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[RG1] Entropy, Lvl 100 Sub/Comb Rogue

Posted: 23 Nov 2015, 18:56
by Entropy
Who is your character?
Name: Entropy
Realm: Steamwheedle Cartel
Class: Rogue
Specialization: Subtlety & Combat

To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I saw that you are currently recruiting melee DPS for RG1. Thought I'd toss a coin for that. :)

I've raided semi-casually throughout WoD, achieving AotC in Blackrock Foundry and Hellfire Citadel. At the moment things are stalling a bit, and I'd like a new challenge. As for the past, during TBC, I raided up to Black Temple with my hunter. I left the game for a while and returned in Cataclysm, where I cleared the first tier on heroic mode. I then left the game again and returned in the beginning of WoD.

Raid Role
Currently I'm acting as a professional sacrifice for Archimonde's 3rd Nether Banish. Alright, alright. I'm just a DPS really, there's not much to say about my shady practices. My current guild is the one I've been raiding with in WoD. It is however slowly falling apart, as the server population is rather low. We've had problems finding reasonable recruits and finally made the unanimous decision to move on.

Your Spec
Currently I'm following the Subtlety stat priority as calculated through simulations and agreed upon by the rogue community at Icy Veins and MMO-Champion. I do not currently have a combat-specific stat set, but stack extra multistrike in order to sustain viability in fights such as Iskar. I spec Cheat Death over Burst of Speed to reduce my chances of embarrassing situations. ;P

Off-specs and Alternative characters
If you for some reason would prefer me going assassination, then yes, I would love to change if a challenge demands it. Unfortunately, I do not have any alts of sufficient item level to raid. :(

I have a microphone, and I'm very comfortable using it during any time of the day. I do however live with someone, and she does't like me talking constantly. You probably won't notice.

Combat Logs
I'll be the first to admit that my DPS logs are nothing to boast of. I think my highest recorded recorded mean is about 70 percentile, although that was some weeks ago. I've had some issues with my DPS in the past (especially during the start of HFC), but these have now been addressed for the most part. I've discussed my rotation and uptimes with other rogues on class forums, which has helped me a lot. On a fight like Mannoroth or Zakuun HC I currently sustain 65-70k DPS.

Your UI

Guild History
As mentioned previously, I recently returned to WoW after being away since mid-Cata. The only raiding guild I've been in since then is my current one, Project Final Redemption. I've had some good times there,

Raid availability
I'm entering a period of increased availability, so I should definitely be able to come at any day of the week. I do sometimes have some long days at the university, and it can be quite unpredictable, so I may be slightly delayed on rare occasions.

I saw your guild advert on the official EU forums! As for vouching, I'm not sure anyone apart from my current guildies can. And they are a deceptive bunch. :O!

About you
I'm sort of silly and I wouldn't trust me if I wasn't me. Nah, I like raiding, I like a proper guild environment and I love progressing with friends. But I'm not hardcore. I may not be a fit for you, but I thought I'd try applying anyway. Clearing heroic HFC on a weekly basis has me seeking new challenges, and with most of my mates joining other guilds I also find myself looking for a new home. I'd like to improve myself as a player, and mythic raids would provide me with an incentive to do just that.

Have a good one!

Re: [RG1] Entropy, Lvl 100 Sub/Comb Rogue

Posted: 24 Nov 2015, 01:57
by Twiki
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG1] Entropy, Lvl 100 Sub/Comb Rogue

Posted: 14 Dec 2015, 10:54
by Entropy
I'll be withdrawing my application. Thanks for your consideration, and good luck.

Re: [RG1] Entropy, Lvl 100 Sub/Comb Rogue

Posted: 28 Dec 2015, 00:26
by Xanthi
<Not recruited>