[RG1]Etlar - Enhancement / Elemental Shaman
Posted: 08 Mar 2016, 22:18
Who is your character?
Etlar, shaman and playing Elemental dps right now. But my heart is whit Enhancement.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... lar/simple
Who are you?
My name is Christian, age is almost 31 years old. And i live in Denmark.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying to the "RG1" as Elemental right now, but my main focus will be on Enhancement, when i get the last items.
There is one sunday in a month where i cant play, have a work day there. But that is one day a month i will miss raiding.
Experience - Raiding
Where do i start on this ? So hard, but i will give it a try. Have been playing so many classes and roles in a raid group, so will start from the start.
It will go back to the good old ICC, was a newbie to raiding. When i startet to raid, i had only been playing PvP on my Warlock and leveled my DK up as tank, most off my friends on this point was in good guilds and so on.
So when on day in "Tradechat" there was a guild seeking a tank, i had a chat whit him and have not look back after that.
* So in ICC i was new to all things, but still was happy to get 9/12 HC as a new tank. Had my fun time, whit the frost tank spec Miss that alot, but something will never come back
* BD, BoT was cleared on my Druid that i main in Cata on HC. TFW was only cleared on normal, we uset all the time in the two first place.
* Firelands, was cleared on my Druid as boomkin, we missed ranged dps alot. But the wipe party on Ragnaros was insane, almost 850 pulls on that boss before it when down, DAMN IT !
* DS was a joke, so easy to clear, was still boomkin, but on "Spine of Deathwing" and "Madness of Deathwing" i was tank, the warrior tank we had was doing all the time.
MoP was abit off to me in the start, we had the group to push very very hard to get more kills and so on. But when people dont show up. Then this is a problem, when whit the guild until ToT.
* MV - Cleared all on normal, only one kill on HC. Feels so wrong, but so is life.
* HOF and TES was only cleared on normal also, on this point the guild was not getting any new player and i started to seek a new guild.
* ToT Joined a new guild, and got fast into a raidspot as boomkin / tank when needed. I cleared 9/13 and was happy as a new menber off the guild.
* SoO was cleard before the patch to Mythic raiding, on my shaman as Restro. WHAT a joke to be healing on that, so damn easy. But the healing team was also very strong.
When WoD was cooming out, i had my problems whit one off the officer in the guild, my school took alot off my time and he was not happy on that. In the end, i moved away. I did not wish to make to much drama in the guild.
* HM come out and i was back on my shaman, was that player there was playing all 3 classes. To much gear in bags, but the place i had most fun was Enhancement. But they was only good on one boss my GM sayed. DOH Cleared 2/7 Mythic whit them.
* BRF Stil playing shaman and was now only Elemental and Enhancement. 2/10 Mythic and was not happy whit this. So moved away to a new place, after i had a chat whit a friend in the guild i'm right now.
* HFC back to the big boys on progress, not your place on 13/13 yet. On 11/13 Mythic and the guild just killed Archimonde Mythic last night, was on the side linie to the last 2 kills. They took the best geared players and alts to get the last two kills. That is fair in my head.
Raid Role
My place in the team right now is DPS, so it means to use alot off time to get better all the time. Getting the keys in your fingers, so you dont need to look where the things is.
When it comes to raiding, i readup alot and find all the information i can on the boss. If there is a Beta movie on a boss, i will see it. Just to get my head in the right place whit things that is going on.
Update to my class, i use most off my time on two sites "www.mmo-champion.com and http://www.icy-veins.com" The forum is a great place to get alot off infomation to your class and roles as a player.
Your Spec
I will do two specs here, apply as Elemtanl dps. But my main focus will be Enhancement, when i get the last items i need. So i think it will be fair to go over both off them.
Will start out whit Elemental, so be ready to get a wall off information now.
*** Elemenntal shaman ***
The spec runs on 4 element "Fire, Lightning, Earth and Nature" - This is only seeing things as a pure dps, we can alot long, if we need to take healing spells whit us.
Fire - Flame shock and Lava Burst.
Ligthing - Ligthning Bolt and Chain Lightning
Earth - Earthquake
Nature - Earth Shock
Does spells a the most we use in a fight, there is way to buff some off the spells.
Lets talk, on buffing the spells and so on. When you get the class trinket to Elemental, you will be useing one talant almost on all fights.
That is your level 100 talant - Elemental Fusion = Getting more time out off your Flame shock whit the use off 2 Lave burst before hitting Unleash flame and then Flame shock.
But Unleash flame also do some more things, when you hit it. It will make your fire damage 40 % bigger. But when you take talant 90 whitin also.
