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[Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 11:08
by Knives
Hey guys!

Who is your character?
Knives, Human Rogue

Who are you?
Theuns Breytenbach, 28, Cape Town South Africa

Generally find competitive pvp (Arena, RBGs) and raiding the most satisfying. But I enjoy pretty much every aspect of the game, I have been playing on-off since 2007, I'm generally doing whatever my life permits at the time :roll:

Guild history
Recently I have been in two South African guilds, Pap en Vleis (Twilights Hammer) and Resurgence (Ragnaros) both horde guilds. Before that when I was raiding (mostly in the cata days) I was in a 25 man hc alliance guild Foundation (Lightbringer). I was raiding with my rogue and my shaman. Besides that I played a hunter in Ressurgence.

I always prefer realms with well balanced populations (not sure if that matters much anymore with connected realms?) so that leaves me browsing wow-progress whenever I pickup wow again. That is where I found out about you guys.

About you
I'm a software developer, been gaming since I can remember. Tried many hobbies over the years but only cars and gaming stuck. Wow has always suited me because the game offers such a wide variety of stuff to do! I have jumped between Horde and alliance a bit over my wow career mostly because of what a guild or a group of rl friends are doing in the game. I have always preferred alliance. In recent times, more and more of my rl friends have stopped playing wow, and not just taking breaks, but stopping for good. I have been on a wow break for most of Mists and recently started playing again (started a company with a friend and another guy, been working 12-16 hour days most of the last 2 years, we have grown and recently been acquired by a big company :D :D :D :D so my life has started going back to normal). Since none of my rl friends now play wow anymore, I decided to follow my long time dream of playing on defias brotherhood (I enjoy the ambiance, if thats the right word, of a population balanced rp server more).

I would like to raid again come Legion. Thats a long way off, but if you guys had room then I would love to raid with you, otherwise I will move on if the time comes. For the time being though I will be an active player and would enjoy an equally active guild with a mature player-base.

Hmmmm I had a gnome friend once, I have many fond memories of being tied him by nasty Mogu chains in MSV. Other than that they are a complete mystery to me :oops:

PS: I will be transferring my rogue sometime this week, although I will sadly have to say goodbye to my sweet name that I have cherished for the last 7odd years :( Since my return that realms alliance population has nearly completely diminished. I will be playing on defias brotherhood regardless of the outcome of my app.

Re: [Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 02 Nov 2015, 19:09
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 08:04
by Zarell
Hey look another South African... Hallloooo

Re: [Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 08:10
by Jimmble
Yes, but... it's rogue! Those are not to be trusted...

Re: [Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 08:25
by Zarell
So Knives, your guild application has been accepted, poke a friendly gnome to invite you to the guild.

P.S. Jimmble, but this Rogue is on our side, so we can trust him. He even used colours in his application!

Re: [Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 08:56
by Knives
Zarell wrote:Hey look another South African... Hallloooo
Howzit! :D

Thanks for accepting, I will poke someone for invite this afternoon.

@ Jimmble; what Zarell said :D

Re: [Social] Knives, 92 Rogue

Posted: 03 Nov 2015, 15:57
by Twiki