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[RG1] Cóburn, Lvl 100 Fury/Arms Warrior

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 09:01
by Cóburn
Who is your character?
Coburn-Bloodfeather, Warrior, Fury/Arms. I’m currently logged out in my arms gear but I’ll try to log out as Fury tonight. ... urn/simple

Who are you?
My name is Jonathon England, 25, from England (Yup, you read correctly) – but I prefer Jon. I live in a village called Dibden Purlieu in Southampton

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

Ok So I’ll start at the beginning:
TBC Released whilst I was level 58, so I didn’t raid any vanilla content :(

TBC: I played protection at a competitive level, I cleared Kara, SSC, TK, MH, BT, and Sunwell. I would say some of my proudest raiding moments have come from this tier, albeit at the cost of some social life. I’d say this was my most hardcore time in wow – like most I’d guess.

Woltk: Due to this x-ppack being released during some important studies of mine I played much more casual, playing Prot/Fury depending on what my guild at the time needed. I didn’t raid during Naxx/Ulduar but picked it back up again during ToTC and ICC and cleared both on 25 man (I forget now whether it was heroic or not, it was a very long time ago!)

Cata: I didn’t raid at all here, wat at university getting drunk

MoP: Nearing the end of my studies I re-subbed and never looked back. I was invited to my current guild 2 and a half years ago as a raider and cleared normal MV, ToES, HoF, ToT under the old guild structure. The GM quit at which point I took over and a good friend raid led. This saw us hitthe ground as SoO running and we managed to clear old heroic pre 6.0 and farmed 30 mounts for the guild.
WoD: The old raider leader stepped down and we went through some structure change which unsettled the guild a little but we killed 4/7M HM, 8/10M Brf and are currently 3/13 mythic HfC with about 40 pulls on council. Since hfc came out we have gone back and cleared 6/7 hm and 9/10 brf but I guess that doesn’t really count :P.

Raid Role
As a DPS warrior my obvious and literal role is to DPS… oh and to vigi tanks when needed and to press rallying cry on demand :D. During raids I judge my own performance first and foremost by matching myself up against any other warrior in the raid, if available. Post raid it’s always of benefit to me to check logs & rankings and then what other warriors In the world are doing to achieve their ranks and where their dmg is coming from – if I’m not happy with my rank anyway.

In terms of literature I regularly visit MMO champ forums for posts that CollisionTD and Archimtiros are involved with, I typically don’t use icy-veins as I feel there’s better sources of info out there if you look.
I quite like listening to you tube videos from nobble, finalboss TV and preacher gaming – granted these don’t really help me improve my class directly but I like some of the insight they provide about the game in general.

Apart from playing my class I also guild master and raid lead for my current guild. I’ve guild managed for nearly 2 years, co raid led for a year and a half and solo raid led for 6 months (give or take). So on top of performing my role as a raider I also manage tactics, cool downs, raid movement (yes as a melle…) and general guild management. That said I don’t take credit for guild bank control or EPGP control, those things I delegate to my officers. Performance here I typically gauge by how content people in the guild are and progress we’ve made. Sources I use to further my knowledge in the just mentioned are various you tube guide/tactic videos, again the MMO forums, also watching other guild kill vids on wowprogress turned out to be a good way to pick up lesser documented tactics and raid movement for certain encounters.

Your Spec
Stat Prio:
11% Haste > 30% Crit >= 14% haste ~=> mastery ~=> 18% haste > more crit > multistrike > more haste >= versatility
Very generalised and with the class trinket haste just pretty much gets ignored. It seems that the current meta is to get 30% crit then go mastery, including wep enchants

I usually punch in my own char into simsC to get my own stat weights.

I shan’t go in to too much detail here because this could get very lengthy but fury in its current iteration is pretty much Execute > wildstrike if more than 100 rage or bloodsurge procs > Bloddthirst (if not enraged) > ranging blow > Siegebreaker (if applicable) > level 60 talent filler > bloodthirst. Wrecklessness is a fairly weak CD and with the 4piece there isnt much lining up of abailities to do, just get as many in as possible. There's a few times where you may delay an avatar or wreck so they line up but quite often they dont/wont.

Like I say very general and there are countless scenarios where priority changes but as a rule of thumb, keep enrage up and hit the flashing buttons!

Talents: (in tier order)
Double time is a must for me, 2 charges is just godly for movement.
Enraged regen – off the GCD mini heal to help with minor healing, can be life saving
Sudden Death – This is flat out the best DPS talent choice on this tier, the other 2 options aren’t considered if you're serioues about maxing your DPS.
SB for single target, and DR for 2+ targets, havnt been asked to use shockwave for ages now but wouldnt be against it, it does reasonable dmg. The damage on this tier all all marginised so much it really doesnt matter what I pick.
Vigilance… because I like feeling useful
Bladestorm for AoE for obvious reasons. BB and Avatar are generally quite equal however avatar suits my play style more so I roll with that.
Currently on this tier depending on fight length the best talent choice is either AM (if it means you get an extra avatar) or siegebreaker otherwise. Ravagar is kinda pants unless you need to scumbag the meters on kormroc

Glyphs: (Major only)
Endless rage is mandatory – I still die a little when I double blood surge proc at 70 rage
Enraged Speed – This for me has been a cookie cutter glyph since SoO. I can’t think of a time I haven’t thought 20% run speed would not be useful.
My third glyph is typically switched between wind and thunder for spread AoE fights, rude interruption if there’s constant interrupting and heroic leap glyph (the one with speed) for fights that require quick, regular movement.