Then the game is getting fun, you will get 30 % more damage on Lightning Bolt and 10 % on your Lave Burst.
Now to the talent in my normal spec as Elemental dps:
Level 15 - Astral Shift - Self cooldown on 1½ min. Can save your *** when learning a new fight.
Level 30 - I have taken windwalk Totem, just to help my guild mates to move faster. When we need to move.
Level 45 - Totemic Projection, just to move my totem faster. More Deeps, but only if needed.
Level 60 - This tier, is the fun part in my head.
We have 2 good thing to take here, if the fight is very very fast, like Iron Reaver. You can easy go whit "Elemental Mastery" to get more dps in the blodlust / Herioism time.
But on longer fights, you will go whit EotE all the time. Just to have more Lave Burst and Earthquake if you have 3 or more target.
Level 75 - Only one talents there will ever be uset here. "Ancestral Guidance"
Level 90 - Here we have 2 good talent to take from, but the fight will say what we use.
Unleashed Fury will win alot over a fight that is longer then 1 min. So i most cases you will take this talent.
Shot fight as Iron Reaver and Zakuun you can go whit Primal Elementalist.
Level 100 - Here we have 3 talents we can use, but most off the time we only go 2 ways.
Elemental Fusion = Long fights.
Storm Elemental Totem = 2 min fights max.
*** Stat Priorities ***
Elemental shaman is very easy to gear on stats, we only have 2 stats we go after.
Mulitistrike - Haste and then Mastery
Rest off the stats is not good to use.
*** Rotation Priorities ***
The way i do my thing, when i start a fight. "Whitout EotE"
Pull timer 10 sec, when it hits 2 sec i will pop a potion and on pull i will thit target whit my Flame Shock, then i hit my Marco DPS CD buttom and go harm on Lava burst untiil i hit 17 stack off Lightning shield and press "Earth shock" and then just keep Lave Burst on CD and go Lightning bolt.
The way i do my thing, when i start a fight. "Whit EotE"
Pop potion on 3 sec, hit Flame Shock on 0 and then go hamp on 2 x Lave burst, then Unleach flame then flame shock to get the 80 % buff and the buff from my class trinket also. Then hit DPS CD and go insane on Lave burst to get to 17 stack then "Earth shock" and get your "Haste buff" as fast that you can.
*** Glyphs ***
Only one Glyph have been insane good this tier, "Grouding" To get a CD on lower.
Glyph of Flame Shock is just bis to have.
End off Elemental Shaman
*** Enhancement Shaman ***
Damn, we come so down to Enhancement spec. I will just clap my self on the back, you can also do the same. The wall off text is coming one more time.
Just to do something new, i will start whit "Stat Priorities"
Haste - Mastery - Mulitistrike and then the rest.
Just to clear it up right away, Mastery will win AoE target big time. But haste will allways be on top. And NEVER go past 50 % haste, then it will be a waste off the rest off stats.
Now to the talent in my normal spec as Enhancement dps: "Some off the talent from this, is the same as Elemental"
Level 15 - Astral Shift - Self cooldown on 1½ min. Can save your *** when learning a new fight.
Level 30 - I have taken windwalk Totem, just to help my guild mates to move faster. When we need to move.
Level 45 - Totemic Projection, just to move my totem faster. More Deeps, but only if needed.
Level 60 - This tier, is the fun part in my head.
We have 2 good thing to take here, if the fight is very very fast, like Iron Reaver. You can easy go whit "Elemental Mastery" to get more dps in the blodlust / Herioism time.
But on longer fights, you will go whit EotE all the time. Just to have more Lave Lash and Fire Nova if you have 3 or more target.
Level 75 - Only one talents there will ever be uset here. "Ancestral Guidance"
Level 90 - Here we have 3 good talent to take from, but the fight will say what we use.
Unleashed Fury This talent is most use, when you know that you will have alot Mealstroom proc going all the time.
Shot fight as Iron Reaver and Zakuun you can go whit Primal Elementalist.
Elemental Blast will be my normal place to go, getting more out off your single dps all around
Level 100 - Here we have 3 talents we can use, but most off the time we only go 2 ways.
Elemental Fusion = Long fights.
Storm Elemental Totem = 2 min fights max.
Liquid Magma = Insane AoE fights all the time, but in most case you will work whit Fire Nova it self.
*** Glyphs ***
Only one Glyph have been insane good this tier, "Grouding" To get a CD on lower.
Glyph of Flame Shock is just bis to have.
Glyph of Lava Spread - To get 8 more yards on the spread. GG AoE.
Glyph of Fire Nova - Getting 5 yards more on my fire Nova, GG AoE.
