[RG2] Fitgypsy, Level 100 Marksmanship Hunter
Posted: 11 Sep 2015, 18:36
Who is your character?
[Fitgypsy, Hunter, Marksmanship, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... psy/simple .
Who are you?
Luka, 21, Canada, but now I live in Jordan as I am an exchange student
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I would like to join the RG2, just because I took a break after Highmaul and would like to get back into the habit of raiding and to gear up. Once I am geared enough I would definitely like to move on to the RG1, in due time of course.
I've been playing wow since vanilla, about a couple months after its release. I haven't raided in vanilla though, did like 1 raid in TBC I think it was SSC, so still no raiding there. In WotlK however, I cleared ICC, and managed to clear a few bosses in heroic, but didn't finish it. I did this on my US warlock - Fained (probably inactive by now). I played US for almost 9-10 years due to the fact that I used to live in my home country of Canada. But since I moved to Jordan, my ping spiked due to the fact that US servers are far so I had to switch to EU. In Cata I also finished DS and FL but not on heroic. In MoP, I cleared it all as well, but not on heroic. In Cata and WotlK I played my warlock Fained, but in MoP I played my priest - Rained (both on US). Atonement healing was the best!
Raid Role
Right now my role is a hunter ranged dps. I usually am the one who, if you're missing a flask or pot, you would come to. To be honest, I never bring feasts though haha! I try to compare my performance with other hunters, similarly geared to myself and judge based on that. Icy-veins is on my chrome tabs, as I check that every once in a while to keep up with hunter changes and what not. I also like to watch youtube guides, and most definitely streamers! I never go to a raid un-prepared even if I haven't done a certain boss. Before I walk into a raid I never experienced, I say to myself, can I lead this raid? And the answer is yes, most of the time.
Your Spec
Well since I am a marksmanship hunter, my strongest, most important, bread and butter ability is Chimaera shot. I basically keep it on cooldown throughout the fight. Aimed shot comes second in priority under Chimaera shot, on 3 conditions: 1- The target is above 80% health. 2- Rapid fire is active. 3- I have thrill of the hunt procs (talents). Barrage is next on the priority list as it does a little more damage than aimed shot. Last, is Kill Shot. Kill shot is only 2nd priority after chimaera shot when the target is below 35%. My opener is usually, potion, stampede, rapid fire, chimaera shot, spam aimed shot until chimaera is up. Rinse and repeat until the target is under 80%, then barrage starts to kick in, and finally Killshot at 35%. As far as stats go, Agility obviously is a no-brainer when it comes to hunters. Critical strike comes in as a close second for MM hunters and right under it is multistrike. Under multistrike you can have 2 options. If you can stand still and maintain sniper training then mastery comes under it. If not then versatility comes under multistrike. Barrage is a very important talent as it does more damage than an aimed shot. Lone wolf is also a MM no-brainer. Focusing shot will just keep you focus capped since you have 2 long spells to cast (aimed shot and focusing shot). I would say thrill of the hunt is the most important talent, since 30focus aimed shots are the best thing in life, haha!
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Well since I'm a hunter, I don't have to switch to any other spec atm since MM does the most dps on pretty much all the bosses in HFC. I am comfortable, however, in playing any other hunter spec if I am required to. As for alts, I do have a priest that I love (as I mentioned I mained disc priest in MoP) but I will save myself the embarrasement and not link her armory here because she is WAY too undergeared for HFC. I will however bring her up to par, but not right now as I am really focusing on my hunter. I haven't touched her since last time I played, which was back when Highmaul was the highest content.
I have an okay headset, nothing special like a Hyper-x headset, but it does the job done. Sound quality is great, no background noise, no static sounds, and yes I am comfortable talking. I'm usually the guy who's always in TS or Mumble, just chilling, even if there is no raid going on. I prefer in-game discussions, as I'm not really a forum guy, but if important things were posted that needed to be checked, I definitely will check them.
Combat Logs
I do not have any logs, simply because of the fact that I didn't think I would want to get serious into raiding. I have no experience with logging my data/fights. I will however look into it and send a log as soon as possible!
Your UI
http://imgur.com/fCOEmse Just shows my target, target of target, focus target and recount. DBM would be under the minimp with important timers in the middle.
Guild History
I have not been in any serious guilds. I raided with a guild back in Highmaul called Steamrollers Inc. We got 6/7nm and 3/7HC but then one day 2 of the officers left for a better guild, and then the whole guild just evaporated.
Raid availability
I can make all of the raid times with no problem at all.
I read about you guys from the Defias Brotherhood forums. No, all the players that I knew who raided with me back in highmaul have quit.
About you
Well I'm a very easy-going and down to earth person. I tend to make friends from people who are in my dungeon group. I don't want to write a long essay about myself, so I'll just keep it short. I've been told I'm a fun person to be around, and I don't like to take that for granted. I have my limits just like everyone else, but most importantly I like to enjoy life the way its supposed to be enjoyed.
