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[RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 16:47
by Ethos
Who is your character?
Ethøs - Arcane/Frost Mage. ... s/advanced

Who are you?
My name is Emmanouel and im 30 year old currently unemployed Greek that lives in Thessaloniki.

To which Raid Group are you Applying?

Hmmm that's quite a long story.Alright here we go

Vanilla WOW- ZG AQ20-40 not fully cleared though.First 3 bosses of MC and thats were next expansion came, toon i played my warrior used to be named (ILLI)

BC - ZA cleared with Reborn guild, Gruul/Maggy TK up to kaelthas SSC - lady vashji BT- up to the ILLIDARI council

Wotlk - started on warrior and did Ulduar 25 up to everything except Yog'saron/swapped to paladin Thorp(wich was my main for plenty time) Cleared TOC 10/25 Nm some attempts on hc bosses (my memory is blurr to remember the kills),Naxx 25N cleared.ICC 10man HC up to LK.

Cata - BWD/TO4W/TBOT Cleared Normal by the time we started HC Firelands Released- Firelands Cleared Normal hc 6/7 ragnaros was a pain for quite some time.DS 8/8 N/HC (I took a break due to RL matters after that the same summer Mop released)

MOP -MGV/HOF/TES Normal cleared (3hc on MGV) TOT (N cleared HC up to Lei Shen) SOO cleared N/HC future mythic After some nerf's)

WOD - HM 6/7M BRF 2/10M HFC 13/13HC.

Raid Role
Im an all around dmg dealer mage with a soul of a hunter on my current guild.Pretty much all around doing every task given due to low numbers of range our current raid team has (only 2-3).The sites i pay most attention WAS EJ and big WAS till i found out and a bit summon stone when it was functional.Pretty much AT has anything a mage seeks for.Consumables,Mic working and refridgerments always available before the raid.
Guides about raid bosses not just 1 site icy-veins,mmo-champion and generally googling if there are any hidden guides about the bosses that are coming.Ofc watching Youtube videos about the encounters method,fatboss.

Your Spec
I usually play arcane on most fights unless we lack cleaving or the fight is add heavy in wich i swap to frost for more cleave dmg when its needed.
Arcane is intellect > spellpower > haste till ~2100 > mastery > haste > multistrike > crit=versatility for 4PC T18H users.
For Single target encounters i use HPOF+HPiston for the 2100 break point
For multi targets i swap to HPOF+H.UGOS

Rotation 2sprepull Int pot +ABX4 or AM if proc any to trigget the 4set- PC/AP double nova+AB +AM until 50%mana then evo back up to 93~ entering conserve rotation wich is AB till 93% mana if i got AM dump em if not use ABarrage and start again.

Rotation with Mark of doom on Boss. 2sprepullpot+AB->Mark Proc->AP/PC->AM on boss so MoDoom hits boss+crystal twice . This way the explosions will hit both the boss and the prismatic crystal. While Casting AB on crystal->50% mana evo back up to 93~ and conserve rotation. Conserving 2 supernova's for next burn phase where i start the burn rotation again .(my choice on IF over ROP is cause our raid movement is picky and as i said i got constant dutys to perform hence casting ROP all time will make my life harder than it is)

Off-specs and Alternative characters
Im perfectly fine on going Frost spec as it was one of my old Main spec.
Alts decently geared is Azhraiel ... l/advanced, and ... s/advanced Vøs both are close to getting the legendary ring.DK is getting it tonight hopefully.

Yes i do own a microphone and a headset and im fully capable of entairing any type of conversation with ppl in mumble,forums,guild chat.

Combat Logs ... 90/latest/ im mostly embarrased for my logs as i know i could perform way better from what they show but the numbers of our ppl handling various jobs are limited so sorry in advance if they dont seem appealing.

Your UI Addons - WeakAuras/BigWigs/EPGP (both)/Razer mouse addons/Titan panel/Skada/Iskar assist/Auctionator/Tidy Plates.

Guild History

At vanilla i was in a friends guild called Legacy he got me into the game
TBC i swaped to Reborn were i stayed up to mid-stage of Wotlk(reason of leaving many guildies stopped due to RL circumstances) and the remaining of us joined VEX for a little while were there was a huge fight between the 2 leading officers of Vex and Former reborn GM that lead us into retreating into nothingness.
I made my own way and joined a friends guild after request for tank Adytum Dyne were i stayed up untill my RL problem hitted in.(IBS syndrome)
When i came back Adytum was dead only 2 ppl online so i seeked refugee to a friends guild called Ancient order of Doom where i found my self after 2 months leading the raids and it stayed like that till we achieved DS 8/8HC and we were so proud for it.
Left AooD cause it died at december right about the release of TOT.80% Of guild members stopped or swapped to diablo3.Joined Equinox for a month were they were a lot Unstable guild and they migrated in the same month.
I grew tired of all this swapping and i wanted something stable so i applyed to Sanctuary of Dreams wich is my current guild progress was going fine untill some late events that made the guild to drown in a state that isnt recoverable.Stayed and pushed my self a lot to help us recover but it doesnt seem to help anything we do, so its time for me to depart.
Raid availability

Can you generally make all of our raiding days/times, or are there any difficulties with this? [/color}

Im available 24/7 as it stands (it might change if i get a job but the times are not too affecting the work times in greece)

Well i heard from friends about u ppl whose names i wont call.If anyone of the ppl that know me wanna give their vouch feel free but i never liked pointing finger's.I keep track of ur progress on wow progress and since some of my friends are already inside i know that u worth every obstacle that lies ahead in the path of entering Raven's.

About you
What can i say im a 30 yeard old game enthusiast person that has stuck with this forsaken game for so many years :oops: :oops: (joking i love it).I like to read books mostly thriller/mystery one's or watch a good movie like (the girl with the dragon tatoo etc ).At a part of my enormous free time i go to the gym,spending some time with my GF and friends.The mornings i seek for a job/doing german lessons.Just started via youtube a greek learning channel i found about deutsch.Also i used to be a bartender/salesman but that career seems so distant atm :cry:

Not really notes just my btag is thorp#2176

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 18:26
by Jimmble
Thank you for the application, please give us some time to review it.

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 20:56
by Echoette
./wave from Anyana / Anyara / Echoette / Katrixia

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 21:18
by Ethos
Echoette wrote:./wave from Anyana / Anyara / Echoette / Katrixia
Hey sweetie <3.

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 23:15
by Xanzara

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 28 Sep 2015, 23:21
by Ethos
Xanzara wrote:*wave*
./Bow to the kitteh!

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 00:28
by Jimmble
What is all zis waving here?!

Zis is cereal business!

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 10:44
by Kheydar
Hi Ethos *waves*

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 29 Sep 2015, 15:32
by Ethos
Jimmble wrote:What is all zis waving here?!

Zis is cereal business!
Seems to me like someone want's to be waved as well :D :D *wave*.
Kheydar wrote: Hi Ethos *waves*
Hey khey nice to see all of u here :) :)

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 01 Oct 2015, 17:51
by Jimmble
Grrr, grrr.... longlegs still slacking? I will poke them right away or when they log in for raid.

Re: [RG1] Ethøs 100 Mage.

Posted: 06 Oct 2015, 20:07
by Jimmble
<recruited for raidgroup trial>