*** Rotation Priorities ***
The is werid to do, when you change to melee. Most of spells just change name and do same thing
But you will get some more butttom to press, but it mostly the same as Elemental.
Keep Flame Shock on target.
Keep Stormstrike on CD. It will make your Windfury attacks make more damnge. And whit my class trinket, i'm 616 % from AUTO attack :O
Make sure to have 1 Lava Lash, if you need to AoE. Need too spread that flame shock and then use Fire Nova.
Use Mealstrom on 10 if you have 4 set, then your stromstrike allways get a buff. 12 % pr Charge. So whit 5 that is 60 and whit 10 it will it 120 % more harder.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Off-spec / main spec is above whit alot more detail in them. But yes i can play Enhancement when i have the last items i needed.
Warlock, that i have startet to gear up alot more now. But only a alt, but can play it if needed.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... ava/simple
I have a microphone and dont have a problem to use it. But When raiding, i will only talk when needed. The Raidleader have the word in raid, so will chat after we wipe or if we a having a chat on the tacs.
Combat Logs
Here is a log from Saturday raids. Alt / main raid, to help people getting gear. There is also some LFR in it, just trying out some things.
Your UI
UI is from my Elemental spec, working on my Enhancement. Not happy whit it 100 % yet.
Guild History
Been in 3 good guild, most off the information is up whit the "raid experience"
But the guilds was "Redsky, Horizons and the guild i'm in now Limited Edition"
I will talk on the last guild, why do i wish too leave this guild. When we have done 13/13 as a guild ? I will like to play my Enhancement spec as main and not been put on Elemental dps only all the time.
Even farming gear to my "normal" main spec have been done on my own. No help to get it done.
Raid availability
I can make all raid days, BUT BUT. I have one sunday pr month i cant be there. Closing the shop where i work, we close 20:00 and i will first be home 21:30 The rest is not a problem to me.
I was seeking a new place to get back to Enhancement and after some chats whit "Bowick" you sound like the right place to me
About you
As you have seen in the top, my name is Christian. Love to play wow, but as you may know. You need money to get food and so on, so i have work where i use around 45 hours a week.
After work and playing wow, i use my time whit the lady in my life. Seeing friends, taking holidays out in the big world is something that i like and i do that normaly 3 weeks a year.
This was all from me today, 3 hours work. Hope you like it.
Etlar, shaman and playing Elemental dps right now. But my heart is whit Enhancement.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... lar/simple
Who are you?
My name is Christian, age is almost 31 years old. And i live in Denmark.
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I'm applying to the "RG1" as Elemental right now, but my main focus will be on Enhancement, when i get the last items.
There is one sunday in a month where i cant play, have a work day there. But that is one day a month i will miss raiding.
Experience - Raiding
Where do i start on this ? So hard, but i will give it a try. Have been playing so many classes and roles in a raid group, so will start from the start.
It will go back to the good old ICC, was a newbie to raiding. When i startet to raid, i had only been playing PvP on my Warlock and leveled my DK up as tank, most off my friends on this point was in good guilds and so on.
So when on day in "Tradechat" there was a guild seeking a tank, i had a chat whit him and have not look back after that.
* So in ICC i was new to all things, but still was happy to get 9/12 HC as a new tank. Had my fun time, whit the frost tank spec Miss that alot, but something will never come back
* BD, BoT was cleared on my Druid that i main in Cata on HC. TFW was only cleared on normal, we uset all the time in the two first place.
* Firelands, was cleared on my Druid as boomkin, we missed ranged dps alot. But the wipe party on Ragnaros was insane, almost 850 pulls on that boss before it when down, DAMN IT !
* DS was a joke, so easy to clear, was still boomkin, but on "Spine of Deathwing" and "Madness of Deathwing" i was tank, the warrior tank we had was doing all the time.
MoP was abit off to me in the start, we had the group to push very very hard to get more kills and so on. But when people dont show up. Then this is a problem, when whit the guild until ToT.
* MV - Cleared all on normal, only one kill on HC. Feels so wrong, but so is life.
* HOF and TES was only cleared on normal also, on this point the guild was not getting any new player and i started to seek a new guild.
* ToT Joined a new guild, and got fast into a raidspot as boomkin / tank when needed. I cleared 9/13 and was happy as a new menber off the guild.
* SoO was cleard before the patch to Mythic raiding, on my shaman as Restro. WHAT a joke to be healing on that, so damn easy. But the healing team was also very strong.
When WoD was cooming out, i had my problems whit one off the officer in the guild, my school took alot off my time and he was not happy on that. In the end, i moved away. I did not wish to make to much drama in the guild.
