northern Ireland. I work a basic 9 to 5 job, Mon to Fri. I like to talk, I like to play games, I love my car and my fiancée (don’t tell her I put her second) and I love to drink
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
RG1. Love the name, feel like I should be wearing a pilots outfit while saying it.
Been raiding since TBC. Will list below (all current of time):
(sold account to fund for college and to stop playing, came back during Ulduar, long leave, I know)
TotC (best 49 attempts remaining)
ICC (guild I progressed with was ranked 9th on this server at the end of WOTLK before disband. Guild was called Surreality)
T11 all normal, with the disband of the guild I was in at the end of WOTLK, and retri in such a terrible state at the start of Cata, I could not find a raiding guild
FL 6/7 HC. Raggy HC, a guild killer. Disbanded because of Raggy, but damn it was a fun fight!
DS 6/8 HC. Spine kept us behind. Went casual here
First tier of MoP, No HC kills
ToT 6/13 HC during progression
SoO 13/14 HC before "mythic nerf"
First tier of WoD, stopped playing. Went to Wildstar (fantastic game, shame community is small). Got a few on HC.
HFC 7/13 M
Raid Role
I have always seen Retribution as a support class, and with Legion that vision might be coming true! I believe using hands/blessings are more important than damage. After all, me doing an extra 2% damage is not worth losing another DPS! I judge my own performance by comparing my logs to someone of similar ilvl to myself, and watch my streams back to see where I failed, or what I did correct to try and do it again.
Your Spec
These change on a per fight basis. Instead of going into talents/glyphs it would be easier for me to talk about each boss.
For talents you normally have a “default” choice. Each tier would be:
15) Long arm of the law. Sometimes Speed of Light if a fight needs it.
30) Fist of Justice
45) Selfless Healer
60) Unbreakable Spirit. Sometimes Clemency if a fight needs it.
75) Sanctified Wrath.
The last two tiers change on a fight basis. Default being Executioners Sentence/Seraphim for single target and Lights Hammer/Final Verdict for cleave/AoE but this is not set in stone. Would be easier to talk over each fight (will also mention trinkets and glyphs. From here onwards, if the “default” build above changes, I will reference it. If I only mention the last two tiers and trinket then assume it is unchanged.). Since Empty Drinking Horn is used on EVERY fight, I will only mention one trinket.
Hellfire Assault
Talents: Lights Hammer & Final Verdict
Trinket: DC (cleave trinket).
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo & Divine Protection
Iron Reaver
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim (if enough DPS for dragging hands, if not LH & FV)
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Hand of Sacrifice & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim (if going down, LH & FV)
Trinket: Class trinket (if going down, DC)
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo & Divine Protection
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Final Verdict
Trinket: Class (if adds are an issue, I will switch to UEH)
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Lights Hammer & Final Verdict
Trinket: DC
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Lights Hammer & Final Verdict
Trinket: DC (cleave trinket).
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo & Double Jeopardy
Fel Lord
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Seraphim
Trinket: Class trinket
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Avenging Wrath, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: All are viable options, changes based on what is needed. More boss DPS = ES & Sera, more imp damage = LH & FV
Trinket: Class trinket or UEH
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Mass Exo, Hand of Sacrifice
Talents: Executioners Sentence & Final Verdict#
Trinket: Class trinket or Heirloom trinket (based on how often I can stay on the boss)
Glyphs: Templars Verdict, Double Jeopardy, Hand of Sacrifice
A note on those trinkets for all fights, I have been experimenting with the class trinket and it is showing promising results on certain fights. Since I still need to test these, these are subject to change.
Gear choice is difficult as retribution. Sure if its higher ilvl and mastery its going to be better but for stats after that (haste/multistrike/crit..not versatility) they are so close that it doesn’t really matter. Seraphim would favour more haste however. I would sim my toon every Tuesday if I have received any upgrades to update my Pawn addonOff-specs and Alternative characters
To play retribution at end game, it is a lot more complicated than just “hit what lights up”. This would be best to describe if I talk to someone via comms. I am not too good with written guides.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
My off spec is Protection. I have fully upgraded ring for it, and I feel very confident as a protection paladin. Holy, no chance. I am just bad at it and it would do more harm than good.
My main alt is my warlock, link is: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... n/advanced
I check guilds forums daily and I do have a working mic for talking…which a lot of the time you would wish I didn’t I talk a lot, bit shy at the start.
Combat Logs
I have recently went horde (instant regret) but here is my profile for tanking and DPS for when I was Alliance. https://www.warcraftlogs.com/rankings/c ... 75/latest/
Your UI
I like to think my UI is pretty good. I did notice in that screenshot it does not show my timers, I have them around my health bar to keep my feet clear for when bad stuff come in
Guild History
QWERTZY. They stopped during SoO progression because with us being on Twisting Neither, a high progression server, people were using our guild as a stepping stone which eventually just made the officers throw their hands up and go "frog it". I joined another guild, which I can not remember the name of but they too stopped just before Garrosh similar reason. Chaos Project. They are on Draenor, I was an officer but they lacked a goal. They just raided and did not want to set a goal of where to be at the end of each tier, which to me, lacks motivation for other guildies. But, when I stopped playing during the first tier, I went to Wildstar, came back and thought it would be best to find a guild with the same mindset. I joined RoV, they are a nice bunch but as I mentioned, they went casual. I then joined AnV a few days ago but I dont believe its a good fit. I believe a trial period is not only for you to try me out, but for me to try out the guild.
Raid availability
Yep no problem, I might be about 10 minutes late sometimes, but I will never do a no show without saying!
I found you from WoWProgress. But I do not know anyone from your guild.
About you
Besides knowing my class, and playing to me best? I am a diverse player and can play any class (not monk/druid/rogue/priest cant frogging stand them) and will re-roll to what is needed! Also, I like to think I bring some quality banter. I like to think I am a positive person, confident but not cocky. I am always willing to learn. I have taken a step back from this raiding scene for a bit due to studying but now that I have a steady job, I want to get back into the cutting edge of raiding!
Add me on battle.net if you would like a chat, Coldcut#2919
I would like to add my famous last words:
Me saying….“Hold on, hold on, let me think of something…erm “be happy”? No wait can I pick something else?”
Tried my best to keep the formatting. I know my experience in this current tier may be sketchy, but I am more than willing to prove myself.