[RG2] Ortiatha, Restoration Shaman

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Location: Greece

[RG2] Ortiatha, Restoration Shaman

Post by Ortiatha » 30 Mar 2016, 03:44

Who is your character?

Ortiatha - Scarshield Legion Restoration Shaman http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... tha/simple

Who are you?

I am George, 24 years old and I am from Greece.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?



Well this will be a bit extensive. Raided semi-hardcore in TBC and WotLK with Conscience, a great guild of SSL.
TBC: Warlock, cleared up to Archimonde (though missed the kill day, as with Kael, but was there for the PR that took months) and BT up to Bloodboil PRE Sunwell that nerfed everything. After Sunwell, cleared content up to BT, didnt take part in Sunwell raids due to RL.
WotLK: Death Knight DPS, Up to ToC25, cleared everything as they came out, stopped playing a bit before Icecrown due to various reasons.
Nearly skipped Cata (raided a bit casually as fury warrior), skipped MoP.

WoD: Started to play after 6.2, joined a PUG guild with which I (nearly due to schedule being chaotic) cleared BRF heroic and HFC normal as a resto shaman. Due to how rushed it all was, I cant say I played all that well and doubt it was useful as an experience (cleared HFC normal in 10 days since I reached 100, so didn't even know all that much bout my class back then or the instance). And since it was in PUGs, tactics were all over the place, so I wouldn't call all this a viable experience.

Raid Role

My job is to keep people alive. Due to not enough experience on it, I feel a bit insecure but doubt its something that will persist, we all start from somewhere! I learn fast, and want to learn my class better. I read stuff on various sites on the net regarding tweaks to the spec and stat priority, but without hard content to test it on, its all theory. Which without practice equals to nothing. I expect it will take me a bit, but I think I got it.

Your Spec

Rotation: Earthshield on MT. Poping healing stream on cd, using Rain+Ascendance+Stream-CotE+Stream when expecting heavy damage, then tide on second if said damage will be heavier than above combo would heal. Hero when called. Basic rotation would be Riptide+Waves+Occasional Chain heal, Surge if someone's dying and need burst, Chain heals+Riptides if theres AoE damage. Squishing in Heal rain and Unleash Life if able to, specially if running from fires. Trying to use Elemental blast on cd if situation allows. Spirit link on aoe, like Archi's chain breaks or pounds.

Talents: Natures for extra survival ability without having to think about it, which at present helps, windwalk is kind of a filler, but useful for PVP support, CotE usefull for a 2nd stream, EotE is great for the x2 riptides etc, Rushing streams make stream totem very good since it rarely overheals, El blast is good for mana regen and high tide because chain heal is god! :D

Glyphs: Minor are kinda QoL choices.
Major: Boosting stream totem, I use it a lot so the dmg red is quite nice. Chain heal allows for better use in case raid is spread and helps with mana management. The last one allows for more instances of spiritwalker, which is helpful if there's a lot of movement in a fight.

Stats: For me its Mastery>Crit~Haste>Multistike. Versatility is still in some pieces of my gear, which shames me. Replacing it as a stat is also the reason some of my pieces are of the pvp set. I don't use the standard 1/2 spirit trinket(I do have one though iirc) due to elemental blast.

In any case, I am open to tweaking and suggestions! :D

Off-specs and Alternative characters

I don't mind going off-spec if a fight requires me to do so, though I d prefer to play main spec. I can also bring my old WotLK main, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/s ... iar/simple if a tank is ever needed. All for the PR!


I do have a mic and I can use it. Accent might be a tad strange(sorry!), but I am able to talk and listen to English. Beware of my voice, it can CC{Sleep}. I d be more than happy to use the forums, always did that in the past and in any guilds in mmos I used to play. (Dangerous..)

Combat Logs

I use recount but don't have a log to post atm. I think its not relevant in any case, cause its mainly LFR, which is a joke. When I cleared HFC N, I had some fights where I performed horribly and some great ones, which just screams of my lack of experience with the content. I believe I ll be able to perform very well though given some time to get used to stuff.

Your UI

If it's really needed, will edit. Not posting one due to being rather simple: Using healbot, so all of the heals are on the mouse, DBM and recount. I just click boxes and hit a couple of hotkeys to heal. If you defo need a screenshot, do say.

Guild History

I assume this is in regards to WoD. Joined a leveling/social guild on November, after ~4 years of not being online they ninja inved me so I accepted. On cap, joined another one, which seemed more PvE driven, but it turned out to be 4-7/18, with the rest PuGs in raids and not organized at all. Left it due to it being chaotic, MRA and not having a PR plan. Dead /g didn't help either. :( Took a break for xmass - last week due to RL.

I d like to join TRC because from what info I gathered, it looks structured and it has survived a long time. Having the RG2 is also a huge plus for me, since it allows me to join in PvE in a way that won't be hectic. I also like how it uses forums for its applications.

Raid availability

I can probably be 100% active. I have more time than I d want to! :)


Defias et al. forums' post and /2 of the server.

About you

George, 24, Greek. Well apart from that, I am a joyful person(with a REALLY boring voice, some call it wise-sounding(hobbit))and a weird sense of humor. I really enjoy doing group activities, even if they are silly, like a naked run to Thunder Bluff... erm, well. Eee.. I am just really bad at this question, all that comes to mind are job interviews!
Calm, collected, trying to be active at any kind of fun offered. Also quite helpful. Rarely asking for help myself though. PR in-game is important for me, but not as much as community play, for PR is void without it. I RP very little, mainly in the form of xmogs and some ... moments (like leading the Royal guards from SW->Goldshire in proper gear sometimes).
Yeah I guess I ll stop now, before I hurt my chances more :)


I make some gnome jokes. Yes... Damn them for taking ritual of sacrifice from me...

Phew that took long~~

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Re: [RG2] Ortiatha, Restoration Shaman

Post by Xanthi » 30 Mar 2016, 04:21

Thank you for your application, give us a while to deliberate.

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Re: [RG2] Ortiatha, Restoration Shaman

Post by Xanthi » 31 Mar 2016, 21:07

Your application has been approved. You can whisper an officer or an invite.

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Re: [RG2] Ortiatha, Restoration Shaman

Post by Xanthi » 04 Apr 2016, 03:12