* HM come out and i was back on my shaman, was that player there was playing all 3 classes. To much gear in bags, but the place i had most fun was Enhancement. But they was only good on one boss my GM sayed. DOH Cleared 2/7 Mythic whit them.
* BRF Stil playing shaman and was now only Elemental and Enhancement. 2/10 Mythic and was not happy whit this. So moved away to a new place, after i had a chat whit a friend in the guild i'm right now.
* HFC back to the big boys on progress, not your place on 13/13 yet. On 11/13 Mythic and the guild just killed Archimonde Mythic last night, was on the side linie to the last 2 kills. They took the best geared players and alts to get the last two kills. That is fair in my head.
Raid Role
My place in the team right now is DPS, so it means to use alot off time to get better all the time. Getting the keys in your fingers, so you dont need to look where the things is.
When it comes to raiding, i readup alot and find all the information i can on the boss. If there is a Beta movie on a boss, i will see it. Just to get my head in the right place whit things that is going on.
Update to my class, i use most off my time on two sites "www.mmo-champion.com and http://www.icy-veins.com" The forum is a great place to get alot off infomation to your class and roles as a player.
Your Spec
I will do two specs here, apply as Elemtanl dps. But my main focus will be Enhancement, when i get the last items i need. So i think it will be fair to go over both off them.
Will start out whit Elemental, so be ready to get a wall off information now.
*** Elemenntal shaman ***
The spec runs on 4 element "Fire, Lightning, Earth and Nature" - This is only seeing things as a pure dps, we can alot long, if we need to take healing spells whit us.
Fire - Flame shock and Lava Burst.
Ligthing - Ligthning Bolt and Chain Lightning
Earth - Earthquake
Nature - Earth Shock
Does spells a the most we use in a fight, there is way to buff some off the spells.
Lets talk, on buffing the spells and so on. When you get the class trinket to Elemental, you will be useing one talant almost on all fights.
That is your level 100 talant - Elemental Fusion = Getting more time out off your Flame shock whit the use off 2 Lave burst before hitting Unleash flame and then Flame shock.
But Unleash flame also do some more things, when you hit it. It will make your fire damage 40 % bigger. But when you take talant 90 whitin also.
Then the game is getting fun, you will get 30 % more damage on Lightning Bolt and 10 % on your Lave Burst.
Now to the talent in my normal spec as Elemental dps:
Level 15 - Astral Shift - Self cooldown on 1½ min. Can save your *** when learning a new fight.
Level 30 - I have taken windwalk Totem, just to help my guild mates to move faster. When we need to move.
Level 45 - Totemic Projection, just to move my totem faster. More Deeps, but only if needed.
Level 60 - This tier, is the fun part in my head.
We have 2 good thing to take here, if the fight is very very fast, like Iron Reaver. You can easy go whit "Elemental Mastery" to get more dps in the blodlust / Herioism time.
But on longer fights, you will go whit EotE all the time. Just to have more Lave Burst and Earthquake if you have 3 or more target.
Level 75 - Only one talents there will ever be uset here. "Ancestral Guidance"
Level 90 - Here we have 2 good talent to take from, but the fight will say what we use.
Unleashed Fury will win alot over a fight that is longer then 1 min. So i most cases you will take this talent.
Shot fight as Iron Reaver and Zakuun you can go whit Primal Elementalist.
Level 100 - Here we have 3 talents we can use, but most off the time we only go 2 ways.
Elemental Fusion = Long fights.
Storm Elemental Totem = 2 min fights max.
*** Stat Priorities ***
Elemental shaman is very easy to gear on stats, we only have 2 stats we go after.
Mulitistrike - Haste and then Mastery
Rest off the stats is not good to use.
*** Rotation Priorities ***
The way i do my thing, when i start a fight. "Whitout EotE"
Pull timer 10 sec, when it hits 2 sec i will pop a potion and on pull i will thit target whit my Flame Shock, then i hit my Marco DPS CD buttom and go harm on Lava burst untiil i hit 17 stack off Lightning shield and press "Earth shock" and then just keep Lave Burst on CD and go Lightning bolt.
The way i do my thing, when i start a fight. "Whit EotE"
Pop potion on 3 sec, hit Flame Shock on 0 and then go hamp on 2 x Lave burst, then Unleach flame then flame shock to get the 80 % buff and the buff from my class trinket also. Then hit DPS CD and go insane on Lave burst to get to 17 stack then "Earth shock" and get your "Haste buff" as fast that you can.
*** Glyphs ***
Only one Glyph have been insane good this tier, "Grouding" To get a CD on lower.
