[Social] Gladiolus, Level 100 Paladin

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Character name: Gladiolus
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[Social] Gladiolus, Level 100 Paladin

Post by Gladiolus » 10 Feb 2016, 00:02

Who is your character?
Evening all! My character is a level 100 Paladin named Gladiolus.

Armoury link in case anyone is interested:
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... lus/simple

It has been brought to my attention that a Gladiolus is in fact a fancy flower. I was unaware of this at the time, I was naming him after a final fantasy 15 character. However, given the fact that most Paladin tier sets result in me wearing a dress... maybe its fairly apt.

Who are you?
I'm 28 (as much as I refuse to acknowledge it) and I'm from Bristol, UK.

I prefer PvE but dont mind dabbling with a bit of PvP from time to time!

Guild history
This may sound bad but I've been away from WoW for approximately 18 months and that was a fairly brief stint. The last time I played seriously was probably Cata so guilds of note would have been back then and I just can't remember what they were called!

No specific references however I've been jumping in and out of WoW for the past 4 or 5 years. I have encountered members of your guild throughout that time and just generally seen you guys about a fair bit. You have always given a great impression and seem like somewhere I would fit in!

About you
About me eh? Well I'm a mechanical engineering graduate and I now design missile defence systems for a living! I'm a massive nerd (I know, bet you didn't see that one coming!) but being a 'proper adult' since finishing uni means I dont get as much time to play games etc as I used to. I'm not really sure what to tell you to be honest! I have a few tattoos, I guess thats kinda cool. I also once rugby tackled a sheep. I should probably point out that it was for its own good! But yeah.... that happened.

Well thats the million dollar question isn't it? All I know is they are at their best when they are covered in velcro and being thrown at over sized dart boards.

The future....
Just wanted to take this opportunity to day that I would love to raid with you guys in the future. Raiding is something I've always really enjoyed but life has never let me really get going with. Every time I've found a decent guild and got my character up to scratch something has come along in life pretty soon after which has required me to step away from wow for a bit after which i've found it hard to get going again (exam periods, jobs with unsuitable hours etc). However now I'm in a far more stable situation. Uni is done and I finally have a 9-5 job so I can actually plan my life a little bit. I have an ok amount of raiding experience, mainly from heroic Dragon Soul and I like to think I'm fairly intelligent so, assuming you would have some form of use for me, getting involved in RG2 is definitely something I would be interested in. However, having only returned to the game on Saturday, I am hideously under geared and i understand this will take a while to remedy and simply getting back into the swing of things with the game doesnt happen instantly. So I figured I would apply as a social for now and then hopefully make the step up in the future! Ultimately running around Tanaan on my own is getting fairly tiresome and the game is far more fun when you have a bit of guild chat to keep you entertained! Plus if you guys run alt raids etc, it stands to reason that I am likely to gear quicker by getting involved with what I can with you guys rather than relying solely on my hideous LFR luck and getting endlessly ganked in the jungle.

Sorry if this bit was slightly tl:dr, just seemed sensible to include :)

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Re: [Social] Gladiolus, Level 100 Paladin

Post by Zarell » 10 Feb 2016, 06:53

Thank you for your application. Please give us some time to review it.

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Re: [Social] Gladiolus, Level 100 Paladin

Post by Bastille » 10 Feb 2016, 10:21

Hi Gladiolus!

Your application has been accepted. Please ask one of our officers to invite you to the guild.
“A choice between killing and dying is no choice at all. You have to be realistic about these things"

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Re: [Social] Gladiolus, Level 100 Paladin

Post by Bastille » 10 Feb 2016, 23:08

“A choice between killing and dying is no choice at all. You have to be realistic about these things"
