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Valeo, Cortex and Tothu would like some company

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 15:08
by Cortex

Who is your character?
Valeo, Cortex, Tothu

Who are you?
Jussi, 36, Finland

Probably level some characters and some rp. Just started to play a bit after a long pause and would like to join you old friends. Probably not for raiding, more like social things and so on.

Guild history
This is my last guild. Have been away for quite a while.

I guess my name should ring a bell somewhere, if there are still old timers there. :)

About you
I'm old but i still play. I guess that tells theres something wrong in the attic, but i like it. :)

Make for a good breakfast.

Re: Valeo, Cortex and Tothu would like some company

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 15:34
by Jimmble

Re: Valeo, Cortex and Tothu would like some company

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 16:04
by Alikh
Welcome back!
I wonder if you're older than me even.

Re: Valeo, Cortex and Tothu would like some company

Posted: 26 Jan 2016, 21:08
by Bastille
Ooh, familiar face. WB Cortex!