Glyph of Flame Shock is just bis to have.
End off Elemental Shaman
*** Enhancement Shaman ***
Damn, we come so down to Enhancement spec. I will just clap my self on the back, you can also do the same. The wall off text is coming one more time.
Just to do something new, i will start whit "Stat Priorities"
Haste - Mastery - Mulitistrike and then the rest.
Just to clear it up right away, Mastery will win AoE target big time. But haste will allways be on top. And NEVER go past 50 % haste, then it will be a waste off the rest off stats.
Now to the talent in my normal spec as Enhancement dps: "Some off the talent from this, is the same as Elemental"
Level 15 - Astral Shift - Self cooldown on 1½ min. Can save your *** when learning a new fight.
Level 30 - I have taken windwalk Totem, just to help my guild mates to move faster. When we need to move.
Level 45 - Totemic Projection, just to move my totem faster. More Deeps, but only if needed.
Level 60 - This tier, is the fun part in my head.
We have 2 good thing to take here, if the fight is very very fast, like Iron Reaver. You can easy go whit "Elemental Mastery" to get more dps in the blodlust / Herioism time.
But on longer fights, you will go whit EotE all the time. Just to have more Lave Lash and Fire Nova if you have 3 or more target.
Level 75 - Only one talents there will ever be uset here. "Ancestral Guidance"
Level 90 - Here we have 3 good talent to take from, but the fight will say what we use.
Unleashed Fury This talent is most use, when you know that you will have alot Mealstroom proc going all the time.
Shot fight as Iron Reaver and Zakuun you can go whit Primal Elementalist.
Elemental Blast will be my normal place to go, getting more out off your single dps all around
Level 100 - Here we have 3 talents we can use, but most off the time we only go 2 ways.
Elemental Fusion = Long fights.
Storm Elemental Totem = 2 min fights max.
Liquid Magma = Insane AoE fights all the time, but in most case you will work whit Fire Nova it self.
*** Glyphs ***
Only one Glyph have been insane good this tier, "Grouding" To get a CD on lower.
Glyph of Flame Shock is just bis to have.
Glyph of Lava Spread - To get 8 more yards on the spread. GG AoE.
Glyph of Fire Nova - Getting 5 yards more on my fire Nova, GG AoE.
*** Rotation Priorities ***
The is werid to do, when you change to melee. Most of spells just change name and do same thing
But you will get some more butttom to press, but it mostly the same as Elemental.
Keep Flame Shock on target.
Keep Stormstrike on CD. It will make your Windfury attacks make more damnge. And whit my class trinket, i'm 616 % from AUTO attack :O
Make sure to have 1 Lava Lash, if you need to AoE. Need too spread that flame shock and then use Fire Nova.
Use Mealstrom on 10 if you have 4 set, then your stromstrike allways get a buff. 12 % pr Charge. So whit 5 that is 60 and whit 10 it will it 120 % more harder.
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Off-spec / main spec is above whit alot more detail in them. But yes i can play Enhancement when i have the last items i needed.
Warlock, that i have startet to gear up alot more now. But only a alt, but can play it if needed.
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/f ... ava/simple
I have a microphone and dont have a problem to use it. But When raiding, i will only talk when needed. The Raidleader have the word in raid, so will chat after we wipe or if we a having a chat on the tacs.
Combat Logs
Here is a log from Saturday raids. Alt / main raid, to help people getting gear. There is also some LFR in it, just trying out some things.
Your UI
UI is from my Elemental spec, working on my Enhancement. Not happy whit it 100 % yet.
Guild History
Been in 3 good guild, most off the information is up whit the "raid experience"
But the guilds was "Redsky, Horizons and the guild i'm in now Limited Edition"
I will talk on the last guild, why do i wish too leave this guild. When we have done 13/13 as a guild ? I will like to play my Enhancement spec as main and not been put on Elemental dps only all the time.
Even farming gear to my "normal" main spec have been done on my own. No help to get it done.
Raid availability
I can make all raid days, BUT BUT. I have one sunday pr month i cant be there. Closing the shop where i work, we close 20:00 and i will first be home 21:30 The rest is not a problem to me.
I was seeking a new place to get back to Enhancement and after some chats whit "Bowick" you sound like the right place to me
About you
As you have seen in the top, my name is Christian. Love to play wow, but as you may know. You need money to get food and so on, so i have work where i use around 45 hours a week.
After work and playing wow, i use my time whit the lady in my life. Seeing friends, taking holidays out in the big world is something that i like and i do that normaly 3 weeks a year.
This was all from me today, 3 hours work. Hope you like it.