[Fitgypsy, Hunter, Marksmanship, http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/d ... psy/simple .
Who are you?
Luka, 21, Canada, but now I live in Jordan as I am an exchange student
To which Raid Group are you Applying?
I would like to join the RG2, just because I took a break after Highmaul and would like to get back into the habit of raiding and to gear up. Once I am geared enough I would definitely like to move on to the RG1, in due time of course.
I've been playing wow since vanilla, about a couple months after its release. I haven't raided in vanilla though, did like 1 raid in TBC I think it was SSC, so still no raiding there. In WotlK however, I cleared ICC, and managed to clear a few bosses in heroic, but didn't finish it. I did this on my US warlock - Fained (probably inactive by now). I played US for almost 9-10 years due to the fact that I used to live in my home country of Canada. But since I moved to Jordan, my ping spiked due to the fact that US servers are far so I had to switch to EU. In Cata I also finished DS and FL but not on heroic. In MoP, I cleared it all as well, but not on heroic. In Cata and WotlK I played my warlock Fained, but in MoP I played my priest - Rained (both on US). Atonement healing was the best!
Raid Role
Right now my role is a hunter ranged dps. I usually am the one who, if you're missing a flask or pot, you would come to. To be honest, I never bring feasts though haha! I try to compare my performance with other hunters, similarly geared to myself and judge based on that. Icy-veins is on my chrome tabs, as I check that every once in a while to keep up with hunter changes and what not. I also like to watch youtube guides, and most definitely streamers! I never go to a raid un-prepared even if I haven't done a certain boss. Before I walk into a raid I never experienced, I say to myself, can I lead this raid? And the answer is yes, most of the time.
Your Spec
Well since I am a marksmanship hunter, my strongest, most important, bread and butter ability is Chimaera shot. I basically keep it on cooldown throughout the fight. Aimed shot comes second in priority under Chimaera shot, on 3 conditions: 1- The target is above 80% health. 2- Rapid fire is active. 3- I have thrill of the hunt procs (talents). Barrage is next on the priority list as it does a little more damage than aimed shot. Last, is Kill Shot. Kill shot is only 2nd priority after chimaera shot when the target is below 35%. My opener is usually, potion, stampede, rapid fire, chimaera shot, spam aimed shot until chimaera is up. Rinse and repeat until the target is under 80%, then barrage starts to kick in, and finally Killshot at 35%. As far as stats go, Agility obviously is a no-brainer when it comes to hunters. Critical strike comes in as a close second for MM hunters and right under it is multistrike. Under multistrike you can have 2 options. If you can stand still and maintain sniper training then mastery comes under it. If not then versatility comes under multistrike. Barrage is a very important talent as it does more damage than an aimed shot. Lone wolf is also a MM no-brainer. Focusing shot will just keep you focus capped since you have 2 long spells to cast (aimed shot and focusing shot). I would say thrill of the hunt is the most important talent, since 30focus aimed shots are the best thing in life, haha!
Off-specs and Alternative characters
Well since I'm a hunter, I don't have to switch to any other spec atm since MM does the most dps on pretty much all the bosses in HFC. I am comfortable, however, in playing any other hunter spec if I am required to. As for alts, I do have a priest that I love (as I mentioned I mained disc priest in MoP) but I will save myself the embarrasement and not link her armory here because she is WAY too undergeared for HFC. I will however bring her up to par, but not right now as I am really focusing on my hunter. I haven't touched her since last time I played, which was back when Highmaul was the highest content.
I have an okay headset, nothing special like a Hyper-x headset, but it does the job done. Sound quality is great, no background noise, no static sounds, and yes I am comfortable talking. I'm usually the guy who's always in TS or Mumble, just chilling, even if there is no raid going on. I prefer in-game discussions, as I'm not really a forum guy, but if important things were posted that needed to be checked, I definitely will check them.
Combat Logs
I do not have any logs, simply because of the fact that I didn't think I would want to get serious into raiding. I have no experience with logging my data/fights. I will however look into it and send a log as soon as possible!
Your UI
http://imgur.com/fCOEmse Just shows my target, target of target, focus target and recount. DBM would be under the minimp with important timers in the middle.
Guild History
I have not been in any serious guilds. I raided with a guild back in Highmaul called Steamrollers Inc. We got 6/7nm and 3/7HC but then one day 2 of the officers left for a better guild, and then the whole guild just evaporated.
Raid availability
I can make all of the raid times with no problem at all.
I read about you guys from the Defias Brotherhood forums. No, all the players that I knew who raided with me back in highmaul have quit.
About you
Well I'm a very easy-going and down to earth person. I tend to make friends from people who are in my dungeon group. I don't want to write a long essay about myself, so I'll just keep it short. I've been told I'm a fun person to be around, and I don't like to take that for granted. I have my limits just like everyone else, but most importantly I like to enjoy life the way its supposed to be enjoyed.