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Arms is my off spec, and of-course I can play it if needed, in fact I will be playing it on some fights, I’m sure you know this but Arms is the monster of cleave specs.
The only other char I have is a resto shammy (currently horde) roughly 700 ilvl and nearly on the final part of the ring Quest. I raided on this in WOLTK a little and some normal HFC so don’t have any mythic exp on it. That being said I’m sure if I had to I could adjust without too many issues.
I do also have a mage but it has no gear and no ring quest what so ever

Yes I have a microphone and I’m quite happy to speak and can be relied upon to speak in a raid when needed.
For me guild forums are like the newspaper, it’s one of the first things I check in the morning, I enjoy being active on the forums as it builds a good community.

Combat Logs
You won’t find any entries from me from the first 3 week of September as I was traveling in Aus/New Zealand.

Your UI
A pretty standard UI really, no fancy add-ons here. Due to raid leading I have gotten used to having raid CD’s listed, along with exorsus raid notes on the right. What you don’t get from the SS is the DBM boss timers and bars, as well as my fury specific weak auras (minimalistic style just surrounding my characters feet) as well as the weakauras that track my debuffs.

Guild History

I am currently the GM and raid leader of Exception on Bloodfeather. As it stands the guild had been around for about 8/9 years, I have been on Bloodfeather since vanilla and in exception since early MoP.
As it currently stands we are one of only 2 Alliance mythic raiding guild on this server – the other is a Finnish only guild. This makes our recruitment pool tiny and means we have to x-realm recruit which can be tough at times.

We have reached a stage where people have stopped due to boredom etc and we haven’t been able to keep up with recruitment, resulting in cancelled raids which then impacts progress. We have recently had 2 more core members move on due to attendance which more than likely has put the nail in the coffin for us.

Within the next week I will be making a decision on the future of my guild, unless a miracle happens I will most likely call an end to our raiding and recommend that people move on to another guild if they wish to continue on.

To be honest I found you guys on the forums whilst I was browsing for my options, your guild website is worded nicely, you have great progress for the time spend raiding and you’re alliance on a nicely populated server. I have also picked you as your progress isn’t too far ahead of where I currently am. I dont want to try and join some 11/13 guild and be gifted a load of kills.

Raid availability
As raid leader and GM I have an almost 100% attendance (bar the last 3 weeks as I was travelling in Aus/NZ :D). I am not online a great deal outside of raids and I set aside 3 nights a week to raid so I make sure to turn up to them. Your raid days and time are almost identical to what I currently raid so there should be no problem there.

Wow EU forums – and nope I’m fresh meat :D

About you
Ok so as I said earlier my name is Jon, I’m 25 and live in England. I have a beautiful girlfriend of 3 years who knows I play wow and is very accommodating, she understands that Thurs Sun and Tues are my gaming nights. Some nights I may be at hers during raid time but that’s not a problem due to me having a laptop.
I work as a Production Support Analyst for a company called Wunelli who specialise in telematics, I have been here 2 and a half years and have flexible working hours which makes it very convenient for me to make it home in time for raids.
Apart from playing wow my general hobbies include non-competitive weight lifting/fitness which I do on non-raid nights, going to EDM raves/gigs and recently a bit of travelling across Aus & NZ – I guess you can’t really call a holiday a hobby but my girlfriend and I do enjoy trying new things and doing new experiences. I like watching anime, TWD, GoT, GBBO (great britsh bake off…), Goggle Box and a whole multitude of other TV shows.

If this application looks like something the officers would like to take further, I’d like to chat on voice comms at some point to discuss further and explain my own scenario (with still being in a guild and such). I find verbal chats a great chance to get a feel for the people I could be playing with aswell

Re: [RG1] Cóburn, Lvl 100 Fury/Arms Warrior

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 09:43
by Herecles
Hey mate thanks for your application!

Really well written! Good luck with your application!

Re: [RG1] Cóburn, Lvl 100 Fury/Arms Warrior

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 10:34
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG1] Cóburn, Lvl 100 Fury/Arms Warrior

Posted: 08 Oct 2015, 10:55
by Cóburn
Forgot to put my battle tag in the app, If anyone wants a chat in game get me on Conurn#2121

Re: [RG1] Cóburn, Lvl 100 Fury/Arms Warrior

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 19:18
by Jimmble
Coburn, where are you, Coburn? I was stalking you on btag but you are... too sneaky!

Re: [RG1] Cóburn, Lvl 100 Fury/Arms Warrior

Posted: 13 Oct 2015, 19:33
by Jimmble
<application withdrawn>