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[RG2] Ququru, Discipline Priest

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 18:08
by Ququru
Who is your character?
Ququru, Priest, Discipline/Shadow, Link

Who are you?
My name is Dominik, I'm 17 and I'm from Poland.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

I raided tier 7 (Wotlk) as a Restoration/Balance Druid. Cleared Heroic Hellfire Citadel up to Xhul'horac.

Raid Role
I don't have a role -yet- but usually I use recount to judge my performance. What I look at is: HPS, Overhealing, Top 3 Heals and DPS. I have few friends from raiding guilds who often give me tips.

Your Spec
Stats: Mastery > Crit > Haste
Glyphs: Penance, Weakened Souls
Talents: Angelic Bulwark, Body and Soul, Solace, Psyhic Scream, Power Infusion, Halo, Words of Mending

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Shadow is my offspec but I don't have gear. My alts are: Arms Warrior, Mistweaver Monk, Resto Druid (currently being leveled).

I do have microphone, teamspeak, skype or whatever you need. Visiting this forum once in w while shouldn't be a problem. :)

Combat Logs

Your UI
That thing in the middle of the screen is Evanglism stacks.

Guild History
I am currently in Wardens of Azeroth (RP guild) and I will stay there on my other toons. I want to join TRC to start raiding.

Raid availability
Every day sounds good to me. (At least now :P)

Trade chat. I have spoken with Calenestel.

About you
You shall meet me once I'm in the guild ^^

I have trouble understanding spoken english, especially people with accents. :l
Also - I'd like to do few HFC runs with the guild before joining.

Re: [RG2] Ququru, Discipline Priest

Posted: 27 Mar 2016, 21:37
by Bastille
Hello and thank you for your application. Please give us some time to review it and discuss about it.

Re: [RG2] Ququru, Discipline Priest

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 16:50
by Xanthi
Your application has been approved. You can whisper an officer for an invite.

Re: [RG2] Ququru, Discipline Priest

Posted: 29 Mar 2016, 17:30
by Xanthi